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1 morocco

2 Association Guir Basin development and environmental protection
Présentation Association Guir Basin development and environmental protection Creation date: 09/02/1999 Number of board members: seven members Country: Morocco Region: Oriental Province: Figuig City: Ain-Chouater Address: P B No. 02 Ain-Chouater center 61050 Tel / fax: Mobile: Blog:

3 OBJECTIVES Contribute to the efforts in the fight against the degradation of natural resources in the municipality of Ain-Chouater; Promote collective participation of citizens in the identification, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects; Contribute to strengthening the capacity of civil society actors in the province of Figuig; Carrying out actions of solidarity and support to the needy citizens for integration and improvement of their living conditions; Promote the involvement of youth and women in community and public life; Promote volunteerism among young people.

4 Partners International: Embassies of: Finland - Canada - Country bas
Germany -France - Japan - Switzerland - Global Environment Facility (GEF) - Léo Lagrange Federation solidarity - Concerted Program Morocco (CPM) - Euro-Med Youth Program III - ARTGOLD program - FAO - Foundation de France International NGOs: More than 40 associations worldwide National: Development Agency of Eastern (DAE) - Social Development Agency. Ministries of: Agriculture - Social Development – Environment Delegation of Youth for Human Rights - the National Human Development Initiative Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights, Rural community of Ain-Chouater - local and provincial authorities - Provincial Delegations (province of Figuig) - One hundred Moroccan associations.

5 Some achievements of Basin Guir

6 Environment and Agriculture
Construction and coverage of irrigation canals over 4500 ML; Sand dune fixation work on more than 20 Ha; Installing improved bread ovens; Acquisition of agricultural equipment to promote local products; Setting up a community fund for the fight against desertification; Construction of a protective wall; Rehabilitation and improvement of arable land.


8 Training and capacity building:
Organization of nine training programs for developing participants in the province of Figuig; Creation and support of seven youth councils in the province of Figuig; Development and implementation of a PCT in the province of Figuig; Planned meetings for the participants to exchange and share the experiences in the development of the province of Figuig; Active participation in fifty national and international seminars.


10   Youth volunteering and intercultural exchange: 1- Establishment of a resource center of volunteering

11 2-Receiving and sending young volunteers in Morocco and France as part of the "Collective Moroccan Volunteering "

12 3- Organization of international solidarity projects

13 4- Organization of a meeting of youth exchange in the framework of the Euromed Youth Program 3 with the participation of 15 young Moroccans and 31 young foreigners. (France, Spain, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria)

14 5- organisation d’une rencontre d’échange et d’information de 03 jours au profit de 30 jeunes issus de 10 associations des trois communes de la province de Figuig . Dans le cadre du projet jeunes éco- citoyens

15 Education and teaching
Planning and equipping à daycare; Organizing extracurricular activities and rehabilitation of school; Equipment a multipurpose room within Ouad-Eddahab school; Distribution of school supplies.

16 Field of the socio economic integration
Réalisation Achieving more than 30 income-generating projects for vulnerable layers.



19 Organization of two editions of the Nomadic Culture Festival in 2010/2011

20 Thank you

21 Our visitors

22 The Ambassador of Finland


24 The First Secretary of the German Embassy

25 The First Secretary of the Embassy of Switzerland

26 The Coordinator of the Embassy of Finland

27 The Representative of the Embassy of Japan

28 The Charge of the project from the Canadian Embassy

29 The Canadian Ambassador




33 always stay at your disposal

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