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9.1 Morality: A Response to God’s Love

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1 9.1 Morality: A Response to God’s Love
4th Commandment Honor your Father & Mother The Family and Beyond ©Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division

2 Chapter Overview The Catholic family is a domestic Church with the Holy Trinity as its model. The fourth commandment calls for harmony within families and society by honoring parents, elders, and leaders. For the past fifty years, the Information Age has influenced family life and values. Computers, video games, and the many forms of information technology impact our moral lives.

3 The Family and Beyond The Commandment to honor our parents also calls us to respect coaches, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, and those in authority. It has implications for public life and citizenship.

4 The Holy Trinity as the Model for Family

5 Perichoresis Literally means “dancing around” in Greek
Used to describe the dynamic between the members of the Holy Trinity Their love pours forth through grace. Like the Trinity, families are called to generate love and which pours forth to the common good.

6 Take home portion of Q3 Test: Example
God, I pray for Mom and Dad, God, that you will help them to be good parents, strong in ways you want them to be, so I can look up to them with admiration and feel confident that their instruction is right. Help me, dear God, to understand my parents. Remind me that when I don’t get my way it is because they love me, and not because they want to deprive me of a good time. Help me, God, when I become stubborn and refuse to listen. Help me accept the fact that they have wisdom and experience because they were once teenagers, but I have never been a parent. Put in my heart the respect and consideration they deserve for their years of hard work and sacrifice. They are raising me the best they can. Let me not repay them with grief or shame. Rather, help me to give them obedience, respect, forgiveness and love. Amen.

7 V Vocabulary Domestic Church (p. 162): The family as a holy community and a microcosm of the universal Church. Youth culture (p. 177): The belief that young people have values, interests, and activities distinct from those of other age groups.

8 How is the 4th Commandment distinct from the first three Commandments?
The fourth commandment opens the second tablet of the Decalogue It is the first commandment that deals with our relationship with others; those closest to us. Its placement after the first tablet, shows that love of God is the basis for our love of neighbor.

9 Because it directly follows the first three commandments, the Fourth Commandment has a unique significance. What does this placement imply about the significance of love within a family? The love of family flows from the love of God Honor and love for parents is the model for how we are to treat God. This commandment teaches us to regard God as the supreme authority in our lives. This obedience and respect extends to all those who have been given authority for the greater good.

10 We honor our parents through
Respect Gratitude Obedience Assistance

11 RESPECT We should listen to our mother and father with an open and patient attitude. We should do our best to try to understand their point of view

12 GRATITUDE We should thank our parents for the gift of life.
We should show our parents that we appreciate all they do for us.

13 OBEDIENCE We should trust our parents judgement, even when we don’t see their viewpoint. Exception to obedience: when a parent asks us to do something that is morally wrong.

14 ASSISTANCE We should help with chores and other family tasks.
Grown children must take care of parents in old age.

15 Parents responsibilities toward their children
Educate in the ways of faith, prayer, and virtue Appreciate their children as sons and daughters of God and respect them as human persons Respect and encourage their children’s vocations Provide good example Create a home of tenderness, affection, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and service.

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