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International Respect Day 2017

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1 International Respect Day 2017
St. John’s Church of England Primary School Newsletter - Learning and Caring Together - Issue 3 Friday 22nd September 2017 International Respect Day 2017 On Monday we celebrated International Respect Day with a day filled with ‘respectful activities’. We started with a special assembly led by Southport Youth Workers Trust who helped set the tone for the day with their message of treating everyone else in this world as we would like to be treated ourselves, no matter where we come from or what we do. Every class from Years 1 to 6 were then able to participate in special ‘Respect’ activities led by Hettie and which feature as part of ‘Sweaty Church’. The day was a roaring success and we owe a huge thank you to David and his team at the Youth Workers Trust for helping us celebrate International Respect day in such style! Uniform A polite reminder to ensure uniform is correct for school. All items should be named to ensure we are trying to re-unite as few items of clothing as possible at the end of playtime and lunch. Long hair should be tied / pulled back away from the face with sensible hair adornments. We do ask that hair is not coloured, no patterns cut in, avoid excessive gel and large bows / decorations. Small stud earrings are allowed but the children must be able to remove these themselves for PE or ensure tape / plasters are provided from home so they can be covered. When children are outside for PE, they are allowed (and we would recommend in winter) to bring in trainers and a tracksuit / sensible warm clothing. For indoor lessons, children must have the correct attire of white t shirt and black shorts along with pumps. If children do not possess pumps, they will be asked to work barefoot in the hall. Please see your child’s teacher if unsure. E-safety It is really important to chat with your children on an ongoing basis about staying safe online. Visit for some conversation starters. Play and Learn Our hugely successful Play and Learn sessions are returning on Wednesday 11th October for 5 weeks! This time, the sessions will run from 9 – 10:20 am and will take place in the school hall. Sessions are open to pre-school children aged 2-4 and are an ideal opportunity for your child (and you) to mix with other families and take part in some fun activities led by Mrs Thomas and Mrs Wignall. Flyers will be sent out soon but start passing the word please…..

2 St. John’s Superstars! Achievement Award Year Group
Behaviour Star Award Reception Pheobe Cairns Year 1 Ewan Locker Ella Walton Year 2 Dzonatans Jandavs Marley Hall Year 3 Declan Horton Leah Campbell Year 4 Rosie Hunter Ben Allister Year 5 Izzy Gibson Liam Hardie Year 6 Niall Glover IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 13th September – Roald Dahl Day in School 13th September – Meet the Teacher Sessions at 6 pm and repeated at 6:30 pm 18th September – RESPECT Day 27th September – Year 6 visiting Stanley for a curriculum taster day - NOW POSTPONED. NEW DATE TO FOLLOW 29th September – Harvest Service in Church at 9:30 am. Families are welcome to join us. 18th October – Competition Day with PDS 20th October – Celebration Assembly 20th October – End of term at 3:05 / 3:10 pm 23rd – 27th October – Half term 30th October – Return to school 10th November – Year 6 leading the Remembrance Service at 10:40 am 13th and 14th November – Parent Teacher Meetings 16th and 23rd November – Year 5 Bikeability Days 20th December – PFA Christmas Discos 21st December – End of term Christmas Service in Church starting at 9:30 am 21st December – School closes at 1:45 pm. ATTENDANCE Good attendance is vital when ensuring your child is able to fulfil their potential at school. Our school attendance target is 96% and we celebrate the best class each week by giving them some extra playtime! Since Easter, the attendance for each class is: Reception –98.8% Year 1 – 96.1% Year 2 – 93.1% Year 3 – 98.4% Year 4 – 98.8% Year 5 – 92.8% Year 6 – 95.2% Useful contact details School Office – FAST club – Website – Prayer for the week (From Year 2) Dear God, Please help us to show respect and to look after other people. Thank you for the people who show us respect to make our world shine. Amen

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