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Unit 3 - Marriage and the Family

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1 Unit 3 - Marriage and the Family
Changing attitudes to marriage, divorce, family life and homosexuality in the UK and the reasons for them. Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage and the reasons for them. Attitudes to sex outside marriage in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them. Different Christian attitudes to divorce and the reasons for them. Different attitudes to divorce in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them. Christian teachings on family life and its importance. The teachings of one religion other than Christianity on family life and its importance. Christian attitudes to homosexuality and the reasons for them. Attitudes to homosexuality in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them. Different Christian attitudes to contraception and the reasons for them. Different attitudes to contraception in one religion other than Christianity and the reasons for them.

2 Christianity and Islam Why have attitudes changed?
Contraception Sex and relationships Family Life 1.3 Marriage and family Christianity and Islam Why have attitudes changed? Homosexuality Divorce

3 Sex outside marriage = pre-marital sex AND adultery
SEX and contraception Sex outside marriage = pre-marital sex AND adultery

4 Changing attitudes to sex
No sex till married Married by 25 Married in church Cohabitation not good Married in 30’s Multiple sexual partners Less in church Cohabitation OK

5 Christian attitudes to Sex
Pre-marital sex Wrong because: Sex was given to humans by God for procreation of children which should be in marriage. BIBLE says its sinful. BUT some accept cohabitation as long as a step towards marriage because Church has to accept modern life and Jesus said love is most important thing

6 Christian attitudes to SEX
Adultery WRONG: Breaks wedding vows said before God “forsaking all others” Breaks Ten Commandments “Do not commit adultery” Forbidden by Jesus in Sermon of the Mount

7 Christian attitudes to contraception
WRONG: Sex is for having children. Every sperm is sacred. It is a sin to waste sperm. Some contraception is like an early abortion, which is murder. Such as the morning after pill. RIGHT Allows couples to plan when they have children. Sex is also for pleasure. Prevents the spread of STD’s Couples have only the number of children they can care for and afford.

8 Islam and Sex Pre-Marital Wrong because: Forbidden in Qur’an
Shari’ah says sex is for the procreation of children so should take place in marriage Qur’an says girls and boys should be socially separated after puberty to prevent temptation.

9 Islam and Sex Adultery Serious sin Condemned by Allah in Qur’an
Breaks the marriage contract Likely to harm the family

10 Muslim attitudes to contraception
WRONG: Only natural contraception is allowed. Permanent methods are forbidden as family is the most important thing. It is a sin to waste sperm. Some contraception is like an early abortion, which is murder. Such as the morning after pill. RIGHT Protect the life and health of the mother. Muhammad (pbuh) used the withdrawal method. Acceptable for married couples if both partners consent. Couples have only the number of children they can afford.


12 Islam and Divorce SOME – marriage for life; no divorce Hadith says divorce is the most hated of things allowed by Allah MOST – divorce allowed; marriage is a contract; allow remarriage - Qur’an permits divorce; has rules to follow such as man must announce his intention to divorce 3 times with a month in between = iddah – try to make marriage work, live together but sleep separately - marriage is a contract and contracts can be broken - better to divorce than live in hatred and argue all the time

13 Christianity and Divorce
Some Christians - CATHOLIC NO DIVORCE AND NO REMARRIAGE Marriage can only be ended by death Jesus taught divorce is wrong Couple made promise to God in sacrament of marriage – cannot be broken

14 Christianity and Divorce
Some Christians – PROTESTANT DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE ALLOWED Lesser of two evils Jesus allowed divorce for adultery Christianity is about forgiveness – should have second chance Better to divorce than live in hatred and quarrel all the time


16 Family life has changed…
More single parent families because attitudes to sex have changed More parents are not married because attitudes to cohabitation have changed More step families because attitudes to divorce have changed Homosexual couples are having children.

17 Christianity/Islam and the family
Teachings on family life: Parents should love children, provide them with food, shelter, etc. raise their children in the religion Children should respect their parents, look after them when they are old. Family is the foundation of society. Religious activities take place in the family Why family is important: Created by God to keep society together Children taught right and wrong so less evil in the world To continue the faith ISLAM also to follow eg of Muhammad

18 How Church/mosque help family life
Family services Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, youth clubs Church schools Sunday schools Counselling from priests\ministers MOSQUE Madrasahs Social activities for young people Family committees – distribute charity to help families Muslim schools

19 Homosexuality Christian views WRONG Marriage is for a man and a woman.
The Bible teaches that homosexuality is punished in hell. You cannot have children naturally. Homosexuality is seen to undermine the family unit. Some Christians accept it because: Love and commitment are the most important thing in a relationship. God made all people equal and as he intended to be. Jesus taught people to love thy neighbour. Some Christians will bless a civil partnership

20 Homosexuality Muslim views WRONG Forbidden in the Qur’an.
Punishable by death. You cannot have children naturally. A threat to the family and harms the health of the individual. Very few Muslims believe: Homosexuality is not a choice and will offer support.

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