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Pan-European cooperation on data treatment software in SINE2020

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1 Pan-European cooperation on data treatment software in SINE2020
Thomas Holm Rod, European Spallation Source ERIC & WP 10 Leader in SINE2020

2 Workshop II, ILL, Spring 2017

3 SINE2020 in brief Funded by EU through Horizon 2020 programme 12 M€
ILL is project leader (Martin Boehm / Miriam Forster) 18 partner institutions 10 work packages WP 10 dedicated to data treatment software

4 Objectives Straightforward generation of scientific results for non-expert and industry users … Data treatment software ready for users at ESS in 2020

5 Strategy Converge towards supporting the same data treatment software at all facilities Make it possible for users to leave a facility with analysed data and publishable results Facilitate automated data treatment workflows Make the software extensible and open for 3rd party contributions Support atomistic simulations in order to nurture high impact science.

6 Overview Domain SW Framework Facility Data reduction Mantid
ILL, PSI, FZJ/MLZ SANS SasView ESS Reflectometry BornAgain FZJ/MLZ Imaging MuhRec/KipTool PSI, LLB, ESS (HZB, DTU, TUM, TUD) QENS Mantid? ILL, ISIS, ESS Atomic sim. (incl. muons) Mantid (+ASE?) UNIPR, ISIS, ILL, ESS Standard & Guidelines ISIS Keyword: Interoperability Advisor: Andy Götz, ESRF

7 Deliverables #Mo Deliverable Workshop 18 Guidelines & Standards (D1)
ILL, Spring ‘18 30 Mantid and use case for continuous sources deployed (D2) Software for SANS, reflectometry, and imaging ready for user test (D3-5) III @ MLZ Spring ‘19 42 Improved SW for SANS, reflectometry, and imaging ready for user test (D8) QENS and Atomistic simulation software ready for user test (D6,7) ESS Spring ’19

8 Workshop II, ILL, Spring 2017

9 QENS fitting? Originally few resources in WP10 for QENS:
ILL should spend 12 PM on creating a model library -> useable from fitting programs Demonstration at last workshop (Spring 2019, ESS) Should align with existing efforts (at ISIS) Need decision on how to proceed. Should we go with Mantid? Who does what? What needs to be done? This workshop!

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