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Acoustics´08 Paris, 29 June – July 2008

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1 Acoustics´08 Paris, 29 June – July 2008
Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels Victoria Marrero Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Elena Battaner Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Juana Gil Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Joaquim Llisterri, María Machuca, Montserrat Marquina, Carme de la Mota, Antonio Ríos Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Acoustic and Perceptual Study of Inter and Intra-speaker Variation in Spanish (VILE-II Project)

2 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
VILE Projects (Inter-and-Intra-Speaker-Variation-in-Spanish) 1st. stage: BFF VILE I: Estudio acústico de la variación inter e intralocutor en español ( ) Acoustic Study of Inter and Intra-Speaker Variation in Spanish 2nd. stage: HUM /FILO VILE II: Estudio perceptivo de la variación inter e intralocutor en español ( ) Perceptual Study of Inter and Intra-Speaker Variation in Spanish

3 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Which acoustic parameters of the vowels are More dependent on individual characteristics of the speaker Less dependent on linguistic variables Variations of the standard deviation (SD) Different groupings of the variables

4 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

5 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

6 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Acoustic parameters of the vowels F1, F2, F3, F4 F0 Individual or linguistic? Literature High formants (F3 - F4)  Individual information Low formants (F1 – F2)  Vowel quality F0  Vowel quality (intrinsic F0)  Suprasegmental variations (intonation, tone, stress)  Speaker identification

7 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
The sample Inter-session comparison: same text -- 3 sessions The grouping By session (1st, 2nd, 3rd.) By speaker (from 1 to 30) By phoneme (/i, e, a , o/, /`i, `e, `a, `o/). The analysis Variations on Standard Deviation (SD)  statistical dispersion  grouping Inferences Small SD = little variation Phoneme clustering – small SD  Dependency on vowel quality Speaker clustering - small SD  Dependency on individual parameters

8 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

9 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
When grouping data by speaker or session, individual parameters will show less SD than vowel quality parameters When grouping data by phoneme, individual parameters will show more SD than vowel quality parameters F0 will show some characteristics of both individual parameters and vowel quality parameters

10 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

11 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Sample AHUMADA database 30 male speakers Reading a phonetically balanced text 3 different recording sessions Automatic extraction (Praat) + manual supervision F0, F1, F2, F3 and F4 /i, e, a, o/ Context: [p, t, k, s] _ [p, t, k, s] Lexically stressed / unstressed

12 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Sample By phoneme /i/ /e/ /a/ /o/ Total Syllable Stressed Unstr. Unstr Contexts number 1 6 3 5 21 Segments 90 89 84 536 270 83 450 265 1867 By acoustic parameter F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 Total Items 1848 1849 1847 9240

13 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Grouping By sound = Baseline groups = 30 speakers * 3 sessions * 21 contexts Minimal variation (same speaker, same sound, same context and same stress) By session = One voice in one moment 90 groups = 3 sessions * 30 speakers No vowel / syllable / context differences By speaker = One voice in whatever moment 30 groups = 30 speakers. No vowel / syllable / context / session differences By phoneme = Enhancement of linguistic factors (voice quality and stress) 8 groups = 4 vowels * 2 syllables (stressed / unstressed) No speaker / session differences All together (total) = Maximum variation 5 groups = F1, F2, F3, F4, F0

14 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

15 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Standard Deviation (Hz) F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 a. By sound 7.22 26.00 97.75 151.71 157.88 b.By phoneme 12.44 82.13 411.79 228.44 225.18 c. By session 13.46 86.07 407.45 239.96 235.61 d. By speaker 19.58 39.37 183.39 263.62 320.15 e. Total 21.06 84.03 410.14 288.19 332.73 lower higher

16 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Statistical relevance of differences between clusters Sound - Phoneme Sound - Session Sound - Speaker Phoneme - Session Phoneme - Speaker Session - Speaker F0 0.0000 0.0008 0.3775 F1 0.0431 0.8116 F2 0.0262 0.7102 F3 0.0333 0.0014 0.3484 0.5013 0.5948 F4 0.0015 0.0036 0.0078 0.5721 No difference Session / Speaker No difference Stressed / Unstressed vowels for F1, F2, F3 Low sensibility of F3

17 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Proportion of differences in SD F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 a. By sound 1.00 b. By phoneme 2.71 1.51 1.88 1.74 2.03 c. By session 1.71 3.15 4.43 1.50 1.42 d. By speaker 1.86 3.31 4.38 1.58 1.49 e. Total 3.00 3.23 4.41 1.89 2.11 Proportion of differences  By sound (= baseline) / other clusters in the same column (parameter)

18 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
F2 - F1 – F0 are more variable than F3 – F4 F1 – F2  dramatic reduction => by phoneme F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 a. By sound 1.00 b. By phoneme 2.71 1.51 1.88 1.74 2.03 c. By session 1.71 3.15 4.43 1.50 1.42 d. By speaker 1.86 3.31 4.38 1.58 1.49 e. Total 3.00 3.23 4.41 1.89 2.11 F3: same tendency but less pronunced 10% lower by session / speaker than by phoneme. F0  highest SD by phoneme  30% lower by session/speaker F4: same tendency than F0: high variation by phoneme 27% lower by session/speaker

19 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
a. By sound 1.00 b. By phoneme 2.71 1.51 1.88 1.74 2.03 c. By session 1.71 3.15 4.43 1.50 1.42 d. By speaker 1.86 3.31 4.38 1.58 1.49 e. Total 3.00 3.23 4.41 1.89 2.11 Conclusion: Variations in SD in F0, F4 and F3 can be explained by the factor ‘speaker/session’ F1 and F2 variations can be explained better by the factor ‘phoneme’

20 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

21 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
a) The most frequently-used parameters in forensic speaker identification / verification: F0 (Jiang 1996) Mean Standard Deviation Long-term mean / SD (Rose 1991) Likelihood ratio Base-value factor (Traunmüller & Eriksson 1995) Alternative baseline (Lindh 2007, 2006) Formants or formant trajectories (Hollien 1990, Kuwabara & Tagaki 1991, Kreiman & Papcun 1991) b) SD in speaker verification Score normalization techniques - text-independent speaker verification systems (Mariéthoz & Bengio 2005, Saeta & Hernando 2003)

22 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
This study: SD of F0 – Formant Mean grouped By speaker = individual variable By phoneme = linguistic variable Acoustic parameters which characterize a voice F2 & F1 Higher SD » cluster by phoneme  variation decreases drastically F3 & F4 Lower SD » cluster by speaker  lowest variation

23 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Fundamental frequency (F0) The most sensitive parameter to the individual grouping F3, a special case Unexpected dependency on vowel quality Relation to the size of the area behind the lower teeth (Sundberg 1973, 1974) Highest values  /i/ Lowest values  /a/

24 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Introduction Hypotheses Method Results Discussion Conclusions

25 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Do our hypothesis have been confirmed? Mean SD by speaker/session: F4 < F3 < F0 < F1 < F2 High formants -F4- are more dependent on the speaker's voice than on vowel quality F2 and F1 are close related to vowel quality differences When grouping data by speaker or session, individual parameters will show less SD than vowel quality parameters

26 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Do our hypothesis have been confirmed? Mean SD by phoneme: F1 < F3 < F2 < F4 < F0 When grouping data by phoneme, individual parameters will show more SD than vowel quality parameters F1  strongest relationship with vowel quality F3  high dependency on vowel quality, even more than F2

27 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Do our hypothesis have been confirmed? F0 will show some characteristics of both individual parameters and vowel quality parameters Like vowel quality parameters: high level of general SD (total) Like individual parameters: highest level of SD when grouping by phoneme, even when stressed /unstressed vowels are computed separately F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 e. Total 3.00 3.23 4.41 1.89 2.11

28 Identifying speaker-dependent acoustic parameters in Spanish vowels
Acknowledgments The authors would like to extend their appreciation to Carme Carbó, Natalia Madrigal and Montserrat Riera for their previous work on the research project VILE (Variación acústica inter e intralocutor en español). This research has been achieved with the financial support of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Project Nº HUM FILO. Thank you!

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