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Lord of the Flies Journal Prompts

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1 Lord of the Flies Journal Prompts

2 April 9 For your first entry write about becoming stranded. Things to include: How did you get to the island? What does the island look like? Describe the geography.

3 April 11 Explain why it is important for a society to develop and maintain rules or laws. Why is it essential? (or is it?) Why is it necessary to have authority figures to enforce the rules? Why do people break rules?

4 April 15 A symbol is a word or object that stands for another word or object (Tarlton). The conch is an important symbol in Lord of the Flies. Based on your reading of chapter one, explain what the conch represents. Use textual evidence to support your answer. “Tarlton, Misty" Glossary of Literary Terms. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr

5 April 19 Assume that you are one of the boys on the island. Write a diary entry about your experiences so far. Consider the events that have already occurred in the novel and make predictions about what may happen in the future. Consider what your character (since you are one of the boys on the island) may think about the other boys, and their fears, reactions to the events so far, their separation from civilization, etc. Your diary entry should be at least a page in length.

6 April 29 Summarize the events that occurred in chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies. You may refer to the book if necessary.

7 May 3 Describe how Ralph has changed from the first chapter up through our current reading. Use textual evidence to support your answer.

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