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WELFARE G. Tungate Senior Tutor

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Presentation on theme: "WELFARE G. Tungate Senior Tutor"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELFARE G. Tungate Senior Tutor
University is an exciting and challenging experience. Most students enjoy their time at the University, despite the hard work. Most students get a degree despite the parties and other distractions. Occasionally you will have some personal problems which might disrupt your studies. It is important not to ignore these problems and there are many sources of help on Campus.

2 You can discuss any problems with me and I will direct you to the most suitable source of help.
Discussions are confidential unless this is in conflict with our duty of care. To contact me either pop in to my office R8 in the Poynting building or drop me an to arrange a meeting. My deputy is Dr I Stevens Or Professor Cristina Lazzeroni The Guild of students also has an advice centre which gives advice on a wide range of issues, including disputes with the University.

3 Mitigations- If illness, bereavement or some other issue adversely affects your work, including your exams, we may be able to take this into account if you can provide 3rd party evidence. In the case of illness the obvious evidence would be a doctor’s note. For other problems consult me. Have you registered with a local Doctor? Google NHS NHS Choices Services near you GPs Post Code B15 2TT Please inform me if you are absent for any reason. We monitor attendance because we care about your welfare. If you don’t let me know of your absence we will ask you to explain why you were away.

4 University term dates are
These together with the exam periods are given on the University web pages. Autumn Term 26 September 2016 – 9 December 2016 Spring Term 9 January 2017 – 24 March 2017 Summer Term 24 April 2017 – 16 June 2017 You must be available for classes and meetings throughout term time and both exam periods. Please inform your parents of the term dates and the exam periods.

5 Remember we have a common purpose-
to get you as good a degree as possible. Teaching is one aspect of this but your well being is also important and that is where welfare support is crucial. I am here to help but there are other sources of help- your tutor, the TSO, head of year, any member of staff. Have you read the student hand book? Work as a team and if you see someone in difficulty encourage them to seek help.

6 Dates for diary First year walk over the Malvern Hills Local walk Weekend at the Priestley Centre Coniston Feb 2017 Cost ~60 + you pay for lunches and Dinner on Saturday.

7 Any Questions?

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