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Bodies & ICT By Russell Weissman Jennifer Dowe.

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Presentation on theme: "Bodies & ICT By Russell Weissman Jennifer Dowe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bodies & ICT By Russell Weissman Jennifer Dowe

2 Bodies & ICT “Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology
Approach the Body & Penetrate It Acceptance Traditional Associations Changing Beliefs & Norms “Fashion” The Future

3 Bodies & ICT “Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology What are the relationships between “natural” bodies and “artificial” technology? Similarities Differences Oppositions Complements

4 Bodies & ICT Similarities: How is the Human Body a Machine?
“Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology Similarities: How is the Human Body a Machine? Both are physical systems, and both are interconnecting independent systems made up of hardware and software. - Brain < > Processor/Hard Drive (memory) - Body < > Machine/Hardware - Heart < > Battery - Organs < > Essential Components Both perform tasks in response to input. - Sensory (body) - Variable (computer)

5 Bodies & ICT Differences: The computer has a long way to go!
“Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology Differences: The computer has a long way to go! The body self repairs and is more complex. - The body has emotion. - The body has the ability to conceptualize. - The body has the ability to supply its own power. - The body is capable of problem solving without all necessary pieces. - The body can adapt itself to changing situations. - The body has superior methods of obtaining input.

6 Bodies & ICT Opposed: - Nintendo-thumb
“Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology Opposed: Technology is not always good for the body. - Nintendo-thumb - Joystick wrist Technology detracts from intimate contact. - Availability of porn and sex toys means less human interaction - Machines provide ways to escape “real life.” - Negative on Reproduction: less sex equals less…well, you get it. Communication Technology = less need for face-to-face contact

7 Bodies & ICT Complementary:
“Natural” Bodies & “Artificial” Technology Complementary: The Body and the Machine can work together. - The machine helps with communication and processing of information. - Creative Purpose - If machines are designed for the body, it helps them get along. - Maintaining relationships - Scheduling

8 Bodies & ICT Approach the Body & Penetrate It Factors that make it possible for ICTs to first approach the body and then penetrate it: Uncertain boundaries of the body itself - Mechanical Extension of the Body People’s tendencies to imagine archetypal figures of the body as a machine or, vice-versa, of machines as the human body.


10 Bodies & ICT Current uses - Machines we accept on/in our Bodies
Acceptance Bodies & ICT Current uses - Machines we accept on/in our Bodies Ways the body attracts and envelops artificial machines: - Diagnostic > Probes - Therapeutic > Pacemakers, radiation, hormonal therapies - Reproductive > In Vitro Fertilization Identity > Plastic Surgery, Genetic Engineering, Sex Change, Virtual, Tattoos and Piercings Communicative > Cellular, Laptop, Pager, , IM, Text Message - Entertainment > Gaming - Sex Toys - Intermediary > Technology of these services is the intermediary to physical, social, professional relationships

11 Bodies & ICT

12 Bodies & ICT Traditional Associations What are the traditional associations concerning bodies and technology? The traditional body is: Private Personal – to Individual Private Internal – Function, Reproduction Public External – Presence, Identity, Labor Traditional technology is: External – Separate from the body Public Labor - Separate from the body - Industrialization - Computing Private & Public Communication - From the telegraph to wireless technologies

13 Bodies & ICT Changing beliefs and norms are changing:
Changing Beliefs & Norms Changing beliefs and norms are changing: Labor is shifting from physical to intellectual. > the more technologies we have = the more we want = the more we develop = the more we buy = the more we use =specifically in the workplace We are outsourcing manual labor to countries with fewer ITCs. There is more responsibility for the individual to use ICTs - Job Requirements (middle management cut out) - Knowledge of technology used to carry out tasks Intimacy - More virtual contact = less physical contact. - The Internet is making traditionally private things more public: - Talking about private things in a “public domain” is leading to fewer and fewer truly “private” subjects. - The Internet is blurring the lines between public and private - Acceptance of the artificial as normal in the personal life is growing

14 Bodies & ICT

15 Bodies & ICT “Fashion” Computing and communication devices are currently being designed and marketed as “fashion.” Wearable Computing means: - Highly personal devices - Always powered on - Always accessible - Serves user through all aspects of daily life Can be picked up off of the table or put into our pocket PDA, Mobile Phones, Computational Watches

16 Bodies & ICT The Future What is the future evolution of the relationship between ICTs and the body (where are we going)? ICTs will be: - Cheaper - More Accessible (ie: vibrators available on Amazon) - More Acceptable (Women sharing experiences with toys) - Improvements in materials, motors, and marketing will continue. - There will be more decoration and personalization of technology. - Technology will continue to grow as a status symbol. - Technology that penetrates the private body even more will be developed. > nanotechnology (ie: nanorobots) - It is a matter of when, not whether. > The technology is there, It’s just waiting to be developed.

17 Bodies & ICT The Future

18 Bodies & ICT

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