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Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes

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1 Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes
Design Question 3 – Element 19

2 Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes
When the content involves a skill, strategy, or process, how will you engage students in practice activities that help them develop fluency and alternative ways of executing procedures?

3 Before we begin… Before we begin talking about element 19, let’s be sure that there is an understanding about how the elements in Design Question 3 relate to Design Question 2. This is important as you plan your lessons. Watch the video on the next slide. Identify the difference between the purpose of Design Question 2 and Design Question 3.

4 Something to keep in mind…
The purpose of Design Question 2 is to introduce new material to students while the purpose of Design Question 3 is to give the students an opportunity to practice using material that was previously taught so that they deepen their understanding. Therefore, teachers have to perform Design Question 2 before Design Question 3.

5 How do the elements in DQ3 relate to each other?
Introduction to Design Question 3

6 How are the elements related to each other?
You should have noticed: Intentional planning is required for all elements in DQ3 Elements (in red in the diagram to the right) the teacher directs the student learning. In elements (in black) the teacher guides the students so that they may work through the information independently. (Gradual Release) Now let’s talk about element nineteen, specifically.

7 Review Teacher and Student Evidence NOTE: This list of evidence is not all inclusive but is instead a list of possible examples.

8 Review Scale for Element 19

9 Desired Effect for Student Learning
Strategies will only produce desired effect when implemented accurately and in the right context. The desired effect for element 19 is “Students develop automaticity with skills, strategies, or processes by engaging in appropriate practice activities.” To receive an Innovating rating, the teacher must adapt and create new strategies for unique student needs and situations in order for the desired effect to be evident in ALL students.

10 Before watching the videos, think about…
How do you allow students to practice skills in the classroom both in whole group settings and independently? How do your activities ensure students develop fluency/accuracy regarding the skill, strategy or process?

11 Examples of Element 19: Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes
Note: You must be logged in to iObservation to watch the video examples. Once you have logged in click on the Resource Library tab and type the following titles into the search bar. Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes (Dance) Practicing Skills, Strategies and Processes (Fourth Grade) Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes (Mathematics)

12 Now that you have watched the videos, reflect…
In addition to engaging students in practice activities, and to achieve an Applying rating, how can you monitor the extent to which the practice increases students fluency and deepens the understanding for the majority of students? Need monitoring ideas? Click here To achieve an Innovating rating, how will you adapt and create new practice strategies for increasing fluency and understanding for ALL unique students and situations? Need adaptation ideas? Click here

13 Remember… Practice sessions should be spaced closely together.
Plan for practice sessions that are gradually less structured and more varied. Plan for practice sessions that help students develop fluency. Use cooperative learning strategies to help students practice (e.g. - have students complete an activity independently and then partner up with a peer to check their work and discuss what led to correct/incorrect answers.) Need to site – info came from Pasco link

14 It’s Your Evaluation, Make the Most of It!
Your evaluator will only rate you on what he/she sees which is OK because it is not necessary for you to have everything checked in the teacher and/or student evidence to receive a good rating. Also, remember you can invite your evaluator to your classroom to see you using this element. You have control of what your evaluator sees.

15 Is this Element in your PGP?
Sign into Click on the Growth tab Click on the Plans option. Open your current plan and fill out a new Reflection Log, answering the appropriate questions. Decide how you will change your teaching as a result of viewing this module. Execute your change, reflect on its impact, and complete another Reflection Log in iObservation.

16 How Are You Supported? Here are resources in case you have further questions: Your evaluator Another evaluator on your campus Your school’s Classroom Practice Mentors (CPM) For more examples and resources visit the All About Marzano website Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes – Pasco County Schools

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