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An ugly end to an ugly war 1968 to 1973

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1 An ugly end to an ugly war 1968 to 1973
Peace With Honor An ugly end to an ugly war 1968 to 1973

2 1968: Election of Nixon President Nixon promised “Peace with Honor” to end the war in Vietnam.

3 What he said v. what he did
He said: “Vietnamization” of the war He did: secret bombings of Laos and Cambodia

4 My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968: Charlie Co under the command of Lt. Wm. Calley “search out and destroy” over 300 unarmed Vietnamese citizens.

5 November, 1969 Media exposed the event to the American people.

6 Shock and awe Americans were shocked, soldiers were called “baby killers” LT. Calley convicted of war crimes

7 Invasion of Cambodia The US was bringing our boys home, but had increased the bombing of the North, Laos and Cambodia. Now we were invading Cambodia

8 Students react Protests across the country intensified.

9 May 1, 1970 500 students gather at Kent State to plan a rally for May 4.

10 Later that night students gather on the strip, beer bottles thrown at police, store fronts destroyed. 14 arrested 43 windows smashed.

11 May 2,1970 Curfew imposed on campus Mayor alerted the National Guard
8pm a protest erupts, about 2000 kids wandering around campus looking for trouble.

12 ROTC building burned The students started the ROTC barracks on fire, prevented firemen from putting the fire out. Tear gas was used to control the students.

13 Note: May 1970, 30 ROTC buildings burned on campuses across the country. Madison bombing of Sterling Hall: Aug 24, 1970

14 May 4, 1970 11am: 200 students gathered for protest
Crowd increased to 1500

15 Trouble starts Students told to disperse Student throw rocks at Guard.
National Guard uses tear gas on kids.


17 Shots fired 116 guardsmen fired on the students
67 shots fired, 13 seconds 4 students killed 9 wounded

18 Allison Krause Age: 20 Protestor

19 Jeffrey Miller Age: 20 Transfer to Kent State

20 Sandra Scheuer Age 19 Student

21 William Schroeder Age: 20 ROTC Scholar

22 Shock and Awe Now the entire country is shocked by the events of May 4. Jeffrey Miller


24 Peace with Honor January, 1973: Nixon announces a peace agreement has been reached with the North, all American troops will be brought home.

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