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LU4 Promoting Learning & Continuous Development Opportunities

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1 LU4 Promoting Learning & Continuous Development Opportunities
L15 Principles in Designing Learning Opportunities


3 LECTURE CONTRACT By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:
to identify basic considerations in providing learning opportunities in an organization (5) to state and describe the key principles in designing learning opportunities (9) to write good learning objectives (OA,MC,CP) to identify guidelines to apply the key principles in designing to delivering learning opportunities (8) Identify some advantages and disadvantages of different learning designs

What is this activity required to achieve? What content must be present? How much time will it take and how should it be allocated? What methods would be suitable? How many trainees will be there and what do they know already? Who should be consulted during the design phase?

Ensure it should be learner rather than trainer focused. Identify appropriate learning and training strategy needs based on learning objectives. Avoid making assumptions about learners. Recognize entry behavior of learners. 5) Involve learners in the design of learning

Learning objectives 2) A well-structured knowledge base 3) The learning cycle 4) Learning styles and motivation 5) Trainer style and expertise 6) Learning environment (e.g. resources & equipment) 7) Time & financial resources available 8) Organizational constraints (e.g. HRD policy) 9) Age factors & cultural differences

7 9 KEY PRINCIPLES Principles Descriptions 1) Learning objectives
(what is to be learnt, how well it is to be performed and under what conditions it is to be performed Important elements: Terminal behavior (observable) Standard of performance (measurable) Conditions of performance ABCD (Audience, Behaviour, Condition, Degree) 3 domains: Knowledge Skill Attitude 2) Well-structured knowledge base Learner’s existing knowledge and experience to be brought to bear in learning. Subject matter must be well structured and integrated.

TRAINING GOAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING METHODS / ACTIVITIES DOCUMENTATION / EVIDENCE OF LEARNING EVALUATION Overall results or capabilities you hope to attain by implementing your training plan, e.g., 1. pass supervisor qualification test What you will be able to do as a result of the learning activities in this plan, e.g., 1. exhibit required skills in problem solving and decision making 2. exhibit required skills in delegation What you will do in order to achieve the learning objectives, e.g.,  1. complete a course in basic supervision 2. address a major problem that includes making major decisions 3. delegate to a certain employee for one month Evidence produced during your learning activities -- these are results that someone can see, hear, feel, read, smell, e.g., 1. course grade 2. your written evaluation of your problem solving and decision making approaches Assessment and judgment on quality of evidence in order to conclude whether you achieved the learning objectives or not

By the end of the one-day training programme, participants should be able to write a customer reply letter with no spelling mistakes by using a computer. Observable Action: Write a customer reply letter Measurable Criteria: with no spelling mistakes Conditions of Performance: using a computer

10 Example 2: Copy a table from a spreadsheet into a word document within 3 minutes and without reference to the manual. Observable Action: Measurable Criteria: Conditions of Performance: Technical skills

11 TASK Identify the three important elements in the learning objectives given.

12 By the end of the presentation, the HR staff, in groups of three, will be able to identify five activities to promote learning among their colleagues. By the end of the three-day programme, trainees will be able to use counselling techniques to solve problems. After training, the sales agents should be able to communicate well with potential customers to increase the daily sales.

13 KEY PRINCIPLES 3) The learning cycle 4 stages:
Descriptions 3) The learning cycle 4 stages: Stage 1 – Carry out activity Stage 2 – Reflect on experience Stage 3 – Draw conclusions from experience Stage 4 – Plan use of learning 4) Learning styles and motivation 2 options related to learning styles: Learning stage that reflects preference of learning group. Learning stage that does not reflect group’s preferences. Motivational factors (Harrison, 2000): Unpredictability Individual differences Dynamism



16 KEY PRINCIPLES Principles Descriptions 5) Learning environment
Appropriate environment affect learning and learning design: Time available Financial resources Organizational restraint Age factor Cultural difference 6) Time & financial resources available Time available: Total amount of time available for learning. Continuous or broken into periods? Financial resources: Clearly defined HRD budget will assist the designer.

17 KEY PRINCIPLES Principles Descriptions 7) Organizational constraint
Training and learning that is anticipated but not supported by structure and culture Difficult to transfer learning. Thus, learning designer need a clear understanding of strengths and weaknesses of organization. 8) Age factors & cultural differences Understand specific needs of young and old workers.

18 KEY PRINCIPLES Principles Descriptions 9) Trainer style and expertise
Availability of trainers with expertise in subject matter affect learning design, choice of activities or learning media. If insufficient expertise available in house? Designer may use open learning, guided reading, e-learning or external courses.

19 8 Guidelines for the design and delivery of training/learning events (Harrison, 2000):
1) Design appropriate structure and culture 2) Stimulate learners 3) Help understanding 4) Incorporate appropriate learning activities 5) Build on existing learning 6) Guide the learners 7) Ensure learning is retained 8) Ensure transfer of learning

20 1) Design appropriate structure and culture
GUIDELINE DESCRIPTIONS 1) Design appropriate structure and culture Structure – Framework of learning events (way it is shaped, type of interaction). Culture – Prevalent learning climate. 2) Stimulate learners Purpose and objective should relate to learner’s need. Choice of media and method should stimulate individuals. 3) Help understanding Constantly check learner’s understanding. Difficult point need should be reiterated. Pace varied to ensure concepts thoroughly grasped.

21 GUIDELINE DESCRIPTIONS 4) Incorporate appropriate learning activities Involve appropriate situation or use of skills and knowledge in real-life environment /role. 5) Build on existing learning Encourage trainees to bring their problems and activities to learning events. 6) Guide the learners Regular feedback and guidance.

22 GUIDELINE DESCRIPTIONS 7) Ensure learning is retained Practice (essential to reinforce learning) – Critical and difficult task should be given priority. Feedback – Task should have rewards incorporated into them. 8) Ensure transfer of learning Transfer to learning take place: Into learning event. From learning events to job. Successful transfer depend on: Degree to which event appropriate to learner’s needs. How far learning tasks mastered by them. Whether events achieved stimulation/relevancy of learning. Whether participants will be enabled and encouraged to use new learning in workplace.


24 Focus Descriptions Individual Advantages: Able to tailor learning activity to the specific needs of one person rather than group needs. Learning process should be more effective. Very precise, detailed, relevant to real needs, flexible and responsive. Disadvantages: Time-consuming Expensive

25 Focus Descriptions Group Advantages: Easier to construct reflecting and theorizing activities. More ideas can be generated Collaborative decision making Disadvantages: Difficult to reconcile differing needs and learning styles. Problem of unproductive group members

26 Focus Descriptions Organizations Advantages: Supports and encourages learning Promotes continuous improvement in work performance Disadvantages: A complex process. Must be placed within a framework of HRD, performance management and culture of continuous development.


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