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Entrepreneurship Group 7

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship Group 7"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship Group 7
Auslender Karin Choukir Amine Petit Aurélien Wurtz Vincent Ideas: ASR based language learning Communication merger Ecobuilding

2 Have a language coach at home!
ASR based language learning Have a language coach at home! An interactive software that adapts to… you! Ever tried to speak in a foreign language without being understood? Highly personnalized application: mother tongue, age, … Higher interaction thanks to corrective feedback of the spelling (automatic speech recognition, comparison of pitch,…) 3D- modelling to understand and apply the correct spelling Typical mistakes according to the mother tongue 3D modelling classical 2D

3 Convergence of the fix and mobile network
Communication merger Convergence of the fix and mobile network Problem: Nowadays we have MSN, Skype, ICQ, the mobile phonel, the private phone number, the office number, … How to be sure to reach a businessman, know when he/she is available? Solution: 1 number for all of them A mobile phone identifying where you are and instantanely switch to the device you will use. Additional info like: « in meeting, occupied » can also be set.

4 Dreaming of a house respecting the environment?
EcoBuildingCompany Dreaming of a house respecting the environment? Don’t know how to achieve it? EcoBuildingCompany: provides high quality ready-to-build solutions to private individuals sensitive to environmental questions. gathers all the specialists (architects, physicians, engineers, jurists…) you will need to make your project as successful as possible!

5 Evaluation of Projects
Ideas + - Market size Geography Target Market ASR based language learning Outperforms current products, merging different already marketed technologies Already exists Huge market Worldwide and expanding World Schools/Universities Private individuals, deaf people, dyslexic and other language disorder,…) Communication merger World-wide market Nice-to-have product High need for update Few millions based on Lotus note number of users Businessmen/women People keen on new technology EcoBuilding Company High-growing market All in one High number of possible competitors (architects…) Consistently growing Huge potential Country/EU Private individuals sensitive to environmental questions

6 Ecobuilding Next steps
Initial capital needed?  mainly salaries (human capital for the knowledge), logistics, software… Best geographical implantation (tradeoff between low concurrence and B2C) Product diversification (range from complete house delivery to subpart implementation) Marketing strategy Business Plan Seed funds

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