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Nixon’s Administration

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1 Nixon’s Administration
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

2 Nixon: The Good

3 Nixon: The Good Foreign Affairs Vietnam War Had to find a way out
Vietnamization = Withdrawing American troops while slowly having South Vietnamese fight “their own war” Nixon Doctrine While America would honor its current commitments in Asia, in the future Asian countries would not receive troop support in fighting off communism Appealed to the “Silent Majority” to support him But secretly started bombing Cambodia …


5 Nixon: The Good Domestic Fallout Over Cambodia Kent State Shootings
College students protested Cambodian bombings National Guard called out to put down protest 4 students killed 26th Amendment Lowered voting age to 18 Pentagon Papers Leaked to NY Times Showed Presidential lies regarding Vietnam


7 Nixon: The Good Détente = Relaxing of tensions
National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger started by conducting secret peace talks with North Vietnam

8 Nixon: The Good Nixon’s visit to China Purely ceremonial
Created Russian fear of a possible American-Chinese friendship

9 Nixon: The Good Nixon’s visit to USSR
Got lots of concessions because of visit to China Great Grain Deal Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Able to do this because already seen as “tough on communism”

10 Nixon: The Good All this led to a way out of Vietnam…
With a possible Chinese-North Vietnamese alliance neutralized, Nixon could force a favorable peace deal “Peace with Honor” NV got to keep the 30% of SV it had taken US withdrew its troops and got its POW’s back Fall of Saigon in 1975…


12 Nixon: The Bad

13 Nixon: The Bad Economy Stagflation Causes Effects
Economy not growing + Rampant inflation Causes LBJ’s handling of the Vietnam War & Great Society Increase of 2 income households Effects Triple cost of living!!! Nixon’s 90 day wage and price freeze


15 Nixon: The Bad Domestic Policies Domestic agenda = New Federalism
Wanted to shrink the size of the federal government More power to local governments through revenue sharing Ironic expansion of welfare Food Stamps, Medicaid, AFDC & Social Security Supplemental Security Income

16 Nixon: The Ugly WATERGATE….

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