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Region X Conference 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Region X Conference 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region X Conference 2013

2 Best Practices-Fund Raising
Facilitator: Sam Crain, President, North Carolina Federation

3 Purpose of Fund Raising in NARFE

4 “Why do we have fundraisers?”
NARFE dues structure satisfies less than 70% of our revenue requirements;

5 “Why do we have fundraisers?”
NARFE needs to generate as much non-dues revenue as possible to conduct enhanced legislative and membership campaigns.

6 Fundraising programs are critical to NARFE’s financial status.
Without NARFE’s fundraising program: dues would need to be raised programs reduced or eliminated staff reduced

7 How can I opt out of receiving fundraising information from NARFE?
To remove your name from further fundraising information for NARFE Headquarters, send an or letter to Headquarters.

8 Income Generating Sources at the National Level
Donations to Alzheimer’s Foundation Donations to Protect America’s Heartbeat (PAH) Donations to Federal Emergency and Education Associates (FEEA) Donations to NARFE-PAC

9 Income Generating Sources at the National Level
Advertisements in NARFE Magazine Silver Circle Program Bequests from Member’s Wills

10 Income Generating Sources at the National Level
Sales of Books, Pins and/or Buttons Note Pads and Note Cards Calendars

11 NARFE Local Chapter Fundraising Ideas
Chapter Successes

12 NARFE Local Chapter Fundraising Ideas
Success starts with One Person One Idea Not everyone has to participate. Your Fundraiser may only take two or three people.

13 NARFE Local Chapter Fundraising Ideas
Know your target audience: NARFE Members? Community?

14 Fundraising Programs at Local Level
50/50 /Drawings Ticket Books/Coupons for Businesses Recycle items – Cans or Ink Cartridges Consignment Shops

15 Fundraising Programs at Local Level
Bakeless Cake Sales Auctions Yard Sales White Elephant Sale

16 Fundraising Programs at Local Level
Candle Sales Knife Sales NARFE Shirts/T-Shirt Sales

17 Your Fund Raising Successes
Share your chapter fund raising successes…………………..

18 Top Ten Fundraising Ideas
10. Most work: Auction 9. Easiest idea: T-shirts 8. Worst idea: too time consuming

19 Top Ten Fundraising Ideas
7. Worst Enemy: Afraid to change 6. Best Wisdom – Know your target market

20 Top Ten Fundraising Ideas
5. Advertise: papers, invites, flyers 4. Best economic: buy low, sell high 3. Best ideas: diversify fund raising

21 Top Ten Fundraising Ideas
2. Best funding: 40% outside chapter 1. Best project: Auction (silent and with an auctioneer)

22 Thank you for your attention and participation.
If you have further comments and/or questions, you can reach me at

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