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University of Nairobi Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

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1 University of Nairobi Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
Design and Characterisation of an Electrohydrodynamic Multinozzle Atomizer for Thermal Desalination Processes Presented by: Mwaura Anselim Mwangi S56/61782/2013 Supervisors: Prof. Michael J. Gatari Prof. Jan C. M. Marijnissen Dr. Luewton L. F. Agostinho

2 Outlook Introduction Problem Statement Objectives Literature Review
Methodology Results and Discussion Conclusions Recommendations Acknowledgements 15 June 2018

3 Introduction Water is considered as the most important chemical substance in the world. (El-Dessouky & Ettouney, 2002) Figure 1.1: Graphic display of the amount of fresh and saltwater on earth Only about 0.5%, is what supports life on Earth and unfortunately, it is not distributed evenly on the planet. 15 June 2018

4 Introduction 57% - access to safe water (KIHBS 2005/2006).
60% - urban settings 20% - urban poor settlements. KIHBS 2005/2006 Figure 1.2: Water Crisis in the Urban Poor Settlements Jingwei et al. (2010) proved that a careful selection of the atomization method in thermal desalination can produce recovery rates as high as 90%. 15 June 2018

5 Problem Statement Thus, there is need to improve the efficiency of Single Effect Distillation by out scaling the development work initiated by Agostinho (2013) and Brouwer (2011). Agostinho (2013) Figure 1.3: 5 Nozzle Atomizer 15 June 2018

6 To develop computational models to check the process parameters.
Main Objective To design, develop and study the characteristics of an electrohydrodynamic multinozzle atomizer for thermal desalination processes. Specific Objectives To develop computational models to check the process parameters. To assemble and test the multinozzle atomizer. To study and characterise the multinozzle atomizer. To design the optimal multinozzle atomizer configuration To analyse the electrosprayed liquid using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Total reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF). 15 June 2018

7 Literature Review Desalination process involves the separation of nearly salt-free fresh water from sea or brackish water (Ettouney and Wilf, 2009). Desalination processes can be classified based on (El-Dessouky and Ettouney, 2002): Thermal processes Membrane separation methods Figure 2.1: Definition of Desalination Process 15 June 2018

8 Literature Review These technologies currently in use in the market work well but still fall short of the expectation of producing potable water using techniques that have low energy requirement and limited pre-treatment of the feed water. There is therefore a gap left to be filled and this is where the electrospray thermal desalination technique comes in. Not only will it provide low energy consumption designs but also ensure that there is limited pre-treatment of the feed water. 15 June 2018

9 Atomization Atomization is the disintegration of a liquid into small droplets (Ashgriz & Yarin, 2011). Ultrasonic Pneumatic Rotary Figure 2.2: Atomization 15 June 2018

10 Electrohydrodynamic Atomization
Electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA)/ electrospray refers to the breakup of a liquid due to electric stresses created by applying an electric potential difference between the Nozzle and the Counter Electrode. (Hartman, 1998). (Agostinho et al., 2013) Figure 2.3: Electrospray 15 June 2018

11 Modes (Agostinho, 2013) Figure 2.4: Different Electrospray Modes
15 June 2018

12 Multinozzle Reviews Arnanthigo et al. (2011) designed and studied a multinozzle system with 8 nozzles in cone-jet mode. Agostinho et al. (2013) designed and studied a 5 nozzle electrospray device. It was operated in the simple-jet mode and it had an insulative layer. Yurteri, Hartman and Marijnissen (2010) reviewed the multinozzle devices reported and concluded that electrical interferences between the neighbouring sprays and liquid flow rate variation to all nozzles are problems that needs be overcome while designing a multinozzle device. 15 June 2018

13 Methodology 15 June 2018

14 Figure 3.1: Flow chart of the Development Process
15 June 2018

15 Results and Discussion
15 June 2018

16 Multinozzle Atomizer It has 22 nozzles
A 20 mm outer diameter and 15 mm inner diameter counter electrode (rings) were used. A nozzle and ring-up electrospray configuration It has a packing density of 2.2 * 103 nozzles/m2 Figure 4.1: Engineering drawing of the atomizer (a), Schematic Diagram of the Atomizer (b) and Atomizer during Experiments (c) 15 June 2018

17 Particle Tracing Modelling
Figure 4.2: A beam of particles diverges due to electric forces (6kV) 15 June 2018

18 Droplet Dispersion - 360 mL/h
0 kV 5 kV 6 kV 7 kV 8 kV 9 kV Figure 4.3 : Superimposed images of the droplets at 360 mL.h-1 for 0 kV (a), 5 kV (b), 6 kV (c), 7 kV (d), 8 kV (e) and 9 kV (f) (spray envelope). 15 June 2018

19 Droplets Sizes Table 4.1: Summarised values of Mean Diameters at different flow rates and different potentials 15 June 2018

20 Prototype Improvement
a) b) Figure 4.4: Proposed Multinozzle Configuration (a) and Contour plot 2D Plot of the Electric Field Strength (V/m) at 6kV (b) 15 June 2018

21 Prototype Improvement
Figure 4.5: Particle Tracing Model Side view (a) and Bottom view (b) at 6kV 15 June 2018

22 Liquid Analysis Table 4.2: Concentration Levels of Calcium in ICP-MS (a) and TXRF (b) analytical technique Deionised Water a) b) ICP-MS TXRF 15 June 2018

23 Liquid Analysis Table 4.3: Elemental Concentration Levels in ICP-MS (a) and TXRF (b) analytical technique Sea Water a) b) ICP-MS TXRF 15 June 2018

24 Liquid Analysis Student t distribution method of testing two means was used to compare the two analytical methods (IAEA, 2003). The testing was done at 95% confidence level. For all cases, tcalc < ttab hence there was no significant difference between the two means and thus the two means are related. Therefore, the analytical techniques could be used interchangeably. 15 June 2018

25 Conclusions The packing density of this multinozzle atomizer was approximately doubled (1.2*103 to 2.2*103 nozzles/m2) that was used by Agostinho (2013). The liquid output per unit time increased by almost five times (2.2 L/h to 11L/h). Computational models to check the process parameters were simulated. Application of an electric field caused wider displacement of the droplets of the outermost nozzles have compared to the inner nozzles. 15 June 2018

26 Conclusions There was reduction in droplet diameter with increase in voltage. The particle trajectories and electric field modelling matched the bench scale results. Due to the limitations experienced by the first prototype, a second design was proposed and studied. There was presence of electrochemical reactions when high voltage was applied. 15 June 2018

27 Recommendations More research needs to be done to confirm the optimal smallest nozzle to nozzle distance. More research needs to be done to test this device with the evaporator. Further research needs to be conducted to determine the best droplet size and shape to be used on the evaporator. The next phase of this research is the design and development of the evaporator system. Solar powering the complete device may serve as an alternative source of energy. 15 June 2018

28 Acknowledgements Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW)
High Voltage Water (HVW) Water Application Centre (WAC) International Science Programme (ISP) Prof. Gatari, Prof. Jan and Dr. Luewton (Supervisors) Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board (KNEB) 15 June 2018

29 15 June 2018

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