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Science Water.

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1 Science Water

2 What do you think this is?

3 Notes Only 3% of Earths water is fresh and most of it is in glaciers or frozen ice caps 1% of Earths water is available for human use 97% of Earths water is salt water Most of it is in Oceans Water appeared on Earth before life began

4 Remember Water Conservation

5 Science Properties of water

6 Warm- up Read pages 50-58

7 Surface Tension Surface Tension- the tightness across the surface of water caused by the polar molecules pulling on each other

8 Capillary Action Capillary Action- the combined force of attraction among water molecules and with the molecules of surrounding materials

9 Solvent Solvent-the substance that is doing the dissolving

10 Condensation Condensation- the process in which a gas changes into a liquid

11 Your getting lazy… Complete questions 1-4 on pg. 58

12 You’ve gotten to lazy bitch
1. polar molecules 2. 3. 4. Guess 5.

13 Understanding Solutions

14 Warm up Read pages and 1-5 on pg. 64

15 Water Conservation video

16 Water Vapor Water vapor- the gaseous form of water

17 Groundwater Groundwater- water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers

18 Water Cycle The continuous process by which water moves through the living and non-living parts of the environment.

19 Evaporation Evaporation- the process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state.

20 Precipitation Precipitation- water that falls on earth as ran, snow, hail, or sleet

21 Irrigation Irrigation-the process of supplying water to areas of land to make them suitable for growing crops.

22 Quiz 1.Place the following in order, from broadest to most specific. A) potable water; B) fresh water; C) earth’s water 2. Where does desalinated water originally come from? 3. What do aquifers and reservoirs have in common? 4.As the water crises gets worse, which of the following does not increase; water consumers , demand for water, supply of clean water, and price of water. 5. What can you infer from the fact that most Americans have indoor plumbing, while many African villagers don’t?

23 Ready to check answers

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