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The Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs

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1 The Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs
Informative Research Paper Write down whatever is in GREEN!

2 Introduction Paragraph: Purpose
The purpose of the introduction paragraph is to capture your audience’s attention by providing background information about your topic and “introduce” your subject matter. Begin broad or general and become more specific. It should be at least 5 sentences long including your thesis statement which is the last sentence of your introduction. Remember the triangle?

3 Rubric Requirements: Writer captures the audience’s attention by providing important background/detail sentences that introduce the hero’s relevance.

4 What resources will help me write an introduction?
Biography notes on your hero-introduce your readers to your topic! Your ideas on what a hero is-perhaps you define it in the first paragraph Good beginnings and endings hand-out on the wiki

5 Example Introduction Paragraph
A hero is someone who can defeat all odds and take risks, sacrificing something in order to stand up for what they believe in. Bill Cosby is such a hero. Growing up in a poor family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, While in school, he maintained a busy schedule mixed with academics and sports while at the same time working two jobs before and after school to help support his family. He continued working hard in life and became a famous successful comedian and actor who truly made a difference in this world. Famous actor and comedian, Bill Cosby shows heroism by breaking racial barriers and risking failure by expressing his beliefs on race. Notice that the thesis is at the bottom?! The thesis includes the topic and how it influences modern culture!

6 Conclusion Paragraph: Purpose
The purpose of the conclusion paragraph is to sum up your evidence or claims. It’s a brief overview of the material you described in detail in your body paragraphs. It is 4-6 sentences long It restates your thesis argument! This time it’s this type of triangle!

7 Rubric Requirements: The conclusion restates the thesis and raises issues to a greater whole. It contains no distracting information that strays from the focus of the thesis.

8 Example Conclusion Paragraph
Bill Cosby’s ability to bring a smile to every face and experience success amidst all kinds of adversity make him an obvious hero that many feel naturally connected to. He broke many racial barriers and faced criticism on what he believed were the racial barriers facing America in his time. Criticism did not stop him, but only encouraged him to stand up to his beliefs, “Civilization had too many rules for me,” he said, “so I did my best to rewrite them.”  Because of Cosby’s success and achievements, America has a role model to look back on. Notice the unique way in which I reworded the thesis and brought the topic to a greater whole?!

9 Introduction Paragraph Rough Draft
On a half-sheet of paper, write a draft introduction paragraph for your paper.

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