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September 6, 2013 Pick up your journal as you enter the room!

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Presentation on theme: "September 6, 2013 Pick up your journal as you enter the room!"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 6, 2013 Pick up your journal as you enter the room!
2nd period must dock their phones English 2

2 Journal What would you do if someone just gave you one million dollars? Make a list of 10 things you would buy.

3 Agenda Hand in your completed weekly DGP Create vocabulary flash cards
Continue problem/solution essay by practicing body paragraph topic sentences first and then finishing your rough draft

4 Cut and label flash cards
Vocabulary List #1 Cut and label flash cards

5 Problem/Solution Writing

6 Assignment: Write your introductory paragraph.
General opening statement – try for an attention grabber Background sentences – What do you know about how often and why families move frequently? Thesis statement – must use the word “problems” or the word “solutions” in it … for example…

7 Possible Thesis Statements
There are several problems that concern new students who change schools. Risky behaviors, the loss of friends and confusion are the main problems faced by new students. The solutions for new students involve parents, teachers and the students themselves. There are three main solutions that can resolve the problems faced by new students.

8 Now, write your body paragraphs.
must match your thesis statement There are several problems that concern new students who change schools. Risky behaviors, the loss of friends and confusion are the main problems faced by new students. The solutions for new students involve parents, teachers and the students themselves. There are three main solutions that can resolve the problems faced by new students. ~~~~To practice, write a topic sentence for a body paragraph for 3 of these 4 thesis statements. (with neighbor) Now, write your body paragraphs.

9 How Do I Write a Conclusion?
Write a sentence summarizing each body paragraph. Reword your thesis statement. Keep the basic idea but change the wording. (TS) There are many solutions to the problems faced by new students. (RW) Solutions are available for students who have to change schools. TS = thesis statement RW = rewrite

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