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Ultrasound of the Shoulder: Sonoanatomy

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Presentation on theme: "Ultrasound of the Shoulder: Sonoanatomy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultrasound of the Shoulder: Sonoanatomy

2 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Biceps tendon Humeral head Subscapularis tendon

3 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Long head of Biceps tendon Humeral head

4 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Biceps tendon Subscapularis tendon Humeral head

5 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Subacromial-subdeltoid bursa Acromion Supraspinatus muscle Humeral head

6 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Subacromial-subdeltoid bursa Supraspinatus tendon Humeral head

7 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Infraspinatus tendon Humeral head Posterior approach

8 Ultrasound of Shoulder
Deltoid muscle Teres minor muscle Joint capsule & labrum Posterior approach Humeral head Glenoid

9 Ultrasound of Shoulder
AC Joint capsule and ligaments Clavicle Acromion

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