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Classroom Expectations
Ms. Husband English IV Strategic Writing
Welcome to Class! Our goals in Strategic Writing:
Understand writing conventions and types of writing Develop college-level writing skills Improve our reading comprehension abilities so that we can succeed in college, the workforce, and everyday life Learn to think critically about what we read, hear, and experience Explore different perspectives Improve our analytical skills
About Me My degrees: Writing is one of my biggest passions.
Bachelor of Arts in English Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Master of Arts in English Master of Public Administration Writing is one of my biggest passions. I collect art, books, vinyl, comic books, vintage cameras, and vintage post cards. I love films! I’m a bit of a filmmaker and program for a festival. My cat’s name is Catsby. You guys are all incredibly important to me, and I hope I can help you all grow into your best selves.
Classroom Expectations
Cell phones will remain out of sight and will not be used for the duration of class. Always be respectful. Take responsibility for your learning and proactively work to achieve success. Stay on-task. Remember to CATS!
How the Cell Phone Policy Works:
Cell phones are a distraction to both the user and those around him/her. Having a cell phone out during class without teacher permission will earn consequences: 1st Incident: Verbal Warning 2nd Incident: Detention 3rd Incident/Continued Incidents: Office Referral and Parent Contact This policy also applies to wearing earbuds during class.
Classwork Every single assignment that we do in this class has a purpose. Each day’s work feeds into work that we will be doing later in the semester/year. We are practicing skills for future use. This is your opportunity to ensure your success on formal assignments. What we are doing in class can be found on the syllabus and on the white board in the classroom.
Late Work Don’t forget that you can turn in late work!
One day late: 85 points maximum Two days late: 70 points maximum Three days late: 55 points maximum Four days late: 40 points maximum
Get Your Points! Turn in your work on time.
That being said, please do not forget to take advantage of the late work policy if you forget about an assignment. It’s better to receive some credit rather than no credit. I am happy to take your late work and will award points based on the chart above. (Be like this cat and take all of the points available to you.)
40% Formative 60% Summative Grading
We have four 9-week long grading periods. Grades are weighted as follows: 40% Formative 60% Summative
Detention If a student is assigned a detention, it must be served within one week of its assignment. Failure to so will result in an office referral and parent contact. Detentions will be served with me during tutorials.
What to do when you arrive:
Put your cell phone, earbuds, and any other electronic-related device away in your bag. Take your seat. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. Begin Working on your warm-up. You can talk about the warm-up with your classmates, but you have to stay on topic.
Warm-Ups I will provide you with a warm-ups packet for the entire 9 weeks. You are responsible for all warm-ups, even if you are absent. We will turn in all of our warm-ups at the end of the 9 weeks on the day they are due, which is clearly marked on the packet. If you lose your warm-up packet, you can go to my website and print yourself a new copy.
Dismissal AHS provides bell-to-bell instruction.
We will work the entire class period. I will tell you when to pack up so that we don’t waste any of our time. We have a lot of material to cover, and each day’s work builds upon the previous day. It’s important that we use our time wisely. Students will remain in their desks until I dismiss class. If you pack up early or are out of your seat without permission, you will receive a verbal warning and then a detention.
How to turn in assignments:
Each class has a class drawer that is labeled with the class period. The sets of drawers are located on the table under the window. You will turn in your work to your class drawer. Students should never open the class drawers for other classes. All work – on time or late – should be turned into your class’s drawer.
If you are absent: Check your syllabus to see what you missed and what we are working on the day you return. Make-up work and handouts will be in the class folder in the black mesh container near the connecting door in the back of the classroom. You have the number of days you missed to make up your assignment. 1 day = 1 day, etc. You will need to attend a tutorial session to make up any missed quizzes or tests. Students are responsible for making up all missed work and acquiring any missed assignments. Amnesty Day: Missing assignments may be made up on test days if time allows. Students who are missing assignments will be required to do them on amnesty day, even if unprepared. Quizzes and Tests must be made up within one week of your absence!!!
Food and Drinks At AHS, only water is allowed in the classroom.
You may not have food. You may not have drinks other than water.
Restroom Policy Restroom visits will only be allowed when they do not interrupt instruction. Do not ask to go to the restroom during instruction. If you have a medical condition, please get with me to create a signal that you can use when you need to go.
Google Drive AND SO WE DID.
Students are encouraged to use their Humble ISD Google Drive accounts to complete, store, and submit assignments. This new addition to our campus allows our students to have more opportunities to complete assignments and receive feedback from their teachers. AND SO WE DID.
Do Your Own Work Students are expected to complete independent work on their own. Do not plagiarize or copy assignments. Students sign an honesty contract at the beginning of the year, and school consequences will be enforced. You can be so proud, just like this cat.
10 Minute Rule Per school policy, students cannot leave the classroom for any reason during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
“Housekeeping” Do not leave any trash on the desk or floors. We have three trash cans for this purpose. If you need a writing utensil or to sharpen a pencil, you may do so at the table under the window. Do not disrupt class. I will not write you a pass to your next class, so if you stay after dismissal then you are responsible for any tardies that occur. This is an AHS policy.
Tutorials Tutorials are held after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:50-3:20 PM.
You set the expectation:
How do we ask and answer questions? How do we define behavior that is respectful to all? What do we do if we don’t finish an assignment? What kind of attention getter would we like to use for this class period?
How the Cell Phone Policy Works:
Cell phones are a distraction to both the user and those around him/her. Having a cell phone out during class without teacher permission will earn consequences: 1st Incident: Verbal Warning 2nd Incident: Detention 3rd Incident/Continued Incidents: Office Referral and Parent Contact This policy also applies to wearing earbuds during class.
Remember to CATS!!!
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