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MPH45/HP Field of Study Leader

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1 MPH45/HP Field of Study Leader
MPH45/Health Policy Field of Study Session Anna Sinaiko MPH45/HP Field of Study Leader August 22, 2017

2 MPH/HP: Who You Are 35 Students 17 women, 18 men
21 United States citizens 4 US/dual citizens 11 citizens from outside US Australia, Brazil, Canada, Eritrea, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Thailand, United Kingdom 18 medical/dental students 2 JD/MPH students

3 Who We Are: MPH Program MPH is a school-wide degree program
Governed by MPH Steering Committee Supported by school-wide Office of Education Health Policy Field of Study Also supported by Health Policy and Management (HPM) Department Key resources Office of Education staff (Kresge, G-29) Anne Occhipinti and Emily Davies HPM staff (Kresge, 3rd floor) Jen Moltoni and Liz Nolan

4 Course Planning and Registration: Basics
Plan an initial schedule for the entire year Your goal: 45 credits to graduate This week’s registration goal: A fall course schedule in my.harvard by Friday, August 25, 2017 Meet with your adviser before Add-Drop Deadline Add/Drop Deadline: Sept 7(Fall 1/Fall courses), Oct 27 (Fall 2 courses) Registration for Winter Session and other Spring courses: December 7, 2017 Pass/Fail grade limit: credits Grade Point Average: minimum requirement 2.7 (out of 4.0) Audits: 5 credit max/term, faculty discretion Full Time Status: 15 or more credits/term (important for students on visa)

5 MPH Program Requirements
School-wide MPH core requirements Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Health Services Administration (HSA), Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Ethics HSA requirement met by your health policy coursework Waivers for prior course work possible Field of study-specific requirements for Health Policy Coursework and practicum and culminating experience

6 MPH School-wide Core Biostatistics and Epidemiology:
ID 201 is the appropriate option for most HP students BST 201 and EPI201/202 are the other option during academic year Courses require instructor permission 10 credits in total compared to 7.5 credits for ID 201 Two ways to fulfill requirements in the other Public Health core disciplines ID 216 Critical Thinking and Action for Public Health Professionals Separate coursework in EH, SBS, and ethics

7 Ethics Options 5 on-line sessions AND One in-person session:
#1: ID 216 fulfills ethics requirement #2: Separate for-credit course in ethics (3 options) #3: Non-credit ethics module 5 on-line sessions Released on the Tuesday of each week: October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31st AND One in-person session: Friday, November 3 at 3:45pm – 6:15pm, or Saturday, November 4 at 9am – 11:30am More information and registration link in from MPH Program

8 Health Policy Field of Study Competency Domains
Knowledge of US Health System Policy Disciplinary Perspectives Economics, Political Analysis Choice of: health policy and vulnerable populations; community organizing; or law Analytical Methods: Quantitative Methods in Program evaluation or Decision science Communication

9 Knowledge of the U.S. Health System
HPM 210: United States Health Policy (Fall1) Professor John McDonough Head of Exec and Professional Education at Harvard Chan Former U.S. Senate staffer, Massachusetts state legislator, executive director of leading consumer health advocacy group Deeply involved in ACA design, passage and preservation John’s Blog:

10 Disciplinary Perspective: Economics
HPM 206: Economic Analysis (Fall) Professor David Hemenway Director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center Leading researcher on reducing firearm violence

11 Disciplinary Perspective: Political Analysis
HPM 247: Political Analysis and Strategy (Spring at HKS) Professor Bob Blendon Joint appointment at Harvard Kennedy School Senior Associate Dean for Policy Translation and Leadership Development Directs Harvard Opinion Research Program

12 Disciplinary Perspective: Option 1 Vulnerable Populations and Health Policy
HPM 211: Health Care Safety Net and Vulnerable Populations (Fall 2) Professor Ben Sommers Health economist and practicing primary care doc Former Senior Advisor in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

13 Disciplinary Perspective: Option 2 Consumer Organizing and Advocacy
HPM 520: Organizing Consumer and Community Interests in Health System(Fall 2) Susan Sherry Deputy Director, Community Catalyst, one of US’s leading national consumer health advocacy group 30 years of experience working in health policy and consumer advocacy and organizing

14 Disciplinary Perspective: Option 3 Federal Public Policy
HPM 502: Federal Public Policy and Population Health (Spring 1) Sara Bleich, PhD Professor of Public Health Policy, HPM Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study

15 Disciplinary Perspective: Option 4: Law
HPM 213: Public Health Law (Spring 2) Ameet Sarpatwari, JD, PhD Epidemiologist Lawyer Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham and Women’s Hospital HPM 544: Law and Clinical Medicine (Spring 2) Allen Kachalia, MD/JD Chief Quality Officer and Vice President, Quality and Safety, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Associate Professor, HMS and Harvard Chan

16 Analytical Methods for Policy: Option 1: Decision Analysis
RDS 280: Decision Analysis (Fall 2) Professor Ankur Pandya Harvard Center for Health Decision Science Research focuses on simulation models to improve cardiovascular health Formerly Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College

17 Analytical Methods for Policy: Option 2: Program Evaluation
HPM 543: Quantitative Methods in Program Evaluation (Spring 2) Nancy Beaulieu, PhD Research Associate, Department of Health Policy, HMS Widely published in quality improvement, evaluation of health plans, assessment of health program interventions

18 Other options for meeting analytical methods requirement
Any RDS course RDS 280 (Fall2) is a pre-req for more advanced RDS classes Any intermediate or advanced biostats or epi course offered at Harvard Chan HPM 242 Data Analysis for Professionals (Spring1) GHP 525 Econometrics (Fall) SBS 281 (Fall 2) Principles of Social and Behavioral Research HGSE EDU 052 (Spring) Applied Data Analysis

19 Practice and Culminating Experience
ID 266: Practice and Culminating Experience for Health Policy (Fall and Spring) Amy Rosenthal, MPA and MPH(Harvard Chan) Director, External Affairs & Policy, Community Catalyst Experience as state legislative senior staffer, policy director of gubernatorial campaign, political consultant, and executive director of a policy foundation

20 Winter Session January Winter Session: January 2 - 19, 2018
Credits count in your spring semester total Guidelines set by the MPH program You must participate in an activity that will enhance your academic experience Info sessions about Global Health WinterSession courses and Practicum field projects will be held in September Winter Session courses updated in Courses and Schedules around mid-October Planning ahead: Registration for Spring 2018 (and Winter Session) opens on Thursday, December 7th

21 If You Want to Waive a Course
School-wide Core requirements See MPH Curriculum Guide for contact and process for each requirement (i.e., BIO, EPI, EH, ETHICS, SBS) Your academic adviser cannot waive required core courses Field of Study requirements Contact the instructor of the course you want to waive Your academic adviser cannot waive FoS requirements If you waive a course, you do not get credit, just the ability to take more electives You must let Emily Davies and Liz Nolan know if you waive a course (including documentation of the approval)

22 Some tips Don’t overload your course schedule
25 credits is generally the maximum you should take in a semester Think carefully about how to use your elective credits Save time for the “Other Curriculum” Student groups Lectures, talks, and seminars HPM’s monthly research seminar Leadership Studio and Voices from the Field Harvard Innovation Lab (i-lab) Challenges

23 Some tips Consider participating in an interdisciplinary concentration
Public Health Leadership Women, Gender, and Health Maternal and Child Health/Children, Youth, and Families Humanitarian Studies, Ethics, and Human Rights Epidemiology of Infectious Disease Obesity Epidemiology and Prevention Nutrition and Global Health

24 People and resources are here to help!
Office of Education HPM Department Emily (left) & Anne (right) Liz (left) & Jen (right) Emily Davies, Kresge G-29 Anne Occhipinti, Kresge G-29 Liz Nolan, Kresge 336 Jen Moltoni, Kresge 338 Field of Study Leader: Anna Sinaiko

25 Questions Overarching questions that need to be answered now?
Concerns or specific issues?

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