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Stage Directions and Body Positions

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1 Stage Directions and Body Positions
Acting MVHS 2007

2 What are Stage Directions?
Stage directions tell where an actor is to move across the stage space. It is important to know stage directions in order to make rehearsals run smoothly and to help with blocking of scenes.

3 What is Blocking? Blocking is the arranging of movement to be made by the actors during a scene or play. Blocking directions are written in the script during rehearsals.

4 Why is Blocking important?
Blocking becomes important when planning the movement in scenes. Blocking makes the play visually pleasing and creates beautiful stage pictures. Stage Pictures are visual snap-shots the director creates with the use of stage directions and blocking.

5 Balance and Levels In order to make a pleasing stage picture, you need balance and levels in your blocking. Balance: when both sides of the stage are equally occupied by space, people, props, and/or furniture. Levels: when actors are positioned at different height levels (sitting, standing, etc.).

6 Balance

7 Levels

8 Stage Directions

9 Marking Stage Directions
X: cross R: right L: left DS: downstage US: upstage C: center CS: center stage

10 Mix and Match X DSR: cross downstage right DSL: downstage left
UPL: upstage left CSR: center stage right Actors and directors use these letters to write down most of their blocking on stage.

11 Body Positions Not only do actors need to be familiar with where to go on stage, they also need to know how to position their bodies. Body Positions are where your body is facing on stage.

12 Full Front Full Front: the actor faces directly downstage (facing the audience).

13 Full Front

14 One Quarter Turn One Quarter Turn: a quarter of the body is turned away from the audience. The actor stands with the downstage foot and shoulder open. Downstage foot is placed towards the audience.

15 One Quarter Turn

16 Three Quarter Turn Three Quarter Turn: Three quarters of the body is turned away from the audience. The actor stands with upstage foot and shoulder open.

17 Three Quarter Turn

18 Profile Profile: the actor faces directly right or left. This is usually used when actors are arguing or having an intense conversation with one another.

19 Profile

20 Full Back Full Back: the actor is directly facing upstage. The actor’s back is facing the audience. This position is not recommended for use very often. However, it can be used for a dramatic effect.

21 Full Back

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