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Interactive Technology at Candeo

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Technology at Candeo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Technology at Candeo

2 Why use technology in the classroom?

3 No Child Left Behind Part 2
The primary goal of this part is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and secondary schools. Purpose Implementation and support to use technology to improve student academic achievement Initiatives that provide teachers with capacity to integrate technology Professional development of teachers

4 Use of IWB results in a 16% gain in student achievement.
Using visuals to represent information resulted in 26 percentile point gain in achievement. Using whiteboard “reinforcers” such as correct answer reveals or applause audio when manipulating information results in a 31 percentile point gain. (Marzano, 2009)

5 “The interactive whiteboard acts as a multimodal portal, giving teachers the potential to use still images, moving images and sound, and when used in this way, it can address the needs of learners who find text difficult as the only mode of communication (Somekh, 2007, p. 6).

6 Using clickers to answer questions with the results immediately shown on the board is associated with 26% point gain in student achievement (Marzano 2009).

7 Student achievement increases
Student achievement increases. Clickers allow students to be anonymous in the class activity and the format is similar to a game (Martyn, 2007).

8 Students are given instant feedback so they immediately are aware of what their level of understanding is. (Kenwright, 2009).

9 Studies have suggested an improvement in attendance when interactive technologies are used
(Homme, Asay, and Morgenstern, 2004) (SMART, 2004)

10 Using an interactive whiteboard just to project an image or to use as a normal dry erase board yields no results (Miler and Gloves, 2004)

11 The Becta study found that there was a positive correlation between the amount of experience a teacher has with the whiteboards and the gain in student achievement (Somekh, et al., 2007).

12 Teachers training should focus on classroom context, ideas of ways to use the technology in the classroom (Cradler, Cradler and McNabb, 2002)

13 Drag the pushpin to the furthest from home you’ve ever been




















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