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University of Arizona Student Satellite Project “UASat”

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Presentation on theme: "University of Arizona Student Satellite Project “UASat”"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Arizona Student Satellite Project “UASat”
Spring 2000 Formal Review April 27, 2000

2 Purpose of Spring 2000 Review
End of Semester Review of SSP Preparation for UASat Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Gathering Team-Level Information Provide System-Level Overview Seek Advice and Guidance

3 Presentation Schedule
5:00- Project Manager Overview & Introduction 5:20- Science 5:50- Laser Communications 6:10- Guidance, Navigation & Control 6:30- Break 6:40- Systems Integration 7:00- Mechanical, Structures & Analysis 7:20- Data & Command Handling 7:40- Power Generation & Distribution

4 Purpose of SSP 1. A hands-on experience through team work on a complex system with an objective 2. A needed channel for many students to gain self-confidence & employable skills 3. An example of intercollegiate, inter-departmental, and interdisciplinary collaboration 4. An avenue to enhance beneficial interactions among university and community 5. A test-bed for innovative ideas in a wide variety of areas Perhaps we could mention something relating to the “GTEC Vision” right here?

5 UASat Mission Sprite & Lightning Detection Photometry of Bright Stars
Laser Communication Experiment

6 Purpose of SSP 1. A hands-on experience through team work on a complex system with an objective 2. A needed channel for many students to gain self-confidence & employable skills 3. An example of intercollegiate, inter-departmental, and interdisciplinary collaboration 4. An avenue to enhance beneficial interactions among university and community 5. A test-bed for innovative ideas in a wide variety of areas Perhaps we could mention something relating to the “GTEC Vision” right here?


8 Purpose of SSP 1. A hands-on experience through team work on a complex system with an objective 2. A needed channel for many students to gain self-confidence & employable skills 3. An example of intercollegiate, inter-departmental, and interdisciplinary collaboration 4. An avenue to enhance beneficial interactions among university and community 5. A test-bed for innovative ideas in a wide variety of areas Perhaps we could mention something relating to the “GTEC Vision” right here?

9 SSP needs the support from the four vertices:
UA, Local Community, Industry, & Gov’t Human resources Space & facilities Operational Support SpaceGrant UA SSP Internship. Components Sub-systems Technical expertise Testing facilities HES launch NASA NSF Industry Curriculum development Local Community Scholarships, Mentorships, Donations KCH21.VI.1998

10 Criteria for Success Minimum Criteria Ultimate accomplishment
Continuous flow of graduates with experience. Ultimate accomplishment Delivery of UASat for NASA launch and successful operation in flight, followed by scientific and technological return.

11 Management Project Manager- Jon Alberding, BME
Recruiting, Fundraising, Resources, Administration, Systems Integration & Intra-Team Communication Project Assistant- Ether Adnan, MIS Project Communication, Administration, Account Management System Engineer- Christiano Adabi, SIE System Documentation Interfaces Budgets Design Database

12 Management (Cont.) Project Mentors SI Mentor Administrative Mentor
Dr. K. C. Hsieh, Physics Dr. Hal Tharp, ECE (sabbatical) SI Mentor Dr. Terry Bahill, SIE Administrative Mentor Susan Brew, SpaceGrant


14 Current UASat Schedule
Requirements Review (Completed 8/18/98) Preliminary Design Review (Late ‘00, Early ‘01) Critical Design Review (Spring ‘02) Mission Readiness Review (Fall ‘03) Delivery to NASA (Spring ‘04)

15 UASat PDR Preparation Program Management group works with Teams
Program Management group forms Preliminary Gantt chart Negotiate Final Schedule (TL, Mentor, PM, SE) Teams review IMAGE PDR Teams review PDR outlined by System Engineer/Project Manager Negotiate Final Schedule (TL, Mentor, PM, SE)

16 Management-Level PDR Requirements
Risk Management Schedule Control No real means of control Need for Risk Mitigation Strategy Technical Oversight Group Better Communication about Schedule Slip Quantitative Evaluation of Schedule Performance What To Do If Slippage Occurs?

17 Management-Level PDR Requirements
Cost Control Inherent Controls Student Project Students Build Some Components/Subsystems Knowledge of Actual Costs for Bought Items Cost Tracking Strategy & Plan for When Reserves Utilized Descoping Decision Tree, Options & Consequences Performance Assurance Implementation Plan (PAIP)

18 Questions on Management
How to retain Lower-Division Students? How to have a Risk Mitigation Strategy with limited resources & maintaining Educational Requirements? How to acquire needed resources? How to formulate a plan to cost-effectively acquire needed components? How to implement a PAIP?

19 How to Contact SSP SSP HQ Phone Email: World Wide Web
Physics and Atmospheric Sciences, Room 569 Phone (520) World Wide Web

20 “The Student Satellite Project at the University of Arizona is the best evidence I have discovered anywhere of the creative initiative of Americans committed to the Space Program, which has been an important part of my life for forty years. When I joined JPL as a young engineer in 1958, soon after the launch of America's first satellite, the adventure of space exploration had captured the imagination of young people all over America, and there was no bureaucracy to slow us down. The new NASA in 1998 recognizes the importance of youthful energy and innovative capacity, and welcomes such initiatives as the SSP. This is a very exciting development, heralding as new day for both NASA and our students. They have done their part, with the encouragement of the University of Arizona. Now it is time for the community to step up to the challenge of demonstrating that all of Arizona stands behind this incredible initiative of the young men and women of the SSP who are reaching beyond the skies.” Peter Likins, June 17, 1998. Endorsement from Peter Likins, President of the University of Arizona.

21 Presentation Schedule
5:00- Project Manager Overview & Introduction 5:20- Science 5:50- Laser Communications 6:10- Guidance, Navigation & Control 6:30- Break 6:40- Systems Integration 7:00- Mechanical, Structures & Analysis 7:20- Data & Command Handling 7:40- Power Generation & Distribution

22 UASat: Guidance, Navigation, and Controls Presented by Brian Shucker and Martin Lebl

23 GNC Team Members Team Members: Greg Chatel (AME) Marissa Herron (AME)
Barry Goeree (AME) Andreas Ioannides (Phys) Gregg Radtke (ME) Team Mentor: Dr. Fasse (AME) Marissa Herron (AME) Martin Lebl (CSc) Brian Shucker (CSc/Math) Roberto Furfaro (AME)

24 GNC Subsystem Requirements
Science and Technical Objectives Lightning and Sprite observation requires attitude knowledge with respect to Earth requires horizon pointing Stellar Photometry requires attitude knowledge with respect to the stars requires inertial pointing Laser Communication System requires ability to perform groundstation tracking slew maneuver Power Generation requires attitude knowledge with respect to Sun Three axis control required

25 Sensors Sensors Used Sensor Measurement Rates
Attitude Sensors: Magnetometer, Coarse Sun Sensor Spatial Sensor: GPS Rate Sensor: Integrating Rate Gyros Sensor Measurement Rates Power vs. Accuracy Trade-Off Optimization Technique TBD

26 Extended Kalman Filter Block Diagram
-- Discrete Measurement Updates -- Continuous Dynamic Propagation Models t k In from instruments u Out to controller State Model t State Update i.c. Gain Update t k Covariance Update u Covariance Model t i.c.

27 The Kalman Filter State Variable: Measurement Updates
Gain Matrix: State Update: Covariance Update: Dynamic Propagation Between Measurements Data from rate gyros will be numerically integrated Equations of motion are excluded to simplify the analysis

28 Magnetometer Advantages: Disadvantages:
Can be used throughout orbit (sunside and darkside) Low power Relatively affordable sensor Disadvantages: Cannot be used with the magneto torquers on Only so much precision can be achieved using it

29 GPS board – Space Rated Space rated board Advantages:
Proven Heritage Design Radiation Hardened Disadvantages: Expensive

30 GPS board -- Terrestial
Terrestial board Advantages: Relatively Inexpensive Disadvantages: Needs modification to the firmware by manufacturer May need Radiation shielding depending on where it is mounted Obviously still non-heritage design (only flew on ASUSAT, but never been turned on before ASUSAT expired.)

31 Coarse Sun Sensor Sensor implemented using the solar panels, and additional photo diodes to give complete coverage. Only a course sensor for the power generation mode

32 Coarse Sun Sensor Advantages: Disadvantages: Inexpensive design
Very low power Disadvantages: Only works on the sun side Only useful for determining the sun vector for power generation

33 Current Status Theory Sensor models are not complete Matlab Code
Kalman Filtering is understood Main reference: Lefferts, Markley and Shuster (1982) Sensor models are not complete Matlab Code Most equations are coded Integration with other modules Documentation Tech. Note

34 Current Endeavors Finish sensor modeling (h(), H)
Further develop & test Matlab code Get it running and integrated with other systems Refine estimates to get more realistic numbers Generate plots and graphs to obtain pointing accuracy Look into what would deployable solar panels allow us to do in terms of additional sensors, and what changes to the current design would it necessitate.

35 Open Issues & Concerns Can we meet the accuracy requirements?
We won’t know until the simulation is complete. Possibilities for improving accuracy Add sensors: GPS attitude estimation system (GPS Compound Eye), low power Star tracker Adjust sensor rates Change the dynamic model to include equations of motion

36 What if we go to deployable solar panels ?
Need the Coarse Sun Sensor to be implemented solely by photo diodes Have enough power for additional sensors: GPS compound eye: Works both sunside and darkside Low Cost Start Tracker Greatly increases our pointing accuracy

37 Kinematics Satellite x y W w n z i h Direction of Perigee
Vernal equinox Line of Nodes Satellite x y W w n z i h

38 Attitude Control: Reaction Wheels
x e1,rw e2,rw e3,rw e4,rw z Set of 4 miniature reaction wheels used for primary control y

39 Controller Block Diagram
Dynamics and State Estimation Wheel Speed Management Model-based Compensation Viscous Term Pseudo Inverse Elastic +

40 Magnetic Torquers Student designed and built
Used for momentum dumping and detumbling Free-air coil design selected Simplest, least costly design Linear response to input current simplifies control requirements. Possible issues with stray magnetic fields Three required

41 Coil Design Formulae Moment equation: Mass and wire size:
Power, current, voltage and resistance:

42 Total Mass vs. Power Consumption
Design Optimization Total Mass vs. Power Consumption Specifications Dipole moment of Am2 Power consumption of 0.3 W 16 mA at 20 V Uses 32 gauge square magnet wire Total mass of 3 kg mass [kg] Power [watts]

43 Mounting Possibilities
Two ideas Designed to fit within side beam Wrapped into groove on exterior of satellite Three coils form mutually perpendicular axes

44 Momentum Dumping Control Algorithm
The approach is to consider both the need and efficiency of dumping at a particular time. Use change in angular momentum to estimate direction of the earth’s magnetic field in the absence of magnetometer reading.

45 Theory Dipole moment calculations Need and efficiency calculations

46 Conditions for Torquer Activation
Need Start Conditions Detumbling HMax Start Stop Condition HStop Stop H0 Velocity Restriction BStop BMax Efficiency

47 Current Status Have opted for a torque coil design
Remaining hardware work is in mounting details. Need to purchase or build amplifiers Some fine tuning of momentum dumping control constants may be necessary.

48 Attitude Control Simulations
Attitude dynamics and orbital kinematics are simulated. Magnetic field is modeled The control laws are sampled at 4Hz. The aerodynamic drag torques are modeled. Solar pressure, gravity gradient and residual magnetic moment are not modeled. The reaction wheels models include: Coulomb and viscous friction, limited torque capability (7.4·10-3 Nm), misalignment (4o), uncertainty in gain (10%) and uncertainty in inertia (4%). The satellite core model includes: uncertainty in the moments of inertia (5%) and principal axes of inertia (4o). Explain that the simulations are realistic

49 Ground tracking maneuver

50 Telescope axis pointing error
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 x 10 -3 Pointing error (degrees) Time (s)

51 Reaction wheel torques
-3 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 -1 1 x 10 1 Reaction Wheel Torques (Nm) Time (s)

52 Reaction wheel speeds Reaction Wheel Speeds (rpm) Time (s) 1000 900
800 700 600 Reaction Wheel Speeds (rpm) 500 400 300 200 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (s)

53 Detumbling/Momentum Dumping
Detumbling Algorithm: Want K.E. to decrease, which happens when This condition is satisfied with Since change in B is due to spacecraft rotation,

54 Magnetic Moment X Y Z Time(s) -5 5 -5 5 -5 5 12000 6000 8000 10000
5 X -5 5 Y -5 5 Z Time(s) 12000 6000 8000 10000 4000 2000

55 Reaction Wheel Momentum
Time(s) 12000 6000 8000 10000 4000 2000 HRWA 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

56 Spacecraft Body Momentum
Time(s) 12000 6000 8000 10000 4000 2000 Hbody 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

57 Total Momentum Htotal Time(s) 12000 6000 8000 10000 4000 2000 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

58 Questions? Comments?

59 Presentation Schedule
5:00- Project Manager Overview & Introduction 5:20- Science 5:50- Laser Communications 6:10- Guidance, Navigation & Control 6:30- Break 6:40- Systems Integration 7:00- Mechanical, Structures & Analysis 7:20- Data & Command Handling 7:40- Power Generation & Distribution

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