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Richard Barclay HGAS System Lead
SDO High-Gain Antenna System (HGAS) Overview and Pointing System Mission PDR Richard Barclay HGAS System Lead
Agenda Changes since SCR/HGAS Pre PDR System Requirements
S/C & HGAS Configuration HGAS Mechanical Overview/Architecture HGAS, HGADS, Gimbal, HGA Changes since SCR/HGAS Pre PDR Field-of-view Electronics Allocations HGAS Pointing Budget HGAS Pointing Calibration Jitter Development Approach, Flow Schedule/Budget Status RFA Status
High data rate drives high carrier freq. High carrier attenuation necessitates waveguides and rotary joints for link margin. Insertion loss for HGAS verified by test, trended. Link margin for system drives +/ deg. End-to-end pointing. Near continuous coverage, orbit, sun-pointing, and 1-2 ground stations drives 2-axis gimbal with 360-deg azimuth (Az) and +60/ -51- deg max elevation(El) [at solstice, +45/-35-deg at equinox]. Additional range-of-motion included in design for alignment errors. RF Attenuation, jitter, environment limit boom length. System compromises between waveguide length, boom length, array shape, antenna size, amplifier power, pointing and jitter to meet FOV and link-margin requirements. Single fault tolerance drives electrical redundancy. This combined with requirement not to need s/c attitude adjustment to meet coverage, necessitates 2 antenna systems.
High Gain Antenna System*
Boom Hinge HGA HGADS, labeled. Also includes rest of latching mechanism (not shown) Launch Restraint Interfaces Gimbal. Includes everything between HGA and Boom. Gimbal Rectangular to circular transition & circular polarizer Hinge Actuator HGA RF components: HGA, polarizer, rect-circular w.g. transition, waveguide, RF rotary joints. *Also includes Gimbal Control Electronics (GCE) shown later RF Rotary Joints Harness & Cable-Wrap
S/C-HGAS Configuration
0.75-m diameter HGA dish Azimuth-elevation gimbal with harmonic drive actuators, position sensors, and ECRA Azimuth actuator and ECRA need to accommodate waveguide through center. Single-hinged deployable rigid booms, (1.52m (60 in) from hinge to center of WR34 waveguide, RF rotary joints—gimbal axes & boom hinge Centrally located power amps, Ka band (26.5GHz nominal) Tapered solar arrays to allow increased FOV, minimize handovers Operations: 1 gimbal continuous for 6 months, then handover Electrical redundancy, single-fault tolerance 1553 interface to electronics box, microprocessor controller GCE also houses housekeeping thermistor monitoring ckts and additional switching ckts. HGADS: spring w/fluid damper, restraints on boom and gimbal
Changes Since SCR/HGAS PDR
Longer Gimbal, shorter Boom, shorter overall length SA resizing, S/C plan form changes, larger ECRA Added fidelity to design and analysis Developed restraint system w/ FEA analysis Gimbal loads addressed Actual design, not theoretical restraint for loads Revised antenna bracket and HGADS interface Detailed waveguide accommodation FEA of feasibility study HGA-Gimbal interface, structural/thermal issues solved Analysis Bearing gradients, lubrication Heater locations/accommodation—added thermal structure for elevation rotary joint. Stowed loads, frequency Deployed frequency Thermal distortion for pointing includes whole HGAS (minus hinge) Started jitter analysis GCE SPN split into Power Converter Card (PCC) and Low Power Switch Card (LPSC) (replaces ‘Ubercard’) Increased GIC fidelity, parts selection, dissipation, area study Increased Housekeeping fidelity, design, area study, SDN core interface Firmed up software requirements/ICD
Changes Since SCR & HGAS Pre PDR
Then Now
Changes Since SCR 1.2 m (47.2 in) 1.89m (74.3 in ) 2.1m (82.7 in)
Antenna Pointing Range-Of-Motion*
+Z, -66-deg El -Z, +66-deg El +Z, +66-deg El -Z, -66-deg El *360-deg continuous on Az
HGAS/Gimbal Design Detail
HGA Dish HGA Dish Interface Antenna Bracket/HGADS Interface Waveguide Boom (with internal waveguide) El Actuator ECRA (with internal waveguide) Hinge Assembly (Hinge, RJ, Damper, Cable Wrap) RF Rotary Joint Az Actuator Boom-Gimbal Interface Portion of Harness, Rest not shown
Life Requirement 48 times fewer cycles than TRMM (LEO, 3 cycles/orbit). Slip/Roll-ring and Az rotary joint cycles same as Az output. El rotary joint cycles same as El actuator output. Hinge rotary joint life is gnd testing plus one, 90-deg on orbit.
FOV, October 6th Each cylinder represents snapshot of HGA FOV required for given time in orbit. Each ‘disk’ represents hourly progression of cylindrical HGA FOV over 1 day of given month. At least one antenna will have clear FOV at all times. ‘+Z’, aka ‘HGA 2’, aka ‘Winter’ Gimbal ‘-Z’, aka ‘HGA 1’, aka ‘Summer’ Gimbal
FOV, November 6th
FOV, December 6th
FOV, January 6th
FOV, February 6th
FOV, March 6th
FOV, April 6th
FOV, May 6th
FOV, June 6th
FOV, July 6th
FOV, August 6th
FOV, September 6th
HGA FOV/Ops/Handovers
HGAS Interfaces/Overview
Have combination survival/operational heaters on gimbals. Heaters on survival heater bus (GCE not on at launch). Damper heaters in GCE.
Gimbal Control Electronics (GCE) Design
Box functions: HGA gimbal control (2, 2-axis gimbals), s/c thermistor housekeeping (48), power switching (heaters and gimbal drive power), HGAS hinge pot readout, RF switch toggling. 4 Cards per side (side A&B): SDN/HK, Gimbal interface , Low-Power Switch Card (LPSC), and Power Converter Card (PCC). Nominal mode: receive position and velocity from ACS via 1553 and provide open-loop positioning. Loop is closed by ACS. SDN microprocessor control of gimbals. CPCI backplane Single Fault tolerance Gimbal interface supports motor drive and position sensors for 4 axes Electrically redundant Side A and B electronics (cross-strapped PSE power and 1553 externally, motor relays GCE-GCE) Dual gimbal motor windings and sensors (not cross-strapped)
Allocations vs. Design Mass allocation: 50 kg, current estimate: 45.6 kg includes: 2, kg gimbals, and 1 internally redundant, 15-kg HGAS electronics box. RF components including HGA kept separate along with HGADS. 9.6% margin to allocation, project holds 20% on allocation. Mission has 30% margin on current best estimate. Power allocation 41W “normal mode”, estimate 39W; same for eclipse mode Project holds rest of margin. PSE interface is 10 A output module to supply all GCE power. Design draws <10A with estimated heater allocation and peak gimbal power over 21-35V. End-to-end jitter: HGAS contribution to instrument jitter ~0.02 arcsec (1-sigma). Allocation under revision, but analysis of system-wide jitter meets requirement. HGAS contribution is small part of total jitter. HGAS Pointing Budget. Preliminary analysis shows meet requirement with on-orbit calibration to remove static errors such as deployment.
Pointing Requirement vs. Design
SDO: +/ deg. end-to-end Tighter than XTE and TRMM which did not require cal. SDO: Better s/c pointing & Calibrate out launch shifts and deployment/static errors Gimbal errors similar to XTE/TRMM gimbal allocation ~0.15 deg tracking ~0.03 deg thermal, ~0.14 deg orth. ~RSS +/-0.18 gimbal only ~RSS +/ deg total error Actual requirement was larger Gives confidence that this similar design will deliver similar performance. More stringent allocation on SDO; will be addressed with similar components and calibration to remove 1-time errors. Analysis shows that pointing budget allocations are met.
HGAS Pointing Budget
HGAS Calibration Budgeted at +/-0.05 deg (TBR)
Working on method/details/simulation—T. Kenney Ideal sim done. Adding noise sources. Straight-forward approach, similar to other systems. Use gnd commands to move HGA in pattern and correlate with ground signal strength to determine peak signal, call this zero. ACS will have transformation matrix for new axes and send corrected gimbal positions. HGAS alignment errors will be measured on the ground. Calibration addresses primarily deployment/1-time errors Plan is for single calibration period in early orbit Will trend signal strength after initial calibration May need to calibrate seasonally although analysis shows we do not. May need hourly tables to address thermal if worse than predicts Will have ability for both as contingency
HGAS Jitter Instrument pointing: ACS FEA/flexible body analysis shows HGAS contribution is small component of total jitter HGAS pointing self-induced pointing jitter budget is 0.04 degrees. ACS-induced HGAS pointing jitter budget is 0.02 degrees Other spacecraft source-induced HGAS pointing jitter budget is 0.02 degrees (ie instrument mechanisms) Will measure gimbal jitter and use modeling and analysis to predict impacts. HGAS induced jitter avoidance plan uses duty cycle variability to dispense motor pulses at variable intervals providing slight lag/lead of required position while providing correct average rate Nominally tracking: ~1 pulse/2 sec Ex, 2 pulses every 4 sec
Development Approach Leverage proven components/designs/technology.
Comprehensive qualification/verification test program.
Development Flow Electronics (qualified separately)
GCE BB1: commercial backplane, bb sdn core, asd, gic, power supplies. Supports FSW development lab GCE BB2: same as BB1 but stays with gimbal development, used for ETU, qual, and life testing. ETU1: flt-like backplane, integrated sdn&asd, gic, lpsc, and pcc. Supports FLATSAT. ETU2: same as ETU1 but supports flight gimbal testing. FLT: redundant box. Electronics tested with actuators, gimbals, and Dynamic Simulator (GDS) which simulates loads. Gimbal (qualified separately) BB: uses XTE/TRMM spare (approximates design). ETU: uses flight-like components, sees environments. Is a pathfinder for assembly, test, design issues. If there are none, could become qual/lifetest unit. Used for GCE/APS testing, HGAS testing on SVU, and FLATSAT. Qual/PT: built just like flight. Second fab cycle after ETU testing to include any mods. qualifies gimbal design. Sees PT environments and goes on to lifetest. Flight(1&2): built along with Qual/PT, tested serially after qual unit before flt HGAS thermal sim. HGADS Development unit (DU) used with ETU gimbal for RF throughput test early. PF units. One qualifed on SVU with ETU gimbal and spare HGA, other with mass sim. HGA Procured and qualified at vendor. HGAS Flight units assembled after component qual and see thermal simulation before observatory.
HGAS Verification Plan
Dev. Unit (ETU) HGADS ETU Gimbal to Support Elec. Dev/Qual and FLATSAT Offline Tests Assemble ETU HGAS RF Throughput ETU Gimbal Offline Tests Gimbal Stiffness and Strength Test PT Gimbal Components Random, Sine Vibe, Strength, T-V PT Stand-alone Tests Sine Vibe, Workmanship Random, T-Vac Life Test Dish (all three units) Strength PF Qual Acoustics PF Qual FLT Gimbal Components Random, Sine Vibe, T-V Gimbal Stiffness Test Gimbal Sine Vibe (Acceptance level), Workmanship Random Gimbal T-Vac (4 cycles) PF HGADS Components PF Strength: (1 each) Boom, Hinge, Latch Stiffness: (2 each) Hinge, Latch Random: (2 each) Hinge, Latch T-V extreme functional: (2 each) Hinge, Latch PF SVU Testing Sine Vibe Acoustics, Shock Cold / Hot Deploy Assemble PF HGAS System Remove PF HGADS (2) FLT HGAS Orbital Sim T-Vac ETU Gimbal Mass sim. Gimbal Available PF (FS) Dish Available Mass sim. HGA PF Observatory Test
FLT GCE Integration & Qual
HGAS Subsystem Subsystem & Element CY 2003 CY 2004 CY 2005 CY 2006 CY 2007 CY 2008 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4/8 8/03 3/04 5/04 2/05 MISSION MILESTONES LAUNCH SRR/ SCR ICR PDR CR CDR PER PSR S-Band Milestones Mechanisms 11/17/03 11/3/04 PDR CDR Gimbal Control Electronics GCE BB 1 = Spacecraft Integration = Schedule Reserve 2 = Instrument Integration 3 = Environmental Testing 4 = Launch Site Operations ETU GCE FLT GCE FLT GCE Integration & Qual Gimbal Development Gimbal Development Design BB ETU build/test Qual Build & Test Lifetest SVU Testing Complete FLT1 Build & Test FLT2 Build & Test FLT HGAS Thermal Sims Del to S/C I&T Procurements ETU/QUAL/FLT1/FLT2 Actuator Procure Procure Slip/Roll-Ring Procure ETU/QUAL/FLT1/FLT2 RF Rotary Joint Procure ETU/QUAL/FLT1/FLT2 HGAS System Tests RF throughput w.g. Dev HGADS, ETU Gimbal RF throughput w.g. PF HGADS, FLT Gimbal FLT HGAS Thermal Sims Spacecraft I&T 1 2 3 4 Launch
Issues Gimbal assembly life testing concurrent with flight gimbal I&T.
Concern: Life test unit failure after flight units tested. Impact: Schedule and cost to address problem. Repeat I&T. Mitigation: early component life tests, relatively benign life requirement, peer reviews/oversight all combine to reduce risk of gimbal life test failure. Performance monitored during test, possible early detection of problem. Spare long-lead parts. Recovery: depends on possible failure. Gimbal life test completes 18 months before launch. Component procurements are long-lead and are schedule drivers Concern: Component development delays could impact system schedule Impact: Could cause failure to meet delivery schedules. Mitigation: Close oversight of component development. Leverage of existing designs/components. Recovery: Parallel testing, reduction of second fab cycle.
Conclusion Review Status RFAs Developments: Documentation
Held HGAS Peer/PDRs in Aug ’03 and Nov ’03 and component reviews in Nov ’03. RFAs No show stoppers. 52 open, 40 recommended for closure Most close as a result of design maturity. Developments: GCE GIC and ASD breadboard layouts pending Gimbal preliminary design complete Documentation HGAS specification/requirements document being reviewed HGAS Pointing Req Doc being reviewed HGADS Req Doc being reviewed Long lead procurement specs/sows in review, actuator RFI responses in. Working ICDs Ready to proceed with detailed design
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