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Skeletal System 206 Total Bones.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System 206 Total Bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System 206 Total Bones

2 Types Of Joints Pivot Hinge Ball & Socket Gliding Top of the neck
Elbow/Knee Ball & Socket Gliding Intercarpal joints Shoulder/Hip

3 Cranium Mandible Clavicle Sternum Scapula Humerus Rib Vertebral Column
Ulna Pelvis Radius Sacrum Carpals Coccyx Metacarpals Phalanges Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges

4 bones which do not fall into any other category
Types of Bones Long Bone Short Bone Head – Body - Head As wide as they are long Flat Bone Irregular Bone Provides Protection bones which do not fall into any other category

5 Connective Tissues Cartilage – Ligament – Tendon –
Allows joints to move easily, cushions bones, and supports soft tissue Cartilage – Ligament – Hold bones in place at the joints Tendon – Joins muscle to muscle or muscle to bone

6 Types of Fractures

7 Open Fracture a fracture that protrudes to the exterior of the body.

8 Closed Fracture A Fracture that does not break the skin

9 Greenstick Fracture Only one side of the bone is broken, mostly seen in children

10 Transverse Fracture Break at a right angle and caused by direct traumatic injury

11 Spiral Fracture Bone broke because of a twisting type motion.

12 Oblique Fracture Rarest form of fractures, the break is at an angle.

13 Skeletal System Information
Appendicular System 126 bones Axial System 80 bones

14 Conditions of the Skeletal System
Osteoporosis Bones become fragile and more likely to break Osteoarthritis Joint disorder where the cartilage is wearing away

15 Look at how many bones you have in your head!!

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