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Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge

2 His biography : Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born October 21, 1772, at Ottery St. Mary's, Devonshire, the youngest of 14 children. His father, John Coleridge, the parish vicar, died in 1781 just before Coleridge's ninth birthday. He was then sent to a boarding school, Christ's Hospital, as a charity scholar. A brilliant student, he went up to Jesus College, Cambridge, in 1791, on a small allowance provided by his brother George. Although he won a college medal in his first year for a long poem in Greek and was one of four finalists for a scholarship in his second, he was at the same time going through an adolescent crisis, experimenting with alcohol, opium, and sex, and falling in love with Mary Evans, the sister of a friend…

3 :His Important Works In 1816 the unfinished poems "Christabel" and "Kubla Khan" were published, and next year appeared "Sibylline Leaves". According to the poet, "Kubla Khan" was inspired by a dream vision. His most important production during this period was the Biographia Literaria(1817). After 1817 Coleridge devoted himself to theological and politico-sociological works. Coleridge was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in He died in Highgate, near London on July 25, 183

4 There are three main dictions according to Wordsworth.
* Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria discuses the different poetic Diction between Wordsworth and Coleridge. First we will begin with Wordsworth’s assumptions of poetic diction. There are three main dictions according to Wordsworth. Coleridge replies to the three assumptions of Wordsworth, he believes that. * According to Coleridge there is no real language, only ordinary language and thus the language of the farmer is not the best. Only poetic language is the best. And if we follow one language then we are only following the system.

5 Imagination: is a mental activity as it is a part of our mind like memory and thinking; it is not creating something purely new but it is something based on what is already stored in our mind. Imagination is the ability of connecting between stimulate object (either it is in front of me or not) and what I have already stored in the mind. We get imagination by experience, knowledge from learning and education; and we use it in our life by recognizing everything that comes in our way. The difference between the primary and secondary imagination.

6 Fancy: The distinction between Fancy and Imagination
is a part again of the mental activity as it is the mode of memory, and it means I desire it or want it. It is a choice of doing something, but choice that comes out of your mind. I can fancy by connecting or associating two things together. Imagination depends on connecting and fancy also, but here it has the element of choice. In Coleridge's eyes fancy is done as a mechanical or a habit of the mind that said by Wordsworth. So, Coleridge here saying the same, when you make something your act here follows and according to your habits in your mind, so it is passive and mechanical. For Coleridge fancy also is working with memory; it doesn't create but only connect what is there in your mind. The artist should have the primary and fancy but the secondary imagination is the imagination that let him creative. The distinction between Fancy and Imagination

7 Coleridge’s objections :
He speaks about objections exposed different expressions used by wordsworth , he chooses five expressions because they deal with the language of poetry and there are certain words that are used by wordsworth that were not accurate from Coleridge point of view.

8 Thank you ..

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