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Presentation on theme: "REGISTRATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Mr. Criscione Principal Mr. Stutz Assistant Principal Ms. Conrad Mr. Butchart Assistant Principal (intern) Ms. Doyle COUNSELING TEAM Mrs. Miller A - D Mrs. Lamb E - K Mrs. Krochmalny L - RE Mrs. Brenner Rh - Z Mr. Bittle College and Career

3 Graduation Requirements Course Options
Today we will cover: Today we will cover…..... Graduation Requirements Course Options Minimum College Entrance Requirements Registration Forms



6 85% X 21 credits = 18 credits that must be taken through NSD.
2 AP…..... 50% and 85% Rule 85% X 21 credits = 18 credits that must be taken through NSD. No more than 50% of any area may be taken off campus.

7 A Note about 3rd year math…
Class of 2018 is required to earn 3 credits of math: Algebra I Geometry Algebra II or Algebra II/Trig or Career Based Math Career Based Math: Robotics, Finance, Bridges to Algebra or Sustainable Engineering and Design Does not meet the entrance requirements for most four-year universities. Parent and Student must meet with counselor

8 Satellite Program Applications in the career center – To Mr. Bittle Due December 9th Automotive Tech 2 (12th only) Beg & Adv. Sports Medicine Composites Engineering Teaching Academy Culinary Arts Program Welding Event Management & Hospitality Health Science Careers WANIC On-line registration Due December 9th CISCO Networking Academy DigiPen Animation Academy Criminal Justice DigiPen Video Game Program Dental Careers Fire & EMS RUNNING START Fill out WHS registration form as though you will be enrolling in a FULL SCHEDULE at WHS (14 boxes total). See your counselor.

9 Things to consider Junior Year
Balance your course work with: AP and Advanced courses typically require significantly more homework and/or reading . Take advanced classes in your strongest subject. Ask your current teachers for placement advice Sports, Clubs and Activities Employment/Volunteer


11 College Admissions Requirements
WSU UW Gonzaga University of California English 4 Years Mathematics 3 Years Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II 3 Years Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II Senior Year Math 1 Year Any math beyond Algebra II and Science Science Lab 2 Years of Algebra Based Science 2 Years World Language Social Sciences 3 Years 2 Year Art 1 Year ½ Year Academic Elect College Preporatory Elective 1 year

12 Catalog

13 Things to think about if you select a 7th period.
Will you have transportation After School Activities? Employment Sports, Club and Activities After School help-Falcon Quest


15 Alternates*Alternates*Alternates


17 Your schedule will be created in December!
NOW WHAT? Must Select boxes Parent signature Select alternates Return Registration Form: Periods 1/3/5 - Monday Nov. 14th Biology Teacher. Periods 2/4/6 - Tuesday Nov. 15th to your Biology Teacher NO SCHEDULE CHANGES- Your schedule will be created in December!


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