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Exercise AFRICAN LION 2017 Concept Development Event Outbrief

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1 Exercise AFRICAN LION 2017 Concept Development Event Outbrief
UNCLASSIFIED Exercise AFRICAN LION 2017 Concept Development Event Outbrief 29 July 2016 Headquarters, United States Africa Command Kelley Barracks | Möhringen, Baden-Württemburg, Germany Overall Presentation is UNCLASSIFIED

2 Purpose and Agenda Purpose Agenda
UNCLASSIFIED Purpose Agenda Provide in progress review at the conclusion of the AFRICAN LION 17 CDE to the AFRICOM J37 Director. This brief will demonstrate how the OCE will achieve exercise guidance and intent as directed by USAFRICOM. Review guidance, intent and exercise goals and objectives Command Relationships Exercise timelines Event Basic Concept of Operations for Events Issues UNCLASSIFIED

3 AL-17 CDE Objectives ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Complete In- Progress Issues ✓
UNCLASSIFIED AL-17 CDE Objectives Review applicable AL-16 after action reports and apply lessons learned. Confirm command relationships and delineate responsibilities to the U.S. JTF and components. Validate funding sources and responsibilities by component, agency or unit. Identify fiscal requirements by component, agency or unit. Draft exercise funding plan. Draft exercise and event support logistics and facilities requirements. Develop an overall concept and design for AL-17, leading to an event that supports accomplishment of USAFRICOM, full participating nations, and service component training objectives within known resource constraints. Develop overarching exercise goals, objectives and a draft concept of operations (CONOPs) for CPX, ICBW, Academics, FTX, ATX, HCA, SPO event, MANOWAR, and SLS. Identify and articulate deliverables, assign lead office of primary responsibility, and determine participant estimates for the initial site survey and initial planning event. Draft proposed headquarters locations for the CJTF, component response cells, and supporting agencies. Draft exercise force list. Identify collaborative tools for interoperability, information sharing. Draft scenario for CPX planning and AL-17 execution. Confirm Joint Exercise Life Cycle (JELC) key events and POA&M. Confirm AL-17 Mission Statement. Proposed Confirm AL-17 Exercise Plan (EXPLAN) drafter responsibilities. Complete In- Progress Issues ✓ Conference Complete UNCLASSIFIED

4 USAFRICOM Exercise Objectives
UNCLASSIFIED USAFRICOM Exercise Objectives Enhance cooperation on Regional Security issues to include Counter-Violent Extremist Organizations (CVEO) within the region and strengthen the ability of African Partner Nations to provide for their own security Strengthen regional access and freedom of movement Assist in sustaining readiness of U.S. force participation in a Joint/ Combined Exercise environment Strengthen the relationship between Morocco, Tunisia, and Regional Partners Exercise and assess African partner capability to generate forces capable of conducting CVEO operations, to include capacity and interoperability Exercise and assess African Partner Nations C4 interoperability and information sharing capabilities Source: USAFRICOM Draft TASKORD FRAGO UNCLASSIFIED

5 AFRICOM Commander’s Intent and funding
UNCLASSIFIED AFRICOM Commander’s Intent and funding MISSION STATEMENT: USAFRICOM, with partners, conducts Exercise AL 17 on or about April 2017 in Morocco and Tunisia to exercise with U.S., Western Partner Nations, African Partner Nations, and Regional Organizations in order to strengthen African Partner Nations’ willingness and capability to contain regional instability, degrade VEOs, maintain security within their borders, and to conduct Peace Operations. PURPOSE: Conduct a Command Post Exercise (CPX)/ Field Training Exercise (FTX) to enhance U.S., African Nation, Western Partners and regional organization’s capabilities and interoperability to contain regional instability, conduct Peace Operations, counter Violent Extremist Organizations (VEO), maintain cross border security, and counter transnational threats. METHOD: (See “Key Tasks”) ENDSTATE: Participating staff personnel and forces are willing and capable of countering VEOs, maintaining cross border security, conducting Peace Operations, and degrading transnational threats in the Sahel-Maghreb region. FUNDING: $10M JETP, $900K DCCEP, $ 1.53M SIF Source: USAFRICOM Draft TASKORD FRAGO UNCLASSIFIED

6 AL17 Support to TCP Strategy to Effects
UNCLASSIFIED AL17 Support to TCP Strategy to Effects TCP Lines of Effort (LOE) TCP Intermediate Military Objectives (IMOs) Effects LOE 2: Degrade VEOs in Sahel-Maghreb/ Contain Instability in Libya NLT 1 October 2016, USAFRICOM has sufficient information to direct activities and resources that enable African Partner Nations to contain national borders and disrupt Libyan/ Regional instability (IMO 2.1) 2.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.1.5 NLT 1 October 2018, VEOs in the Sahel-Maghreb are disrupted and contained by USAFRICOM, its subordinate commands, international partners and African Partner Nations through multinational and unilateral operations (IMO 2.2) 2.2.1, 2.2.2 NLT 1 October 2020, African partners are willing and capable of conducting and sustaining operations against threats emanating from Libya and throughout the Sahel-Maghreb (IMO 2.3) 2.3.1, 2.3.2 LOE 1:Neutralize Al-Shabaab/ Transition AMISOM LOE 3:Contain Boko Haram LOE 4: Suppress illicit activity in Gulf of Guinea/Central Africa LOE 5: Build Peace Keeping/ HADR capacity of African Partners NLT 1 October 2020, African partners who regularly contribute to PKO/HADR are willing and capable of deploying and sustaining their own forces either within the region or across the continent without USAFRICOM assistance(IMO 5.3) 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, GoG = Gulf of Guinea ED = Executive Direction GF = Generating Force OF = Operating Force UNCLASSIFIED

7 MARFOREUR/AF Exercise Goals and Objectives
UNCLASSIFIED MARFOREUR/AF Exercise Goals and Objectives Increase Regional cooperation in the North-West Africa focus region Directly support USAFRICOM Theater Campaign Plans Line of Effort (LOE) 2 focusing on Intermediate Military Objectives to contain VEOs, and contain national borders through Multi-National Operations. Promote tactical level interoperability with regional African partners and Multi-National security partners. Ensure subordinate units have opportunity to accomplish unit training objectives in concert with higher headquarters guidance. Provide operational sustainment for deployed forces. Link exercise events with a common scenario and synchronize as feasible. Exercise and Assess U.S. Forces’ interoperability with African Partner Nations and other Multi-National Forces in performing deliberate operations planning and execution . Exercise and Assess U.S. Forces’ ability to demonstrate U.S. Marine Corps capabilities to Joint, Allied, and Regional Security partners. Reinforce training accomplished during previous AFRICAN LION exercises and add additional complexity via a building block training approach. Conduct training of forces through JRSO&I, deployment, employment, and redeployment of the force. Execute forward deployed Crisis Response capabilities. Integrate U.S. Maritime Services, other services, Special Operations Forces and inter-agency partners within the context of a regional crisis. Sources: USAFRICOM FRAGO and MARFOREUR/AF Campaign Plan UNCLASSIFIED

8 MARFOREUR/AF Mission Essential Task List
UNCLASSIFIED MARFOREUR/AF Mission Essential Task List MCT 1.10 Conduct Crisis Response OP4 Provide Operational Sustainment ST Prepare and Coordinate Theater Strategy, Campaign Plans or Operation Plans, and Orders OP 5.4 Command Subordinate Forces OP Execute Theater Security Cooperation Plans (TSCP) MCT 5.8 Advise Combatant Commander on Service Positions and Force Employment ST 6.6 Perform Mission Assurance Sources: MARFOREUR/AF Campaign Plan UNCLASSIFIED

9 Draft MARFOREUR/AF Mission Statement
UNCLASSIFIED Draft MARFOREUR/AF Mission Statement MISSION: MARFOREUR/AF conducts AL17 in the Kingdom of Morocco from 19 to 28 April 2017 in order to support specific USAFRICOM LOEs associated with the Theater Campaign Plan, exercise selected MARFOREUR/AF and subordinate unit mission essential tasks and improve U.S. Military interoperability with Royal Moroccan Armed Forces and Multi-National/Regional Partners. PURPOSE: We will exercise our ability to accomplish our Mission Essential Tasks (METs) while supporting USAFRICOM Theater Campaign and Security Cooperation Plans and provide useful feedback to CDRUSAFRICOM regarding MARFOREUR/AF’s accomplishment of USAFRICOM’s exercise objectives. Additionally we will continue to increase the complexity and relevance of our training with the host nation and will seek opportunities to include other regional and international partners. METHOD: Execute Joint Event Life Cycle (JELC) events and provide associated deliverables in a timely manner and ensure selected MARFOREUR/AF and CJTF METs are accomplished while supporting AFRICOM and Host Nation exercise objectives. ENDSTATE: The exercise is executed safely; subordinate units are able to accomplish assigned missions, training objectives and exercise objectives are completed and assessed. UNCLASSIFIED

Updated: 28 July 2016 OCE: MARFOREUR/AF OSE: USAFRICOM POC: Maj Sayler; Mission Profile When: April 2017 Where: Kingdom of Morocco with a satellite location in Tunisia What: U.S./ Moroccan CJTF CPX linked with an ICBW, Security and Peace Ops, FTX, Combined Arms FTX, HCA, and Maritime operations. Who: Morocco, Tunisia and numerous Multi-National/ Regional Partners Why: Exercise U.S., Western partner nations and regional organizations IOT strengthen African Partner Nations’ willingness and capability to contain regional instability, degrade VEOs, maintain security within their borders, and conduct peace operations Total Force Requirements (2,176 Total; 1,779 US) CJTF CE: ~ 150 pax USMC, USN, USA, USAF, SOF, Coalition CPX (USARAF): ~ 70 pax USMC, USA, Coalition CFLCC (FTX): ~ 795 pax USMC, USA, SOF, Coalition SPO: ~ 290 pax USMC, USA, USAF, Coalition HCA: ~ 35 pax USA, USAF, Coalition CFACC (ATX): ~ 237 pax USAF LOG Spt Element: ~ 505 pax USMC, USN, USA, USAF, Coalition CFMCC: ~ 94 pax USN Foreign Forces: Morocco (TBD); UK (12), Netherlands (85), Spain (85) Belgium (TBD), Tunisia (TBD), Italy (TBD) Germany (219), Mauritania (TBD) USMC Specific Sourcing HQ Staff (~140 Pax) CFLCC (~510 Pax) Log Spt Elt (~445 Pax) SPO(~70 Pax) Supports USAFRICOM Theater Campaign Plan LOEs: LOE 2: Degrade VEOs in Sahel Magreb/Contain instability in Libya LOE 5: Build Peace Keeping/HADR capacity of African Partners MARFOREUR/AF Exercise Related Objectives -Increase Regional cooperation in the North-West Africa focus region -Support USAFRICOM TCP (LOE) 2 focusing on Intermediate Military Objectives to contain VEOs, and contain national borders through Multi-National Operations. -Promote tactical level interoperability with regional African partners and Multi-National security partners. -Provide operational sustainment for deployed forces. 1. Crisis Response 2. Contingency Response 3. Maritime Expeditionary Operations 4. Security Cooperation (4.3) MARFOREUR/AF LOE Budgets JETP: $8.5-10M DCCEP: $900K SIF: $1.53M Total: $12.43M CDE 25-29 Jul 16 IPE 19-23 Sep 16 MPE 05-09 Dec 16 TPFDD/ LPE 09-13 Jan 17 FPE 27 Feb-03 Mar 17 Execution 19-28 April 17 UNCLASSIFIED


12 AL-17 Academics/ Command Post Exercise
UNCLASSIFIED Other Academics: Capacity Building: Public Affairs Communications ?? Pre-CPX Professional Military Development: Rule of Law CIMIC/CA Seminar CoESPU Border Security Seminar MISO/ Information Operations PKSOI ?? Intelligence Capacity: Basic Intelligence Course (3 weeks) ICBW: two simultaneous seminars. One analyst workshop focused on IPOE; target audience: company-grade officers and NCOs. A second advanced concepts workshop focused on ISR and collections management; target audience: field grade officers and WOs. Outputs of both will feed the exercise’s joint and combined deliberate planning efforts. Take Aways: Primary Training Audience: Combined Brigade Level Staff, supported by Joint Secondary Training Audiences No separate Academics/CAP phase- one long evolution. Academics shift to TCP LOE 2 themes Scenario focus: TCP LOE 2 We lose some Inter-agency, what else can we gain?? Primary Training Audience: Combined Brigade Staff comprised of: FAR SZHQ staff (O-6) Subordinate Bn Level Response Cell TUN Staff (O-5) USA BDE HQ (O-5) Approx 20 Pax Subordinate Bn level Response Cell Augmented by FAR/US/ Multi-National Joint Personnel (CAN, DEU, ESP, ITA, MRT, PRT, SEN, UK) UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED CPX AL17 Schedule SUN MON TUES WEDS THURS FRI SAT 2 Apr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Basic Intelligence Course (Begins 20 March ‘17) Intelligence Capacity Building Workshop Capacity Building Academics Pre-CPX Academics Phase ATX Apr ‘17 Opening Ceremony Mission Planning/ Staff Integration Training CPX Warm Start Hot Wash CPX Warm Start CPX EXECUTION: Full Battle Rhythm Packout/ Washdown DV Day UNCLASSIFIED DV Day

14 FTX-25TH Marine Regiment
UNCLASSIFIED FTX-25TH Marine Regiment Force List HQ Co, 25TH Marines (CJFLCC) – 70 Pax Det, Comm Co, 4TH MARDIV – 20 Pax Det, ANGLICO – 10 Pax Det, USAF CBCS – 2 Pax USAF JTACs – 2 Pax Joint/Combined Battalion Task Force H&S Co (-), 1ST Bn, 24TH Marines – 90 Pax Wpns Co, 1ST Bn, 24TH Marines – 144 Pax Rifle Co, 173D Airborne Bde – 120 Pax Co (Mech), 233 Gebirgsjäger Bn – 200 Pax Battery, 14TH Marines – 100 Pax Light Armored Recon Platoon – 32 Pax Squad, Combat Engineers – 15 Pax FRSS/STP, 4TH Medical Bn – 30 Pax Det, 4TH Dental Bn – 3 Pax Combat Logistics Company, CLB-451 – 175 Pax Det, NMCB 1, 22 NCR – 25 Pax Tactical PsyOps Team (Germany) – 9 Pax Video Team (Germany) – 6 Pax FAR TBD ~1053 Pax Total Training Objectives Interoperability with Moroccan, Coalition Partners Individual and Small Unit Training Focused on Offense and Defense IOT CVEO Company Live-Fire Combined Arms Attack Force-on-Force Exercises JTAC Training Limitations and Assumptions (L) Tan Tan will support a battalion task force of ~1000 Pax with 3-4 training MSEs (A) FAR Puma available as MEDEVAC platform (A) 4TH MARDIV designates separate battalion staff/I&I to augment 25TH Marines throughout JELC (A) Bn, CFLCC Staffs include multi-national augments (A) Each participating nation has an ACSA (A) CLC provides common user support for bulk liquids, food, medical, limited heavy equipment (A) NMCB can conduct camp improvements AL15 Go #s from EMD -25TH Mar = 71 -1/25 = 496 -I/3/14 = 90 -4TH LAR = 32 -4TH CEB = 15 -CLR 2 FRSS = 29 -6TH ANGLICO = 9 -CLB 453 = 164 UNCLASSIFIED

15 Security and Peace Operations Training
UNCLASSIFIED Training Objectives: Improve defense/security capacity to conduct Border Security and Peace Operations Interoperability between Moroccan/Multi-National Partners Integration of NLW and EOF Training Location/C2: Conducted at FAR Tifnit Training Center FAR and MFR LE Bn have lead Multinational Bn staff C2 only, no CPX participation 3 - 4 Multinational companies Companies comprise 3x platoons of ~25x PAX that maintain national integrity Pending: Communications Architecture Additional Multinational Participation Suspense: Day 1 IPE Bn HQ Construct – Coalition Inter-Agency Participation Participants: Forces Armées Royales 1x Inf Co: TBD United States USMC - MP Co(-) :~70 PAX USA - MP Plt(-): ~25 PAX USAF - 1x SF Squad: ~20 PAX Netherlands: 1x Inf Co(-): ~80 PAX PN (TBD): 1x Inf Co(-): ~75 PAX Composite Bn HQ: TBD Composited Instructor Cadre: TBD Specified Task to enhance Border security and Peace Operations: Personnel and material search techniques, land navigation, mounted and dismounted patrolling ISO securing a porous border convoy operations, detainee handling escalation of force, NLW, close range subject control Peace Operations crowd control and incident response UNCLASSIFIED

16 Logistics Support Element (LSE)
Organization LSE: CLB-451 (-)(REIN) CE (Agadir)/critical enablers: DMO SMO Tactical comm/linkage with CJTF data network Contracting/Fiscal LNO’s (Joint Combined) MAGTF Planner (TPFDD) CLC GS to AL-17 (Agadir) AAOE/POG/MCC/A-DACG Eng (UT/MHE) Supply (WHSE/DISTRO) Maint (Contact/Recovery) NSE, Det CTF-68/NMCB (Agadir/Tan Tan) Utilities, HE/MHE, limited construction CLC DS to CFLCC (Tan Tan) MT: Tactical/log lift to include bulk liquids Eng: HE/MHE, UT (power, laundry, showers, water prod) Maint (limited IMA/recovery) Ammo (combined/joint FASP) Food Svc (EFK)/bottled water Medical (FRSS) Training Objectives Combined/Joint FDP&E Operational level logistics (force closure/sustainment) RSO&I conducted using concepts/TTPs aligned to MPF arrival/assembly doctrine Interoperability with Moroccan, Coalition Partners (tactical level logistics) in support of FTX AO movement control; convoy operations Decision Points, Limitations and Assumptions (DP) CJTF sourcing; potential for LSE operational level logistics functions to be absorbed by CJTF staff; subordinate elements remain the same (A) DIRLAUTH with MARFOR-EU-AF and supporting commands in operational logistics planning/coordination (TPFDD, strat-lift, contracting) (A) Tan Tan will support a battalion task force of ~800 Pax with 3-4 training MSEs (A) Possible to contract of for HN to provide services to fill or augment possible organic support limitations (eg. laundry, heads at Tan Tan; food/water Tifnit, etc.) (A) NSE Det (CTF-68/NMCB) provides camp cmdt fac maint capability; limited UT/HE/MHE in GS (A) Endstrength variable throughout AL-17 (heavier for RSO&I advon/rear); Initial estimate (max): LSE CE ~70, GS CLC ~200, DS CLC ~205 (incl FRSS), NSE ~30 = ~505 UNCLASSIFIED

17 ATX Aircraft Control: Objectives:
UNCLASSIFIED ATX US Forces C/JACCE 603 AOC 608 AOC (AFGSC B-52) 31 FW F-16s B-52s 100 ARW KC-135s UT ANG KC-135 JTACS 55 CBCS Aero Med Evac (AE) pax C-130 Security Forces 606 ACS Objectives: 1. Advance Joint Combined Interoperability 2. Conduct Close Air Support Operations 3. Conduct Security and Peace Operations 4. Conduct Aero Med Evac Operations Issues/Assumptions: Ben Guerir AB (I) On base billeting (dorm availability & beds/linens/laundry) (A) Chow available on base (I) Aviation Fuel capacity (bladders?/site prep?) (I) Status of BAK-12 Arresting Gear at Ben Guerir (I) 55 CBCS support for Tan-Tan/Tifnit/Ben Guerir/Agadir (I) Integration into the CPX and real world planning AOD/ACO/ATO/Spins (I) ATX fly dates supportable by RMAF? (17-28 Apr) (I) C-130 basing to support AE (any other requirements) (I) Puma on alert at Ben Guerir for SAR? (I) Link 16/Comm interoperability/architecture (I) Conference plan for Ben Guerir/Agadir (I) Can AF JTACs support evaluations for other components? Aircraft Control: GCI – Cobra (Moroccan Controllers) Casa Control – Civilian ATC, Moroccan AOC Products Exercise Airspace/Deconfliction Plan (SPINS) Unclass Air Tasking Order (ATO) Terminal Control Moroccan/Multi-National JTACs US JTACs UNCLASSIFIED

18 Proposed AL 17 Aviation Laydown
UNCLASSIFIED Proposed AL 17 Aviation Laydown Meknes F-5 (FAR) Moron 2 x KC-135 (100th ARW) Sidi Slimane F-1 (FAR) Rabat Puma (FAR) Gazelle (FAR) CH-47D (FAR) Inezgane 2 x C-130 Ben Guerir 6-10 x F-16 (52 FW) 1 x KC-135 (UT ANG) F-16C/D (6th BAFRA) CONUS Based 2 x B-52 UNCLASSIFIED

19 ATX GLOBAL STRIKE COA 1 Employ as a 2-ship in Morocco only COA 2
UNCLASSIFIED ATX GLOBAL STRIKE Objective: Plan and conduct GLOBAL STIKE mission from CONUS Demonstrate “Ability to strike with precision anywhere on the African continent” Employ live JDAMs with multi-national JTACs Conduct simulated ops in Tunisia with SOF Accomplished Tasks: 2xB-52s CONUS–AL–CONUS Formation w/Moroccan F-16s Photo op with Tail Flashes Low altitude Show of Force DV day photo op Med altitude work with US, Moroccan, and German JTACS Drop JDAMs on visual or simulated targets Tunisia Option: Directly supports LOE 2: Degrade VEOs in Sahel-Maghreb/contain instability in Libya B-52 operations off coast and/or in Tunisia Work with US/Tunisia SOF forces Exercise US and Tunisian SOF ability to C2 Joint/Combined precision strike operations COA 1 Employ as a 2-ship in Morocco only COA 2 Employ as a 2-ship in Morocco & then fly off the coast/in Tunisia COA 3 Employ as a 2-ship for initial activities in Morocco Lead then employs live JDAMs in Morocco #2 flies in Tunisia Rejoin for RTB UNCLASSIFIED

20 AL-17 AT/FP (Morocco) AT/FP Assessments (Current) Accomplished Tasks:
UNCLASSIFIED AL-17 AT/FP (Morocco) Accomplished Tasks: Identification of key POCs Develop the exercise AT/FP structure and requirements Translators Define AT/FP overlaps regarding key locations and events AT/FP Assessments (Current) Significant Locations (Agadir) Military and Commercial Ports (AMEMB) Billeting/ AMEMB approved hotels (AMEMB) Billeting: Estivage & Tifnit military facilities Route assessments vic Agadir Non-ATFP Precursor tasks: Identify Humanitarian Civic Assistance (HCA) locations (TBD) ATFP Assessments/ Tasks (Required) Develop overall AT/FP plan Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco et al Kenitra Air Base, Morocco et al Tan Tan, Morocco et al HCA locations et al Identification of CJTF ATFP Cell Overall CJTF ATFP officer CJTF ATFP assistant officer Site ATFP officer AL-17 AT/FP Officers (in-country) U.S. Embassy Force Protection Detachment (FPD) Rabat, Morocco Ms. Davin Pascale/ FPD Chief Commercial: MARFOREUR/AF ATFP Mr William W. Coffey/ MFE/A ATFP Officer Commercial: (0) (Germany) DSN: UNCLASSIFIED

21 AL-17 AT/FP (Tunisia) Accomplished Tasks: Identification of key POCs
UNCLASSIFIED AL-17 AT/FP (Tunisia) Accomplished Tasks: Identification of key POCs AT/FP Assessments POE/POD TBD Billeting: Hotel/ Training area TBD Training: TBD AL-17 AT/FP Officers Currently coordinated through USEMB Rabat, Morocco U.S. Embassy Force Protection Detachment (FPD) Rabat, Morocco Ms. Davin Pascale/ FPD Chief Commercial: MARFOREUR/AF ATFP Mr William W. Coffey/ MFE/A ATFP Officer Commercial: (0) (Germany) DSN: Non-ATFP Precursor tasks: Identify footprint size Identify training area ATFP Assessments/ Tasks (Required) Develop overall AT/FP plan Assessment of Training Area, billeting, routes Identification of site ATFP officer UNCLASSIFIED

22 Assessments Assessment Requirements: Assessment Products: Personnel
UNCLASSIFIED Assessments Assessment Requirements: Targeted Theater Campaign Plan Lines of Effort (LOEs) 2 and 5, Intermediate Military Objectives (IMOs), and subordinate objectives USAFRICOM exercise goals, objectives, & focus areas Partner nation objectives & interoperability (SOPs, Doctrine, Training, Equipment, Tactics, Military culture) Partner nation capabilities & infrastructure including Moroccan movement, transportation, and logistics capabilities MARFOREUR/AF training objectives / METs Senior Leadership Seminar (SLS) objectives and doctrine Lessons learned from units and recommendations for future exercises/events Assessment Products: JTIMS TPOs (daily) JTIMS TPEs & ETA (48 hours post endex) Exercise Quick-Look Summary (48 hours post ENDEX) After Action Report / Lessons Learned (30 days post ENDEX) Commander’s Exercise Evaluation Report (CEER) (45 days post endex) Exercise Assessment Quad Chart (45 days post endex) Commander’s Narrative Executive Summary (45 days post endex) Senior Leadership Seminar (SLS) assessment report (MCSCG) Personnel Total: 5 (3-MO, 1-ME, 1-CTR) MARFOREUR/AF: Contractor (1): MFA Assessments Lead MCSCG: Marines (4): Africa CLATS (Coordination Liaison Assessment Training Section) MFA Guidance to CJTF AL-17: MARFOREUR/AF will require assistance of all participating forces for completion of all assessment requirements Assessments “lessons learned” from AL16: -IPE minutes will capture interoperability of forces, Moroccan exercise goals, participating units, & training objectives ** Not an after-action or unit performance assessment UNCLASSIFIED

23 HCA EDL Personnel: *2015 EDL 35 pax UTNG Medical (includes linguists)
UNCLASSIFIED HCA EDL *2015 EDL 3 portable dental units (USAF) 3 portable dental units (UTARNG) 1 portable generator (HN) 1,600 pairs of glasses, sized primarily for school-aged children Dental care kits Office equipment (printer, Projector, CPU) Office supplies (paper, printer cartridges, folders) Personnel: 35 pax UTNG Medical (includes linguists) 15-20 PAX Multi-national partners: Morocco, Tunisia 2nd CAG? Training Objectives US, Moroccan, and African Partner Nation military medical personnel conduct Combined/Joint Mission to provide Level 1 medical services and Level 2 dental care for local population at 4-5 sites in Morocco (TBD by Host Nation) Conduct multi-lateral sharing of information throughout event Special Considerations Procurement of Medications contracted with HN by MARFOREUR/AF Contracting Team DV visit will occur (date TBD) HCA personnel will be billeted with HN military medical personnel at (location TBD) (DCCEP funded) HCA requires COC UNCLASSIFIED

24 JFMCC Total Personnel: 148 Proposed Force Offerings: CTF 65
UNCLASSIFIED JFMCC Proposed Force Offerings: CTF 65 Surface Warfare Officer LNOs (1-2 Per) CTF 68 Forward Command Element (FCE) (6 Per) 22nd Naval Construction Regiment (NCR) (20 Per) FAST PLT (50 Per) Mobile Diving Salvage Unit TWO / Underwater Construction Team ONE divers (10 Per) Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) (~25 Seabees) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) PLT (6-8 Per) Coastal Riverine Squadron UAV Det (2-3 Per) CNE/CNA Det Maritime Ashore Support Terminal (MAST) (6 Per) Total Personnel: 148 Objectives: Deploy and certify CTF 68 as a Forward Command Element C2 Humanitarian Civil Assistance (HCA) detachment RSO&I 22 NCR Conduct QRF training and fixed sight security operations Conduct Exercise Related Construction (ERC) Support camp improvements and maintenance Conduct dive operations and training with Moroccan divers Conduct EOD/SOF training Conduct UAV (Puma) familiarization Exercise and assess interoperability between US, Moroccan, and allied forces Exercise and assess Joint C2 in coordination and support of JTF and subordinate and adjacent units Assumptions and Special Considerations HN/Allies offer surface vessels to participate. No U.S. ships. Berthing available at Estivage for ~35 personnel (CTF 68 HQ) Ambassador approves FAST training at US Embassy in Rabat CTF 65 SWO LNOs available to support staff English speaking HN/PN LNOs available to support staff Diving portion conducted IVO Tangier at Moroccan dive School FAST desires to conduct Fixed Site Security at US Embassy in Rabat UAVs (Puma) authorized to fly in Moroccan airspace ACSA or contracts for food, fuel, water, etc. CTF 63 C-130 available to support C6F/CTF 68 airlift requirements * CTF 68 Forward Command Element Mission: O/O CTF 68 will rapidly deploy a FCE via C-130 with the ability to communicate via SIPR, NIPR, phone, and voice; maintain a COP; self sustain for 7 days; BPT receive forces to staff augments and/or a Flag led staff to assume the mission; and maintain CTF 68 current operations. UNCLASSIFIED

25 Strategic Mobility Estimates ISO Marine Forces
UNCLASSIFIED Strategic Mobility Estimates ISO Marine Forces Air Approx 1500 pax Planning factor based on 25th Marines proposed exercise T/O, CJTF HQ, and GS CLC APOE: East coast APOD: Al Massira Deployment leg: $1,462,039 Redeployment leg: $1,462,039 Total: $2,924,078 Surface Approx 855 short tons port to port Planning factor based on AL-15 and discussions with 25th Marines S-4 Officer SPOE: East coast (South) SPOD: Agadir Deployment leg: $382,744 Redeployment leg: $333,615 Total: $716,359 Combined Estimated Totals Air movement: $2,924,078 Surface movement: $716,359 15% planning factor: $546,066 Grand Total: $4,186,503 Way Ahead Continued refinement with USTRANSCOM on cost estimates Coordination with SDDC on preferred port Initial UDL and pax count NLT IPE Validated UDL and pax count NLT MPE Source: Estimates retrieved from USTRANSCOM’s Single Mobility System air and surface estimate calculator UNCLASSIFIED

26 Budget Cost Estimates (JETP,SIF,DCCEP)
Updated: 28 Jul 16 African Lion JETP (Budget $10M) CTP US $250,000 CTP EUR $100,000 Contract Flight $2,924,078 Mil Air $330,000 Sea-Lift Comm Carrier $716,359 PH/IT ATX $3.5M TOTAL $8,170,437 African Lion FY17 SIF (Budget $1.53M) AL17 MPE $132,455.00 AL17 TPFDD/LPE $97,698.00 AL17 FPE $121,427.00 AL17 Exec $1M AL18 CDE $42,312.00 AL18 IPE $116,114.00 TOTAL $1,510,006 African Lion FY17 DCCEP (Budget $900,000) AL17 MPE $7,402.00 AL17 FPE $8,804.00 AL17 Exec $500,000 AL18 CDE $22,010.00 AL18 IPE $10,000.00 TOTAL $548,216

27 AL-17 Senior Leader Seminar
UNCLASSIFIED Purpose The Senior Leader Seminar is an executive level component of the exercise and will include a series of plenaries discussions to promote regional stability in the Sahel and North Africa. Themes are intended to associate with USAFRICOM Theater Campaign Plan’s lines of effort (and exercise AL16), #2: Degrade VEOs in Sahel-Maghreb/Contain instability in Libya, and #5: Build Peace Keeping/Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Response capacity of African Partners. Proposed Participating Nations Morocco United States Tunisia Mauritania Senegal  Belgium Canada Germany Italy Netherlands Spain SLS themes International Security Cooperation in the Sahel and North Africa region. Regional strategies to fight against violent extremist organizations,. Armed Forces contribution on cross border security and transnational threats. Communication/Information sharing between regional partners. Issues Requirement to combine Phoenix Express and African Lion SLS. Tentative location in Crete. UNCLASSIFIED

28 AFRICAN LION 2017 Related Concept Points
UNCLASSIFIED AL17 Exercise Spoke Concept Development AFRICAN LION 2017 Related Concept Points Primary Concept Refocused AL objectives on TCP LOE 2 (retains CPX, FTX, ATX, SLS, HCA) Creates spoke/ satellite location in Tunisia “ Strengthen the relationship between Morocco, Tunisia, and regional partners (IMO: 2.1 & 2.2) (Approved by CDRUSAFRICOM as of 18 May 2016) U.S., MAR, and TUN SOF Opns in Tunisia Admin deploy U.S./ MAR SOF from MAR to TUN Link up with TUN Forces- conduct FLINTLOCK based vignette scenarios linked to AL17 Total Non-TUN Pax: 20 U.S./ 24 MAR (incl MCE and Comm) Supplementary Event (s) - Tactical Air Integration (1.a) F-16 (U.S./FAR) Escort to/from MAR-TUN (1.b) KC-135 ARF/IFR enroute to/from MAR-TUN (1.c) TUN F-5 intercept/escort enroute to/from MAR/TUN (1.d) Transition from Admin deploy to Tactical Air insertion of ground forces supported by either U.S., MAR, or TUN Air - Supports AL17 ATX Objectives Temp increase of U.S./ MAR pax in TUN (AC) MCE: MARFOR Coordination Element. An exercise administrative section for coordinating overall C2 and logistics/ contracting. The term MCE is MARRFOR- specific. Typically this would be called a Joint Exercise Support Group (JESG) or Detachment thereof. ARF/IFR: Aerial Refueling/ In-Flight Refueling TAAR: Tilt-Rotor Air to Air Refueling SPMAGTF-CR-AF: Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force- Crisis Response- Africa FMP: Full Mission Profile MAR: Morocco TUN: Tunisia Talking Points: TCP: LOE 2:Degrade VEOs in Sahel-Maghreb/ Contain Instability in Libya Approved by CCDR during Joint Exercise Program Brief from J7, 18 May 2016 Icons (Star/ Triangle) for Primary and Spoke locations represent very general geographical areas, and are not intended to identify specific exercise training areas, APOE/APODs, etc. Exercise Supplementary (“Bolt On”) Event: An event which augments the Primary Event in such a way that the Primary Event is not dependent on execution of the Supplementary Event. Supplementary Event(s) can exercise one or all of the events (1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d) and are not dependent on each other. Depending on event date de-confliction- MilAir flights (U.S./ MAR) might be able to deploy/ redeploy TUN pax participating in Morocco events (CPX/ HCA) For ALTERNATE CONCEPT 1 (SPMAGTF Integration): Great event for MARFOR, Great for demonstration, Photo opportunities, DV FAM-flights, Static display, but STRONGLY recommend this augments other events so MAR/TUN get something out of it. Could possibly augment it with similar TACAIR “Bolt On” events. For ALTERNATE CONCEPT 2 (Response Cell C4I Integration) This is a Response Cell linked by C4I into the main CPX conducted in Morocco. Size is dependent on level of participation. Requires of minimum of 20 U.S. pax (includes Response Cell Staff augments, Comm /Models and Simulations Support, and MCE). Could expand upwards of 50 pax including Moroccan and other Multi-National Partners depending on desired Response Cell size and scope. Minimal U.S. footprint- can be conducted in low-visibility location, no aggressive kinetic ops Downside: Training Audience gains no training benefit from this Concept other than “Doing Something in Tunisia” - For ALTERNATE CONCEPT 3 (Senior Leaders Seminar) In one single event, we satisfy USAFRICOM TASKORD Tasks to: 1) Conduct an SLS; 2) Conduct an event in Tunisia; and 3) Support LOE 2. U.S. pax based off of anticipated MCE, Coordinators, AT/FP, driver/escorts. MNF pax based off of maximum 15 countries with 3 pax each (to include aides). This event would likely not be perceived as kinetic/ aggressive but could obviously NOT be held in a remote- out-of-the-way location, and would require significant Host Nation security augmentation. Primary Location Spoke Location Alternate Concept 2 Alternate Concept 1 SPMAGTF-CR-AF Integration SPMAGTF-CR-AF conducts FMP originating from/ concluding in either MAR/TUN (would require TAAR) Can be separate event or augment the Primary Concept(s) Supports MARFOR Objectives, but little play for MAR/TUN U.S. pax count ~50 (w/ air crews) Response Cell C4I Integration U.S. / TUN response cell plays out of TUN, linked to AL17 CPX by C4I Able to add MAR or Multi-National partners as well Can also be used as a Supplementary Event Non-TUN pax count – dependent on level of play (Min:20) UNCLASSIFIED

29 AL-17 Plan of Action and Milestones
UNCLASSIFIED AL-17 Plan of Action and Milestones = Exercise Milestones (pending) = Exercise Milestones (past due) 29 Apr- 10 May 2017: Retrograde = Exercise Milestones (completed) 19-28 Apr 2017: Execution 17-28 Apr 2017: AL-17 ATX 10-17 Apr 2017: Execution ADVON Apr 2017: ICBW/ Academics (Agadir, Morocco) 21 Mar 2017: AL-17 Critical Cancellation Date 20 Mar- 07 Apr 2017: Basic Intel Course (Agadir, Morocco) 27 Feb – 03 Mar 2017: Final Planning Event (Agadir, Morocco) 1 Feb 2017: Detailed Concept Brief to CCDR 09-13 Jan 2017: Logistics Planning Event/ TPFDD Workshop (CONUS) 05-09 Dec2016: Main Planning Event (Agadir, Morocco) EXERCISE EXECUTION 19-28 April 2017 14 Nov 2016: Basic Concept Brief to J37 19-23 Sep 2016: Initial Planning Event (Agadir, Morocco) 25-29 July 2016: Concept Development Event (Stuttgart, Germany) 06-10 Jun 2016: AFRICOM Exercise Planning Conference (Stuttgart Germany) UNCLASSIFIED

30 UNCLASSIFIED Issues Identification of USMC O-7 Command Element (OPR: MARFORCOM/MARFOREUR/AF) Immature Maritime operations concept development (OPR: MARFOREUR/AF) Tunisian Spoke COA approval (OPR: Morocco and Tunisian Country Teams/MARFOREUR/AF) UNCLASSIFIED

31 Questions & Conclusion
UNCLASSIFIED Major Troy Sayler Lead Exercise Planner (G37) U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa Tel: +49(0) DSN:(314) NIPR: SIPR: APAN: PLAD: COMMARFORAF UIC: M20700 UNCLASSIFIED

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