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Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia– Developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator, Georgi Lozanov.

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Presentation on theme: "Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia– Developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator, Georgi Lozanov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia– Developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator, Georgi Lozanov

2 Theory The name from the words “suggestion and Pedagogy”.
Drew from Soviet psychological research and yoga Psychological barriers should be removed.

3 Principle Bancroft (1972 ) states that there are six principle theoretical components of Suggestopedia: Authority Infantilization Double-planedness Intonation, rhythm, and concert pseudo- passiveness

4 Characteristics of Suggestopedia Method

5 Characteristics of Suggestopedia Method
Suggesting and De-suggesting Teacher is a model in the classroom

6 Comfortable Environment (Classroom) The use of Baroque music

7 Students – Teacher Relationship The Role of Students’ Native Language

8 Error Correction

9 Vocabulary and speaking skills are emphasized

10 Peripheral learning

11 Techniques

12 Classroom Set-up The teacher tends to create a classroom environment which does not look like a normal classroom

13 Peripheral learning This technique is based on the idea that we understand much more from the environment than that to which we consciously attend.

14 Positive suggestion The teacher organizes the suggestive factors in a learning process to help students break down the barriers to learning that they bring with them

15 Visualization Students are asked to close their eyes and visualize scenes and events.

16 Choose A New Identity The students choose a target language name and a new occupation.

17 Role-play Students pretend to be someone else and perform a role using target language as if they are as that person

18 First Concert (Active Concert)
- The teacher introduces the story. - Music is played. - The teacher begins a slow, dramatic reading, synchronized it in intonation with the music.

19 Second Concert (Passive Concert)
The students are asked to put their scripts aside, close their eyes, and listen as the teacher reads the dialog at a normal rate of speed.

20 Primary Activation The students playfully re-read the target language dialog out loud, as individuals or in groups.

21 Creative Adaptation The students engage in various activates such as singing, dancing, dramatizations, and games.

22 AdvAntages and DisAdvantages

23 ADVANTAGES Students feel more relax in comfortable situation.
Learning will be enhanced when information comes from the authoritative sources. Double-planedness is very powerful. Students are encouraged to learn independently from peripheral learning.

24 Disadvantages of the Suggestopedia Method

25 1. Classroom size EXAMPLE

26 2. Lack of Classroom Set Up in Indonesia

27 3. Classical music may be irrelevant to all learners

28 Applicability Beginner level Advance Learners


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