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Optimizing high-resolution troposphere estimates using PPP method and Benchmark data set Václavovic P., Douša J. Geodetic Observatory Pecný, RIGTC, Czech.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimizing high-resolution troposphere estimates using PPP method and Benchmark data set Václavovic P., Douša J. Geodetic Observatory Pecný, RIGTC, Czech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimizing high-resolution troposphere estimates using PPP method and Benchmark data set
Václavovic P., Douša J. Geodetic Observatory Pecný, RIGTC, Czech Republic COST ES1206/GNSS4SWEC 3rd Workshop March 8-10, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland 1

2 Outline Our new approach for NRT estimates using Kalman filter + backward smoother Using GLONASS in the Benchmark campaign

3 Principle of the forward-backward filter
Filtering: Xk|k = E(X|y1,y2,y3, …, yk) Smoothing : Xk|N = E(X|y1,y2,y3, …, yk, …, yN) 1 k N y1, y2, y3, … yk y1, y2, y3, … yk, … yN Forward pass (Kalman, SRCF, SRIF) Backward pass

4 Principle of the forward-backward filter
Flow chart of the algorithm

5 Principle of the forward-backward filter
Smoothing always improves precision w.r.t. filtering Almost the same precision in all epochs Observations from whole period contribute to all estimates - similar to LSQ, however with support for high-resolution estimates

6 RT/NRT estimates Kalman filter + backward smoother
Reference ZTDs: GOP’s Bernese (1h, network solution) and GFZ’s (15min, PPP) Simulated RT ZTDs (IGS03 from IGS RTS): GOP’s G-Nut/Tefnut software (30 s, PPP) NRT simulation (Kalman+smoother): different smoothing update: 15min, 1h, 2h, 4h, 24h

7 RT/NRT estimates Kalman filter + backward smoother

8 RT/NRT estimates Kalman filter + backward smoother
The precision of high-resolution ZTDs has been improved by smoother with delays up to 6 hours (up to 35% - from 10 mm to 6,5 mm) Backward filter optimizes an estimate if any parameter changes very rapidly – it uses not only previous observations but also subsequent Based only on matrix operation => very fast (e.g. forward: 21 s; backward 2 s) If real-time estimates are not necessary delayed results can be provided with better precision Smoothed parameters over the whole period have been estimated with the same precision

9 Using GLONASS in the Benchmark campaign
How to optimally set up GLO observation weighting Five solutions Sol 1: GPS only: σGPS Sol 2: GPS+GLO: σGLO = 2 σGPS Sol 3: GPS+GLO: σGLO = 3 σGPS Sol 4: GPS+GLO: σGLO = 4 σGPS Sol 5: GPS+GLO: σGLO = 5 σGPS RT: PPP, forward filter, 5min, IGS03 RTS PP: PPP, forward filter, 5min, ESA final Reference ZTDs: GOP’s Bernese (1h, network solution) First two hours of a day are not included in the evaluation => no convergence

10 Using GLONASS in the Benchmark campaign
Sol 1 GPS Sol 2 GPS + GLO σGLO = 2 σGPS Sol 3 σGLO = 3 σGPS Sol 4 σGLO = 4 σGPS Sol 5 σGLO = 5 σGPS

11 Impact of GLONASS on tropo gradients
GPS + GLO σGLO = 2 σGPS Products: ESA final

12 Impact of GLONASS on tropo gradients
GPS + GLO σGLO = 3 σGPS Products: IGS03 RTS

13 Conclusion ‘Ultra-fast’ troposphere estimates should be balanced for the delay & accuracy targeting the application PPP with bi-directional filter are powerful approach for estimation large dense network in high-resolution PPP provides full exploiting of multi-GNSS data Our approach for NRT can be immediately applied in RT-Demo campaign - traditional hourly estimates with LSQ can be replaced by bi-directional filter with one hour delay GLONASS improved troposphere estimates only when final products were used => low quality of RT products. (The same analysis should be done in for application in RT-Demo)

14 Thank you for your attention
Acknowledgements: IGS for data and products - RTS, MGEX, Final Benchmark GNSS data from EPOSA, SAPOS, ASG-EUPOS, CZEPOS, VESOG, GEONAS, Trimble The work has been supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (LD14102) Related publications: Václavovic P, Douša J (2015), Backward smoothing for precise GNSS applications, Advances in Space Research, Volume 56, Issue 8, 15 October 2015, Pages Douša J, Václavovic P (2014) Real-time zenith tropospheric delays in support of numerical weather prediction applications. Advances in Space Research (2014), Vol 53, No 9, pp Douša J, Dick G, Kačmařík M, Brožková R, Zus F, Brenot H, Stoycheva A, Möller G, Kaplon J (2016), Benchmark campaign and case study episode in Central Europe for development and assessment of advanced GNSS tropospheric models and products, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., discussion paper, 2016 Ahmed F, Václavovic P, Teferle FN, Douša J, Bingley R, Laurichesse D (2015), Comparative analysis of real- time precise point poisitioning zenith total delay estimates, GPS solut, FirstOnline, pp. 1-13

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