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Chapter 19 Review Table Quiz.

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1 Chapter 19 Review Table Quiz

2 Countries that fought against Germany and Austria-Hungary during World War I

3 Germany’s promise the its U-boats would warn ships before attacking
Sussex Pledge

4 Cease-fire between two opponents in a war

5 Organized Killing of an entire people

6 President Wilson’s program for peace
14 Points

7 Worldwide organization aimed at ensuring security and peace
League of Nations

8 Payment from on nation to another for injury suffered during a war

9 Which event sparked World War I?
A. the sinking of the Lusitania B. the German-French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine C. Russia’s quest for a warm-weather port D. the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

10 Which of the following best describes the first few years of the war?
A. both sides were locked in a stalemate B. the Central powers had conquered most of Europe C. Victory for the allies seemed to be coming soon D. There was little actual fighting

11 Which country actively encouraged anti-German feelings in the United States?
A. Mexico B. Great Britain C. Russia D. Austria-Hungary

12 Which of the following was a major factor in the US decision to enter the war?
A. Britain’s naval blockade of Germany B. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare C. Vladimir Lenin’s rise to power in Russia D. France’s fall to the Central Powers

13 What was the purpose of the Convoy system?
A. to hire workers for war factories B. to place women in the work force C. to safeguard Allied ships crossing the Atlantic D. to drop bombs on the enemy

14 Which was true of African Americans during World War I?
A. Almost as many African Americans served in the war as did white Americans B. African Americans were not allowed to serve in the war C. African Americans were usually reserved for battle D. African American troops were segregated and rarely allowed to fight.

15 What role did the federal government play in the economy during the war?
A. the government gave industries more economic freedom B. the government lowered taxes to promote economic growth C. the Government stripped the corporate world of its power D. the government regulated the production of war goods.

16 What best describes the Great Migration?
A. the increase of European immigration during World War I B. the movement of African Americans to northern cities C. the movement of women into jobs formerly held by men D. the progress of Allied troops across France

17 Why did the “Irreconcilable” senators oppose the Versailles Treaty?
A. They did not want the US to join the League of Nations B. They wanted harsher terms for Germany C. They believed the treaty violated the 14 Points D. They apposed reparations for the Allies

18 Which of the following made postwar adjustments difficult in the US?
A. The US became the world’s largest debtor nation B. There were more jobs available that workers to fill them C. There was no plan for merging returning troops back into society D. The government continued to control the economy

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