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Dr. Nick Blake Chem V01B: Room SCI 221 MW 5:30-6:45 PM

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1 Dr. Nick Blake Chem V01B: Room SCI 221 MW 5:30-6:45 PM
general chemistry II Dr. Nick Blake Chem V01B: Room SCI 221 MW 5:30-6:45 PM

2 What we will cover Kinetics of reactions (laws governing the speed of reaction) Dynamic Equilibrium (what happens when the reaction ‘stops’) Thermodynamics (rules that govern energy flow and therefore the rules that govern change and spontaneity in chemical reactions) Electrochemistry (reactions where electrons are transferred) Transition Metal Complexes Introduction to Organic Chemistry

3 How you are assessed Homeworks – generally you get one assignment every week to be handed in on Thursday during class In-class assignments – given out at the beginning of class and handed in at the end of class, questions are based on the material covered that day Quizzes – 3 quizzes over the semester roughly every 2 weeks Assignments Percentage overall grade Homeworks 25% In-Class Assignments Quizzes 50%

4 Guidelines This course is going to be challenging but potentially rewarding Class attendance is manditory The lecture will be given as PowerPoint Presentations (like this one) The PowerPoints, along with homework assignments, class annoucements etc are posted on the class website You will need a scientific calculator Scantrons for Quizzes You do not need a textbook for the class, the PowerPoints will serve that purpose, all questions given will pertain to information / methods outlined in the lectures

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