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2017 New Mexico legislative session update

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1 2017 New Mexico legislative session update
And other Exciting things

2 The Legislative environment & BILLS
60-Day Session with declining oil & gas revenue impacting budget (sound familiar?) Both Chambers controlled by Democrats Governor Republican 14 brand new House members out of 70 & 3 new Senators New Speaker of the House and all new House committees and chairs New House Chief Clerk and other new staff 1473 bills, memorials and constitutional amendments introduced 277 bills actually passed by both chambers and sent to the Governor 140 bills VETOED – 137 bill SIGNED

3 BUDGET & TAX Bills HB2 passed and line item vetoed by Governor – All Higher Education VETOED and all Legislative staff and expenses VETOED HB202 – Tax bill for $350 million passed with bipartisan support and VETOED by the Governor HB412 – Rewrite of the entire Gross Receipts Tax Code – Passed House with 0 votes against and died in the Senate Finance Committee HB191 – Republican introduced Gas Tax bill passed by the House – Amended in the Senate to include a streamlined version of HB412. Special Session to be called by the Governor Legislators suing the Governor because of elimination of all Higher Ed and Legislature appropriations – they may call their own Extraordinary Session

4 BillS Impacting NURSING
SB82 – Adding NPs and CNMs to Non Compete clause in contracts. No out of state contracts. SB333 – Reallocating 50% of the licensing surcharge for NP & CNM loan repayment HB370 – Opioid overdose education SB16 – Opioid Overdose & Reversal Counseling HB396 – NP, CNM, CNS hospital privileges SB145 – Scope of Practice

5 THE FEDERAL FRONT Affordable Care ACT? Medicaid? Medicare?
Ordering Home Health Care HR2267 Victory on VA Direct Access for everyone but CRNAs What else?

6 What is Next? Keep educating legislators about nurse practitioners
Work with insurance companies to assure adequate NP participation on panels Work to change hospital by-laws Run for political office! Engage in candidate campaigns What do you need?

7 Keep Your Lobbyist Busy!
Remember she is the person you hire to protect you from the people you elect! Prepared by Linda Siegle for the NMNPC

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