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Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms

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1 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms
Chapter 3 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms


3 The Microscope Key characteristics of a reliable microscope are:
Magnification – ability to enlarge objects Resolving power – ability to show detail

4 Magnification Magnification in most microscopes results from an interaction between visible light waves and the curvature of a lens. The extent of enlargement is the magnification.

5 Parts of the Microscope

6 Magnification in Two Phases
The objective lens forms the magnified real image The real image is projected to the ocular where it is magnified again to form the virtual image

7 Total Magnification Total magnification of the final image is a product of the separate magnifying powers of the two lenses objective power ocular power total magnification x = 7

8 Resolution The capacity to distinguish or separate two adjacent objects and depends on The wavelength of light that forms the image along with characteristics of the objectives

9 Quantifying Resolution
Resolving Power (RP) Wavelength of light in nm 2 X Numerical aperture of objective lens = Visible light wavelength is 400 nm–750 nm Numerical aperture of lens ranges from 0.1 to 1.25 Shorter wavelength and larger numerical aperture will provide better resolution Oil immersion objectives resolution is 0.2 μm Magnification between 40X and 2000X 9 9

10 The Purpose of Oil

11 Magnification & Resolution

12 Concept Check: In order to get the best resolution possible with a light microscope, you would want: A. Long wavelengths of light B. Short wavelengths of light C. The wavelength doesn’t affect resolution

13 Concept Check: In order to get the best resolution possible with a light microscope, you would want: A. Long wavelengths of light B. Short wavelengths of light C. The wavelength doesn’t affect resolution

14 Variations on the Optical Microscope
Bright-field – most widely used; specimen is darker than surrounding field; used for live and preserved stained specimens

15 Variations on the Optical Microscope
Dark-field – brightly illuminated specimens surrounded by dark field; used for live and unstained specimens 15 15

16 Variations on the Optical Microscope
Phase-contrast – transforms subtle changes in light waves passing through the specimen into differences in light intensity, best for observing intracellular structures 16 16

17 Fluorescence Microscope
Modified microscope with an ultraviolet radiation source and filter. Uses dyes that emit visible light when bombarded with shorter UV rays - fluorescence Useful in diagnosing infections

18 Scanning Confocal Microscope
Uses a laser beam of light to scan the specimen. Integrates images to allow focus on multiple depths or planes. 18 18

19 Electron Microscopy Forms an image with a beam of electrons that can be made to travel in wavelike patterns when accelerated to high speeds Electron waves are 100,000 times shorter than the waves of visible light Electrons have tremendous power to resolve minute structures because resolving power is a function of wavelength Magnification between 5,000X and 1,000,000X

20 Comparing Microscopes:
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Transmission Electron Microscope Light Microscope Lamp Electron gun Electron beam Condenser lens Light rays Specimen Objective lens Image Ocular lens (a) (b) Eye Viewing screen

21 2 Types of Electron Microscopes
Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) – transmit electrons through the specimen. Darker areas represent thicker, denser parts and lighter areas indicate more transparent, less dense parts.

22 2 Types of Electron Microscopes
Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) – provide detailed three-dimensional view. SEM bombards surface of a whole, metal-coated specimen with electrons while scanning back and forth over it. 22 22

23 Specimen Preparation for Optical Microscopes
Wet mounts and hanging drop mounts – allow examination of characteristics of live cells: size, motility, shape, and arrangement Fixed mounts are made by drying and heating a film of specimen. This smear is stained using dyes to permit visualization of cells or cell parts.

24 Staining Dyes are used to create contrast by imparting color
Basic dyes – cationic, positively charged chromophore Positive staining – surfaces of microbes are negatively charged and attract basic dyes Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Positive-Type Staining (a and b) Cell envelope (a) Basic Dye

25 Staining Acidic dyes – anionic, negatively charged chromophore
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Acidic dyes – anionic, negatively charged chromophore Negative staining – microbe repels dye, the dye stains the background Cell envelope (b) Acidic Dye Negative Staining (c) Cell envelope (c) Acidic Dye 25 25

26 Staining Simple stains – one dye is used; reveals shape, size, and arrangement Differential stains – use a primary stain and a counterstain to distinguish cell types or parts (examples: Gram stain, acid-fast stain, and endospore stain) Structural stains – reveal certain cell parts not revealed by conventional methods: capsule and flagellar stains

27 Staining Examples

28 The 6 I’s of Culturing Microbes
Inoculation – introduction of a sample into a container of media to produce a culture of observable growth Isolation – separating one species from another Incubation – under conditions that allow growth Inspection Information gathering Identification

29 Isolation If an individual bacterial cell is separated from other cells and has space on a nutrient surface, it will grow into a mound of cells— a colony. A colony consists of one species.

30 Isolation Techniques Streak plate technique Pour plate technique
Spread plate technique

31 Inspection If a single species is growing in the container, you have a pure culture but if there are multiple species than you have a mixed culture. Check for contaminants (unknown or unwanted microbes) in the culture. 31 31

32 Pure cultures of E.coli (white) ,
Micrococcus luteus (yellow) and Serratia marcescens (red).

33 Ways to Identify a Microbe:
Cell and colony morphology or staining characteristics DNA sequence Biochemical tests to determine an organism’s chemical and metabolic characteristics Immunological tests 33 33

34 Media: Providing Nutrients in the Laboratory
Media can be classified according to three properties: Physical state – liquid, semisolid, and solid Chemical composition – synthetic (chemically defined) and complex Functional type – general purpose, enriched, selective, differential, anaerobic, transport, assay, enumeration

35 Physical States of Media
Liquid – broth; does not solidify Semisolid – contains solidifying agent Solid – firm surface for colony formation Contains solidifying agent Liquefiable and nonliquefiable

36 Agar The most commonly used solidifying agent
Solid at room temperature, liquefies at boiling (100oC), does not re-solidify until it cools to 42oC Provides framework to hold moisture and nutrients Not digestible for most microbes

37 Most Commonly Used Media
Nutrient broth – liquid medium containing beef extract and peptone Nutrient agar – solid media containing beef extract, peptone, and agar

38 Chemical Content of Media
Synthetic – contains pure organic and inorganic compounds in an exact chemical formula Complex or nonsynthetic – contains at least one ingredient that is not chemically definable General purpose media – grows a broad range of microbes, usually nonsynthetic Enriched media – contains complex organic substances such as blood, serum, hemoglobin, or special growth factors required by fastidious microbes

39 Examples of Enriched Media

40 Selective & Differential Media
Differential media: allows growth of several types of microbes and displays visible differences among those microbes Selective media: contains one or more agents that inhibit growth of some microbes and encourage growth of the desired microbes

41 Concept Check: CHROMagar contains several dyes and is used to diagnose Urinary Tract Infections. The patient’s sample is inoculated and based on the color of the colonies you can identify the pathogen. CHROMagar is best described as: A. Enriched B. Selective C. Differential D. Complex Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. © Kathy Park Talaro

42 Concept Check: CHROMagar contains several dyes and is used to diagnose Urinary Tract Infections. The patient’s sample is inoculated and based on the color of the colonies you can identify the pathogen. CHROMagar is best described as: A. Enriched B. Selective C. Differential D. Complex Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. © Kathy Park Talaro

43 Some media can be both Selective & Differential


45 Miscellaneous Media Carbohydrate fermentation medium – contains sugars that can be fermented, converted to acids, and a pH indicator to show this reaction 45 45

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