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Civilisation des Etats Unis--5b: Young Republic

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1 Civilisation des Etats Unis--5b: Young Republic
Prof. Sämi LUDWIG UHA Mulhouse

2 Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson)

3 Minutemen statues at Concord, Lexington, etc
Minutemen statues at Concord, Lexington, etc : first shots in Lexington!  beginning of Revolution

4 Revolutionary War ( ) - blockade, British liberate slaves - Boston abandoned, but New York taken by British General Howe - Washington retreats & crosses the Delaware to Valley Forge Alliance with France  General Lafayette 1783 Peace of Paris o favorable terms: - land to Mississippi, Great Lakes - Florida to Spain - unrestricted trade - organize new government - Westward movement

5 Emanuel Leutze: “Washington Crossing the Delaware” (1851)

6 Peace of 1783:

7 The Young Republic - 13 States: stars & stripes  Betsy Ross’s original flag: Great Seal: E Pluribus Unum “a new people”  American Adam, Melting Pot

8 Founding Fathers 50 years late:  Age of Reason, Freemasons vs
Founding Fathers 50 years late:  Age of Reason, Freemasons vs. Romanticism - liberal cities: Deism, Unitariansim vs. camp meetings on frontier: 2nd Great Awakening New Constitution: - separation of powers: three branches: executive, legislative, judicial - two houses: Congress & Senate - Elections on first Tuesday in November - presidential “Electors” - American-born president, age restrictions

9 United States’ Constitution

10 Ratification of the Constitution 1788-1790 o Federalists vs
Ratification of the Constitution o Federalists vs. Anti-federalists: Anti-federalists: - Small farmers, laborers - Samuel Adams - Thomas Jefferson Federalists: - merchants, planters  The Federalist Alexander Hamilton James Madison John Jay Henry Knox

11 States rights o weak state governors o property needed to vote Bill of Rights (= first 6 amendments, 1789): - freedom of religion - freedom of speech - freedom of assembly - trial by jury post-war depression farm foreclosures, Second Great Awakening  1786 Daniel Shay’s Rebellion

12 1785 Land Ordinance: Northwest Territory territory  state (60’000 free inhabitants) - no slavery

13 1789: President George Washington Department of State: Thomas Jefferson Department of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton  1791 Bank of the United States Department of War: Henry Knox Chief Justice (Supreme Court): John Jay Whiskey Rebellion, march on Pittsburgh 1794 Neutrality Act (French Revolution) 1796 “Farewell Address”  warns of political factions, danger of sectionalism

14 Cherry Tree episode: “I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet.”

15 Zeus?

16 1796: John Adams elected Boston Federalist, liberal,
1796: John Adams elected Boston Federalist, liberal, pro central government vs. Republican Party (Anti-federalists)  de-centralize  rational, “natural aristocracy” (Jefferson’s aristoi)  James Madison, James Monroe, Aaron Burr Alien Act  naturalization period 5 to 14 years 1798 Sedition Act  “contempt or disrepute” against government  TV series?

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