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Resuscitation in special circumstances workshop Life-threatening electrolyte disorders Version: Jun 2016.

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1 Resuscitation in special circumstances workshop Life-threatening electrolyte disorders
Version: Jun 2016

2 Learning outcomes At the end of this workshop you should be able to:
use a systematic approach to the assess and treat the patient with electrolyte disorders

3 What is your initial treatment? What investigations will you request?
Case study Clinical setting and history A 60-year-old man presents to the ED with a 2-day history of severe diarrhoea and vomiting. His medication includes frusemide and an ACE inhibitor. Clinical course ABCDE A : clear B : RR 20 min-1, SpO2 92% on room air, chest clear on auscultation C : P 130 min-1, BP 80/50 mmHg, cool peripheries D : responds to Voice E : no rashes, looks pale What is your initial treatment? What investigations will you request? 3

4 Case study (continued)
Laboratory results: Reference normal ranges Na+ 130 mmol L-1 mmol L1 K+ 7.9 mmol L-1 mmol L1 urea 29.1 mmol L-1 mmol L-1 creatinine 841 μmol L-1 μmol L-1

5 Case study (continued)
Reference normal ranges Na+ 130 mmol L-1 mmol L1 K+ 7.9 mmol L-1 mmol L1 urea 29.1 mmol L-1 mmol L-1 creatinine 841 μmol L-1 μmol L-1 Arterial blood gas results: (patient on high-flow oxygen) Reference normal ranges pH 7.11 PaO2 135 mmHg > 75 mmHg on air PaCO2 26 mmHg 35 – 45 mmHg bicarbonate 9.0 mmol L-1 mmol L-1 K+ 8.1 mmol L-1 mmol L-1 Na+ 133 mmol L-1 mmol L-1 What is the diagnosis and what treatments will you start?

6 Case study (continued)
Clinical course the patient is starting to look worse a nurse brings you his 12-lead ECG 6

7 Case study - What does the 12-lead ECG show?

8 Case study Clinical course
the patient has a cardiac arrest with an initial rhythm of asystole What is the management of cardiac arrest in hyperkalaemia? 8

9 Any questions?

10 Advanced Life Support Course Slide set
All rights reserved © Australian Resuscitation Council (June 2016)

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