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Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level”

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1 Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level”
NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Monthly Meeting Hanoi, Aug. 2, 2012 Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level” by Vu Thị Hien, Director of CERDA

2 Project “Pilot of capacity building for ethnic minority community’s readiness for REDD Plus in two communes, in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam” Duration: June 2010 – May 2013 Funded by Norad In partnership with 10 organizations in 10 countries and Tebtebba is the coordinator and trainer

3 Pilot area and beneficiary
Project area: two demo communes in Vo Nhai and Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province, North of Vietnam Local beneficiaries: ethnic minority groups and local community who live in or near forest + Binh Long: 1,312 households in 20 villages + Phuc Luong: 229 households in 5 villages

4 REDD+ piloting ? Pilot under two system of forest land management:
Forest is under the community management (1,300 ha natural forest in 20 villages, Binh Long commune) Forest is under the household management (220 ha of natural forest in 5 village in Phuc Luong commune Work on “+ /Plus” Kind of forest Natural forest Multi- native species forest

5 What is the project goal?
“Ethnic minorities in the pilot areas are ready to the REDD Plus program with full participation and fair benefits; The results of the pilot shared at national level for development of carbon/REDD+ based policies and a tool for better forest management in upland areas in Vietnam”

6 Approach Landscape approach: REDD+ interventions considered as an emission reduction service. All people living in the same landscape who contributes to “emission reductions from forest” is eligible to enjoy REDD+ benefit Integrated and holistic intervention economically, socially and environmentally; Rights-based approach, Promotion of customary institution and traditional knowledge Full FPIC Social and environment safeguards Ethnic minorities works as legal entity/independent stakeholder through their legal institution

7 Intervention before and in parallel with REDD+ ?
Forest land allocation to communities Livelihood

8 Intervention to work on REDD+ at commune level
Institution development REDD+ aspect Capacity building REDD+

9 Interim results: Forest land allocation
1,300 ha forest land allocated to 60 CBOs in 20 villages with full FPIC application… Boundaries of 220 ha of natural forest in 5 village in Phuc Luong commune and 1,300 ha in 22 villages in Binh Long commune defined in reality Note: All boundaries done by villagers who trained on GPS and mapping. Forest land map referred from the official source

10 Interim results: Alternative livelihood
New income from commodity production basing on organic oriented agriculture by Promoting compost, reducing chemicals; Commercial potatoes/ginger production; Edible canna grow and process for commercial powder; Increase income from agriculture with lower emission and more benefit: compost, no plough, less rice seeds and fertilizer …

11 Interim results: Institutional development to create the appropriate structure for REDD+
Mapping of all relevant stakeholders Awareness on customary laws on forest protection and management, CBOs and its networking, co-operative and its network 78 CBOs and 3 CBO-based co-operatives Network of co-operatives Key leaders of CBOs and management board of co-operatives voted and trained Regulations/rules for the CBO and Co-operative to ensure FPIC

12 Interim results: Institutional development (con’t)
REDD+ technical group Community monitoring group Complaint mechanism Information system Benefit sharing mechanism Village convention for forest management with full FPIC

13 Interim results: REDD+ aspect
1) Awareness raising and discussion with all stakeholders on Impact of climate change; Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and plan if REDD+ implemented; Role of natural forest; REDD+ and solution for REDD+ at locality FPIC Social and environment safeguards MRV BDS

14 Interim results: REDD+ aspect (con’t)
2)Preparation for REDD+ proposal/payment Mapping forest with specific categories under REDD+, define area (refer official data and check randomly in reality) Clarify kinds of intervention /activities on forest for REDD+ Carbon mapping Carbon MRV Non –carbon MRV BDS

15 Interim results: Capacity building
Contents: improve knowledge, methods and skills for heads of CBOs, of co-operative, local authority and villagers: Relevant laws, REDD+ governance Operation of CBOs, co-operative, network of co-operative Pilot REDD+ until payment Implementing livelihood activities: commodity production, sales contract through co-operative and its network, low emission agriculture

16 Interim results: Capacity building
Capacity building for REDD+ technical group - GPS - Database maintain - Carbon measurement and mapping - Carbon MRV in field

17 Pictures of activities

18 Advantages and Challenges
Local people and local authorities at all level strongly involves in REDD+ piloting project and they aware that they should do all project activities by themselves Participation, REDD+ governance -related issues in forest is totally new, it takes time.

19 Thank you very much for your attention

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