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ECENA 3rd Plenary meeting

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1 ECENA 3rd Plenary meeting
September 18-19, 2008 Istanbul, Turkey ALBANIA Reports on the major activities of the Environmental Inspectorate of ALBANIA for the period

2 Environmental Inspectorate activities January-August 2008
Updated the list of identified activities with environmental impact. - Activities which need environmental permit (MoE) - Activities which need environmental authorization (REA) - Activities under PRTR-Protocol Inspection activities: exploitation of riverbeds, stone quarries and mine activities. industrial activities activities without environmental permit Training activities ECENA Others

3 Identification of activities by REA-s January-August 2008
Total number of activities with environmental impact 6608 Total number of licensed activities is 4688; from that with environmental permit 2768 and environmental authorization 1920. Total number of no regulated activities is 1892, from which 1591 activities for env. authorization & 301 activities for env.permit. Small and medium sized entreprises integrated in the country’s life ±6520 First draft of list of activities under PRTR-Protocol. Enumerate about 191activities. Second phase will be the verification in site.

4 Inspection activities January-August 2008
The total number of inspection carried out in different environmental media is 2287, where 2067 control inspections are planned inspections and 220 control inspections are non routine for incident or complaint response. 32 inspections are conducted in medium and big industrial installations and 461 inspections in SME related to the implementation of the environmental permit conditions and provided them with environmental permit. 397 inspections are carried out in activities of exploitation of riverbeds and 256 inspections in the stone quarries and mine activities. 921 inspections are performed in other activities without environmental permit to put them in rules.

5 Inspection activities January-August 2008
Certain violations of existing environmental legislation are managed by administrative procedures. During this period for administrative contraventions are imposed 89 administrative fines in a total value Euro and 36 activities has been suspended. 26 of them are temporary closed and 10 are permanently closed. From the total number of fines; 24 fines are set in industrial activities for non compliance with environmental permit and for carrying out activities without environmental permit. 37 fines are set in activities of exploitation of riverbeds and mining activitie and 36 fines in construction and management of waste activities. Only 13.5 % of fines are collected. The level of collected fines is still low. According to the law “On administrative contraventions”, when the payment of the fine is not done voluntary within the administrative deadlines, the collection of fines is charge of the local authority. In this respect, all the uncollected fines are send by REA-s for execution to the respective local authorities.

6 Training Activities January-August 2008
ECENA activities: Developing and Operating EPER/E-PRTR Systems in SEE Training Workshop October 15-17, 2007, Szentendre, Hungary ECENA Training on LCP, Seveso II and E-PRTR, Bristol, March, 2008 ECENA Train the Trainer Programme on Waste Landfill Directive and Waste Incineration Directive, 30 June-2 July, 2008 Others: SEPA, study tour Sweden on EIA & Permits TAIEX Workshop on EIAs &Permitting April 2008 Training Programme on Public Participation, Finish Environmental Institute Training Workshop “Building Capacities for dealing with Carbon Financing in Albania”, Tirana MTEC IPA/Environment training , June 2nd – June 13h 2008

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