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DojoIBL: online inquiry-based learning

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1 DojoIBL: online inquiry-based learning
Welten Institute – Open Universiteit of the Nederlands Ángel Suárez - @titogelo Angel Suarez, Stefaan Ternier and Marcus Specht ICWL 17 – Cape Town

2 DOjoIBL Outline – 20 minutes journey Who developed DojoIBL?
When did DojoIBL start? Why was DojoIBL developed? (1) DOjoIBL Today’s journey Where is DojoIBL being used? What does DojoIBL do? How does DojoIBL do it? Hi all, welcome to this presentation about the case study of DojoIBL. My name is Angel Suarez I am originally from Spain but I am doing a PhD at the Open Universiteit in the lovely Netherlands. I work at the Technology Enhanced Learning & Innovation (TELi) department of the Welten Institute and we are around 30 colleges doing innovation in fields like Open Education, Learning Analytics, Sensors, MOOCs…

3 Who – weSPOT project Open Learning Analytics Open Education
Foto del grupo de TELi Hi all, welcome to this presentation about the case study of DojoIBL. My name is Angel Suarez I am originally from Spain but I am doing a PhD at the Open Universiteit in the lovely Netherlands. I work at the Technology Enhanced Learning & Innovation (TELi) department of the Welten Institute and we are around 30 colleges doing innovation in fields like Open Education, Learning Analytics, Sensors, MOOCs… Multimodal Learning Experiences Seamless Learning Design

4 When – weSPOT project finalized in 2015. FP7 European framework
Success Project goals accomplished Experience - Reality in classrooms Good and fair perspective Lessons learned weSPOT (Specht, Bedek, Duval, Held, et al., 2013) is a European project which aimed at fostering scientific inquiry as the approach for science learning and teaching, linking everyday life with science teaching in schools using technology. weSPOT uses IBL as a methodology to support personal curiosity, experiences and reasoning. It has the following three underlying objectives: • implement a working environment that allows the easy linking of inquiry activities with school curricula and legacy systems • create a diagnostic instrument for measuring inquiry skills • work out a reference model to foster IBL skills.

5 When – weSPOT project Out of the project: Outcomes / Challenges
Learners’ accountability Support for collaborative processes Process awareness Flexible Structure of the process So, based on the

6 When – research context
Defining inquiry-based learning  Communities of Inquiry (CoI) (Garrison et al., 2000) Continuous exploration of a topic from students’ interest, in which they engage in social interactions in order to create shared understanding. Parable of the six blind men and the elephant Individual limited experiences Cooperation Co-creation Forming communities of inquiry Back at time, I started exploring the concept of Inquiry-based learning and I found a framework that very precisely defined my understanding of IBL. It was called Communities of Inquiry. There is a parable that explains this idea of CoI pretty much. Although it has some variations it broadly goes as follows: A group of blind men heard about a strange animal, called an elephant 

7 When – Research Question & challenges
How can we flexibly support inquiry-based learning in a way that: Structures collaborative processes Makes learners accountable of their learning

8 Why– Design & development of DojoIBL
Because we want to … Provide flexible structure for inquiry-based learning Support learners’ accountability Foster learners’ awareness on the learning process Improve time management Help teacher’s orchestration of projects Scalability issues (weSPOT project) dojoIBL

9 What – Definition (Spoiler, this is technical)
Open source, cloud-based platform to structure and support inquiry-based (activity-based) learning processes Serverless Firebase Real Time Authentication Messaging Backend Responses App Engine - PaaS Json based database Java Rest API Client / Responsive Inquiry management Group management AngularJS Users management

10 What – What does DojoIBL do?
Students Teachers Overview of the project structure Awareness of project progress Time management Instant messaging Social network functionality Support for learners’ accountability Project orchestration Inquiry structure templates Easier users’ management Learning Analytics = Several LRS Free to use Launched in 4 languages: EN, NL, ES, BG

11 How – Overview of the project structure

12 How – Awareness of project progress

13 How – Awareness of project progress

14 How – Time management

15 How – Chat messaging

16 How – Social Network Functionality

17 How – Teacher: Flexible support for any type of structure
Until it was for learners… but what about teachers.

18 How – Flexible support for any type of structure

19 How – Teacher orchestration
Group 1 – SDER3 Group 2 – 3DFER ….. Group n – PLD83

20 How – Teacher orchestration

21 How – Learners’ accountability
Avoid or reduce multi-tasking Support for learners’ accountability Responsibilities Reduce lurkers (people sitting back)

22 How – Inquiry structures template

23 How – Learning Analytics
Learning Locker DojoAnalytics Lemo Tool

24 Where – Design based research approach
2015 Nov. 2016 – Internal Usability and User Experience Analysis 2017 – 1st pilot with students 2017 – 2st pilot with students 10 students International School of Eindhoven 5 weeks Using roles 50+ students Niekee school in Roermond School year Using Agile Learning No subjects Challenge-based education 10 Experts in the field of online learning 2 tasks for a day SUS analysis UEX analysis

25 DojoIBL: online inquiry-based learning
< 2 min Ángel Suárez - Thank you very much for your attention

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