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TEC1706 – Computers & Technology Demystified

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1 TEC1706 – Computers & Technology Demystified
Selecting the right device for you

2 Introduction What a choice of devices we have today. 20 years ago when I first got into computers it was a very simple choice. I needed to use a computer for work so the only choice was a PC running Windows. The alternatives were Apple computers, which was expensive but did not work the same as the computers I used at work or a PC’s running an alternative operating system to Windows that is called Linux but that also was not compatible with the computers at my work.

3 Introduction Nowadays we can run any of these from home and still interact with the programs at work, but in addition to that we can access many of the same functions on either a smartphone or a tablet. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each as well as some new alternatives.

4 The first Step Before we can discuss devices we should be consider what we need the device to do. Some of the questions that we need to ask ourselves are; Will we need specific software Only for checking s and writing a letter Will I need specific photo editing software Where do we intend to use the device Only at home. When I am out If I want to do both how often will I use it in either location. WHAT is my BUDGET????? Can I only afford one device or multiple devices?

5 Available choices Desktop Computer Laptop Tablets 2in1 Laptop
Chromebook Smart Phone

6 Comparison between devices
Desktop Computers Advantages Able to run any software and do anything from /internet to high end graphic design, Change OS easily (PC’s will run Windows or Linux and Apple can run Apple OS, Windows or Linux) Can use external Monitors with no restriction on size, Infinitely configurable components (not as much for Apple as limited to only Apple parts), Internal part can easily be replaced or upgraded, such as – Larger/additional hard drives or more memory. If the user knows what they are doing they can do it themselves, Generally reasonably priced (PC $400 up, Apple $1500 up).

7 Comparison between devices
Desktop Computers Disadvantages Not easily moved from place to place, Lots of security issues (viruses, Software vulnerabilities etc), User needs to be continually learning as new OS or software is introduced, Users need to really on themselves/friends to trouble shoot problems or pay expensive technicians that take forever.

8 Comparison between devices
Laptops Advantages Portable (thin and lightweight), Can be moderately configured (many no longer come with CD/DVD’s), Can load variety of software (via download from internet), Can have external monitors attached, Generally inexpensive (PC $250 up, Apple $1300 up)

9 Comparison between devices
Laptops Disadvantages While portable they still best used when on a desk, Short battery life (~4hrs), Lots of security issues (viruses, Software vulnerabilities etc), User needs to be continually learning and new OS or software is introduced, Less number of parts that can be exchanged by user, Users need to really on themselves/friends to trouble shoot problems or pay expensive technicians that take forever.

10 Comparison between devices
Tablet Advantages Very portable (handheld device), Built in camera (can replace a dedicated camera for everyday use), Limited security issues with built in security features and programs, Can be connected to a Computer/Laptop for data backup, Screen Mirroring, Touch screen, i.e. uses gestures to manoeuvre around screen or change software rather than a mouse Can watch video’s, play games etc.

11 Comparison between devices
Tablet Disadvantages Screen size limited to between 7” to 10”, Easily damaged or lost/Stolen, Can be higher in cost for reliable devices ($200 - $800) cheaper ones not kept up to date and shorter lifespan, Cannot connect external keyboards (virtual keyboards can be harder to get use to), While very useful for watching video does not come with CD/DVD readers, Can be used as a phone when a Mobile phone Sim is installed (this could be classed as an advantage but because of the size of the device it can be awkward to use).

12 Comparison between devices
Chromebook Advantages Little or no security risk to user, Few viruses, No software loaded on device other than OS and approved apps, Software is automatically kept up to date without user interaction, If the device was to become infected with a virus or just slow down, there is a built in feature called the “POWER WASH” that clears everything and returns to the original state in minutes, (no more hours of loading OS, and software), Data is stored in the cloud and therefore is backed up and available from other compatible devices, Portable and lightweight, Can be used in either tablet mode with touch screen, or laptop with built in screen or external HDMI monitor Longer battery life than most laptops (at least 6hrs), Inexpensive ($200 - $500).

13 Comparison between devices
Chromebook Disadvantages Relies heavily on being connected to the internet, Data storage in the cloud, Limited software (while MS office is available on the cloud has limited functionality compared with full PC versions, but Adobe Photoshop and similar software not available), No on board storage No CD/DVD

14 Comparison between devices
2in1 Laptop These devices can be used as a Laptop when attached to the keyboard or as a Tablet when disconnected from the keyboard therefore inherit the advantages and/or Disadvantages of both for example more software can be loaded onto these compared with a pure tablet and therefore they can be more versatile but they can also become more portable as a handheld device like a tablet with touch screen and gesturing. When using this type of device and MS Windows is installed the OS will detect which configuration the device is in Tablet or Laptop and will alter the OS to suit.

15 Comparison between devices
Smartphones Advantages Extremely portable can be carried in a pocket or handbag, Will use either Wireless internet or Mobile data when connecting to the internet, Only one device needed since it has the same computer features as a Tablet including a camera and is used as a phone (3in1), Has built in security features (less chance of Virus infections) and if infected can be reset quickly

16 Comparison between devices
Smartphones Disadvantages Screen size limited to between 4” to 7”, Easily damaged or lost/Stolen, Prices can vary greatly from $99 to over $1500, Cannot connect external keyboards (virtual keyboards can be harder to get use to), Videos can be viewed but because of small screen the practically of long term use is not good,

17 Final choice Now we know what devices are available there is one other choice we have to make and that is the operating System (OS) to select. The OS choices are; Desktops/Laptops or 2in1’s Microsoft Windows Apple OS Linux Chromebooks only one choice Chrome OS (a specific version of Linux). Tablets or Smartphones Microsoft Windows (least common) Android Apple iOS

18 Comparing Operating Systems
All OS’s have similar functionality and can run software for almost any use depending on the device it has been loaded on. Therefore when choosing the OS there are only three considerations to keep in mind; Security, Cost, and Familiarity/Configurability.

19 Comparing Operating Systems
Security Almost all viruses are created for the widest market which is MS Windows, MS Windows PC’s can load software from anywhere and therefore potential for infections or security exploits being introduced is greater than Apple or Android OS’s as they are generally restricted to software found on dedicated stores, Apple OS’s are locked down by Apple and very few settings can be altered also software is very restricted when interacting with OS, Linux is also very secure even though it is open source, as long as you load it from the original source not third party as the code is audited by the 100’s of Thousands users.

20 Comparing Operating Systems
Cost A direct comparison of the initial cost relating to the OS is not easy to make as the cost is built into the device, however the ongoing costs is where you can make the comparisons. Windows is now free for upgrades as long as it is loaded on the authorized device, but most software needs to be purchased although there is a growing number of free good software available, Apple OS has always been free for any Apple device and many useful software comes with the device already installed as well as for upgrades (hence the larger initial cost), but you can still purchase more software which is often more costly, Linux OS is free and will always remain free as no one owns the rights to the code since it is open source, also 90% of software available for Linux is also free, Android (Chrome) OS is also free and the only costs is related to the apps purchased as the inbuilt apps are not as user friendly as most other apps.

21 Comparing Operating Systems
Familiarity/Configurability On PC’s the Apple, MS Windows and Linux OS all have very similar looks as in they have a desktop area and similar looking directories for storing data and the look of the software etc, but they all work very differently in the background. The same setting can be found in different setting groups on the different OS’s. So for this reason it is often better to stick to the one you are familiar with, Apple OS’s are the least configurable out of the lot no matter what the device because everything is locked down, so if you don’t want to mess with too any settings then this is a good choice. The one exception is Chrome OS this is also very locked down. If you want a computer and want to have the best of all OS’s then Apple is the only choice as you can run Linux and MS Windows on Apple computers as well as Apple OS, but PC’s can only run MS Windows or Linux

22 Final Thoughts There is no one choice right for everyone and the choices are only going to get harder the more compatible and versatile devices become so no matter what device you choose I am sure they will meet most if not all of your needs. So I suggest if you are only able to purchase one device consider what you want most out of the device then compare the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. If how ever you can by more than one in the past you have to stick with the one OS to be compatible between devices but the OS are now becoming more interactive with one another. i.e. I can connect my iPhone to my Windows PC and read the photos without any problem, also with the internet (cloud storage of documents and photos) we can access our data from any device with any OS or at least with fewer issues.

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