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Knowledge for Healthcare: An Update

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1 Knowledge for Healthcare: An Update
David Stewart 19 May 2016

2 Knowledge for Healthcare – the stuff you know
Full framework and a short briefing are available at: @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

3 An ambitious vision There is often a large gap between evidence-based treatment guidelines and current practice (Nolte and McKee, 2008). Therefore, there is much to do to achieve this vision. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

4 Transforming the service
@NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

5 Partnerships are central to success: so who are we working with?
HEE at national and regional level Public Health England CILIP / Society of Chief Librarians Clinical Senates British Library and the CLA NICE 4 nations health library leads @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

6 Communications and Engagement
Knowledge for Healthcare blog Publications: HILJ/ CILIP Update/ HLG Newsletter 2016 conference presentations – EAHIL, CILIP, HLG Clinical and executive champions… @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

7 Knowledge for Healthcare Achievements 2015-16
Mapped existing provision of current awareness - final report on the blog Produced recommendations for streamlining document supply – final report on the blog Produced guidance on effective approaches and the adoption/adaption of sustainable good practice in service provision to patients and the public – toolkit on the blog Created ideas bank for knowledge management – toolkit on the blog Scoped current levels of service and access for wider NHS – final report due @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

8 Knowledge for Healthcare Key Achievements 2015-16
Developed PKSB for generic health librarian – due end of May Commissioned cohort of leadership training – started 11 March Produced a web based resource of learning opportunities for all LKS staff – on the blog Commissioned talent management toolkit – on the blog Developed value and impact toolkit – due end of June High profile health libraries: advocacy toolkit – on the blog Identified robust methodology and mechanisms for metrics for success/KPIs – final report due @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

9 Interim Structures 2016-17 Current Awareness Streamlining
@NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

10 Service Transformation Priorities 2016-17
Core Service Offer – promotion, embedding and monitoring of uptake Current Awareness Services and Streamlining – promotion and embedding of recommended collaboration and streamlining approaches – both likely to require investment Prioritisation of additional streamlining activities Wider Workforce – active promotion of standardised good practice @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

11 KM and Patient & the Public 2016-17
Key areas of focus will be Patients and the Public and Knowledge Management KM strategic planning sessions held in April to determine priorities – driver diagrams and detail to follow PPI strategic planning sessions about to be held @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

12 Resource Discovery Priorities 2016-17
Re-procurement of AIMS and Link Resolver contracts Roll-out of “Finch” initiative, assuming funding is agreed Monitoring new KPIs in MoU with NICE Promoting “new” HDAS Preparing for pilot of new approach to collaborative procurement with up to 3 resources from April 2017 Continuing work on the Knowledge Hub – and how it fits in with many other “hubs” @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

13 Workforce Priorities for 2016-17
Roll-out of Talent Management toolkit Evaluation of first cohort of leadership programme and decision on future cohorts Agree national training programme including front line staff and a review of current spend PKSB for specialist roles Developing the learning zone Launch of staff survey and workforce profiling work @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

14 Quality and Impact Priorities 2016-17
Implementation of the enhanced impact toolkit and central collection of impact case studies Reviewing national statistics to underpin evidence to demonstrate metrics LQAF – review of standards and assessment to align with national with Quality Framework and Core Service Offer. Development of support requirements for wider publishing and sharing of innovations. Analysis and review of funding models for LKS Commission a return on investment study @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

15 Questions and comments

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