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CS590: Embracing 5G and Beyond 5G

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1 CS590: Embracing 5G and Beyond 5G
Instructor: Chunyi Peng Fall 2017 2nd week, but the first time to have lectures…. ==== A quick survey: Have read course syllabus? Have visited course website? Have you read the materials on writing/reading/commenting and learned tips to do so … ... Of course we will practice more in the coming weeks

2 Today’s Agenda Self-Introduction Beyond course syllabus
Get started: a brief course introduction Today is a kickoff. “introduction: me and you” Let us know each other first Another reason: I need you to team up and work on the course project (2) I will “go through the big picture of course overview (3) I will not repeat the course syllabus but highlight some key course information CS590 (Peng)

3 About Me Chunyi Peng 08/2017-, Assistant Professor, CS@Purdue
08/ /2017, Assistant Professor, State Univ 09/ /2013, Ph.D., Research interests: mobile networks (3G/4G/5G), mobile systems (sensing), mobile security Homepage: Office hours: LWSN 2142E, Thur 14:30PM-16:00PM I am hiring! (1) 5G, (2) Mobile network analytics at scale Today’s my second day at Purdue. CS590 (Peng)

4 About You? Basic personal information About this course and you Name
MS/PhD/?? Department Advisor Research Area Interests Experience About this course and you Why do you take this course? What you expect to learn (or any goal)? What keywords run into your mind regarding 5G? What specific problems or topics are you interested in? Name cards Handout (survey) Round-table self introduction (name tags) (1) When we talk about 5G and B5G, what keywords right away run into your mind? (2) What techniques or problems relevant you know so far? (3) What are your interests .... CS590 (Peng)

5 Today’s Agenda Self-Introduction Beyond course syllabus
Get started: a brief course introduction Highlight some course organization beyond its syllabus CS590 (Peng)

6 Course Syllabus 50% regular + 50% seminar
Approved for CS PhD & MS Plan of Study Grading: In-class presentation and discussion: 20% Homework: 20% (3 reading reports) Midterm: 20% Project: 40% (team: 2-4 students) 1) W1’s assignment: (read the syllabus, visit course webpage) Have you read them through? 2) Will not repeat all. Highlight some important ones 3) Next, I will introduce course organization beyond syllabus CS590 (Peng)

7 What This Course Will Look Like?
Two threads: lecturing and project discussion Thread #1: In-class lecturing Organized into multiple topics Overview (mainly by me): problems, status quo, basic concept/principle/technology, state-of-the-art, … In-class paper presentation (mainly by you): representative or recent study In-class presentation (all of us): paper critique, lessons/insights, brainstorming, etc This is my first time to teach this seminar. So the style and schedule are quite flexible. This is my rough ideas on how to organized this course? First: in-class lectures Second: after-class projects Any questions? CS590 (Peng)

8 What This Course Will Look Like?
Thread #2: Research project updates Organized into multiple teams/projects Mainly in the second half semester Updates on: problem statement (key challenges) survey on relevant work High-level idea and preliminary results Progress and technical problems Project presentation and report Seek for feedback, brainstorming and discussion CS590 (Peng)

9 What Are You Expected to Learn?
Learn a broad range of hot topics in 5G and B5G State-of-the-art and recent trends Master a suite of research skills Paper reading, thinking, and criticizing Paper presentation, discussion and brainstorming Project execution (problem solving) Paper writing Gain experience in doing original research Publishable results generated Hopefully, your long-term research topic determined (e.g., reading, critique, critical thinking, problem solving, report writing, presentation, team work) CS590 (Peng)

10 Course Workload No required textbook; only a set of “classic” and recent papers and lecture slides Light/medium workload expected You are expected to read 1-3 papers each week Select one paper for your in-class presentation this fall Select 3 papers for your reading assignments this fall Midterm (core concepts) Work on your course project Read, think and discuss your class participation counts Practice what you have learned do a course project make your contributions CS590 (Peng)

11 In-Class Presentation & Reading Assignments
Select one paper from the reading list (or under my approval) Signup in advance In-class presentation 25-30 min presentation Q&A + in-class discussion Paper summary: select three out of the reading list (invalid after in-class presentation) In paper presentation and critiques, you should present the following summary (next slide) CS590 (Peng)

12 How to Summarize a Paper?
From four aspects 3 strong points: 3 most important things stated by the paper Could be combination of motivations, observations, interesting designs, or clever implementations (1) from the author’s perspective at the time; (2) your perspective with the benefit of hindsight 1 or more weakness: what is the single most glaring deficiency? Design flaws, poorly designed experiments, narrow-scoped main idea, weak applicability, … CS590 (Peng)

13 More on Paper Summary 1+ key assumption/observation that led to the research What were the key observations? Where did the observation/assumption come from? Personal experience, or work environment, … 1+ core risk/obstacle What are they to prevent the research from successful? Were the authors aware of them? Are these obstacles eventually overcome? Optional: what if you were the author CS590 (Peng)

14 Course Project (1/3) Several topics to be distributed
from the list or come up with your own Project scope (on mobile networking) Apps: emerging issues for 5G apps (e.g., scalability, delay, energy, security etc) Understand the requirements in support of new apps Disclose and quantify the (unanticipated) issues Explore solution ideas Design, implement and evaluate the new solution Example: massive IoT support (pain for massive connectivity, emerging security risks, issues still unresolved by recent proposals) Example: realtime support for VR/AR/autonomous driving (latency is the key) CS590 (Peng)

15 Course Project (2/3) Technology (wireless advances, architecture, radio/core, SDN/NFV, protocol) Build a (simplified) 5G prototype or simulator Re-architecture: NFV for 5G (redefine and split functions), mobile edging computing Redesign protocols: simplified signaling protocols Augment intelligence at end devices (data-driven) via MobileInsight Enable runtime network analytics at devices Enable network analytics at scale (crowdsourcing) Take additional actions at devices when needed Type: measurement, simulation/emulation, design, implementation, CS590 (Peng)

16 Course Project (3/3) Team of 2-4; find your team members ASAP Timeline
W4: Project proposal (2 pages): problem formulation, survey, heuristics, plan, … After midterm (W8): updates every 2-3 weeks W15 (11/28, 11/30): project presentation W17 (12/15): final report I will meet you regularly (office hours or by appointment) CS590 (Peng)

17 Timeline 08/28: first lecture … 10/12: midterm (after the fall break)
10/17, 10/19: no class due to travel Make-up lectures at night??? 11/30: Last lecture 12/15: final report CS590 (Peng)

18 Any Question? Follows-up: Check the course website and reading list
Guidelines & tips on reading/presentation/writing CS590 (Peng)

19 Today’s Agenda Self-Introduction Beyond course syllabus
Get started: a brief course introduction Today, let us quickly go through an introduction to this course and then give you a rough view on the course materials. CS590 (Peng)

20 What is 5G? Next generation mobile network Current generation: 4G LTE
1G G G G G Mid 1980s s s s s analog voice Digital voice + Simple data Mobile broadband Mobile Internet More & faster Mobile network evolution: Technology changes as user demands changes CS590 (Peng)

21 Pull from User Demands: Mobile Internet Anytime, Anywhere
In-building Outdoor Walking Driving Subway High-speed train No.1 Disruptive Technology (2) Today, Almost everyone can use mobile Internet anytime, anywhere. %mobile Internet has become an important part of our everyday life. (3) In fact, Since 2012, mobile devices like smartphones have already replaced the desktops and laptops to become the primary access points to the Internet. %%%, No. 1 disruptive technology in the past decade Smartphones (not PCs): primary access points to Internet

22 Pull from User Demands in 5G
Internet of Things Tactile Internet Autonomous Driving AR/VR Remote Healthcare (1) Look ahead, in the foreseen future, mobile Internet will continue to meet ever-increasing user demands like IoT, tactile Internet, AR/VR, remote healthcare, self driving cars, drone-based delivery, smart city, and so on. ***************************************** For example, in addition to billions of smartphones, we will support trillions of things online for massive Internet of Things (IoT); We will empower emerging applications such as VR/AR, self-driving careHD video streaming, remote mobile health care with extremely fast and low-latency Internet access; We will support higher-mobility like those on high-speed trains or even aircrafts to fulfill 100% anywhere access. *** highly available *** We even push reliability to the limit and make the network access ultra-resilient against component failures and malicious attacks. In the foreseen future, mobile Internet will meet ever-increasing user demands like AR/VR, remote healthcare, smart city, self driving cars, drone-based delivery, and so on. Drone-based Delivery … … Well-Connected Everything

23 Pull from User Demands in 5G
4G G 2010s s Much Faster 10Gps peak rate < 1ms latency Super-connected 10000x traffic 1000x bandwidth 10-100x devices Higher mobility 300+ Kmh Ultra-reliable 99.999% Energy-efficient ... For example, the upcoming 5G is going to offer much large capacity, high speed, low latency, hyper-connectivity and high reliability, and so on. %% *** raw *** not only in higher speed, but also lower latency, larger capacity, bandwidth, number of connectivity, energy-efficiency, higher-speed mobility, reliability and so on. In the meanwhile, all these demands are also pushing the evolution of mobile network technologies. CS590 (Peng)

24 Questions to Answer Understand critical demands in 5G
Driven by 5G apps Drives to 5G technology evolution On extremely low latency, scalability, efficiency, reliability, security … In 5G app contexts First, we will start with new apps and new demands in a well-connected 5G world. We will examine what challenges and opportunities arise on VR/AR, massive IoT, smart city, autonomous driving, tactile internet, remote healthcare, to name a few. We will cover several critical demands like extremely low latency, reliability, and efficiency/scalability. Second, we then learn the state-of-the-art of the mainstream architecture, protocols and technologies (adopted by the giant players and standardization). We are going to cover advanced topics on NFV, SDN, edge computing, cloudlet, network slicing, RAN innovation and heterogeneous wireless technologies, etc.  Finally, we will explore the topics of our interests and gain experience by carrying out original research projects. These topics will cover, not limited to the formal methods to understand and verify networking system design and practice; the data-driven approach to analyze and diagnose networking system behaviors, provable correct re-design which improves network performance and reliability, and many other innovations toward better application experience in 5G and B5G.  Throughout this course, students will learn key principles in mobile networking research, understand the state-of-art and recent trends, master a suite of research skills (e.g., paper reading, critique, critical thinking, problem solving, report writing, team work, communication, and presentation), and gain experience of carry out original research through course projects. Hopefully, through this course, students will generate publishable results from course projects or find some interesting topics for your long-term research. CS590 (Peng)

25 Questions to Answer Understand critical demands in 5G
Learn the state-of-the-art technologies Giant players: Industry, standardization, policy makers, research (academy) Wireless technologies (PHY, spectrum, radio) Architecture (radio/core architecture, SDN/NFV, edge computing, cloudlet, network slicing…) Network protocol and functions (control and management) First, we will start with new apps and new demands in a well-connected 5G world. We will examine what challenges and opportunities arise on VR/AR, massive IoT, smart city, autonomous driving, tactile internet, remote healthcare, to name a few. We will cover several critical demands like extremely low latency, reliability, and efficiency/scalability. Second, we then learn the state-of-the-art of the mainstream architecture, protocols and technologies (adopted by the giant players and standardization). We are going to cover advanced topics on NFV, SDN, edge computing, cloudlet, network slicing, RAN innovation and heterogeneous wireless technologies, etc.  Finally, we will explore the topics of our interests and gain experience by carrying out original research projects. These topics will cover, not limited to the formal methods to understand and verify networking system design and practice; the data-driven approach to analyze and diagnose networking system behaviors, provable correct re-design which improves network performance and reliability, and many other innovations toward better application experience in 5G and B5G.  Throughout this course, students will learn key principles in mobile networking research, understand the state-of-art and recent trends, master a suite of research skills (e.g., paper reading, critique, critical thinking, problem solving, report writing, team work, communication, and presentation), and gain experience of carry out original research through course projects. Hopefully, through this course, students will generate publishable results from course projects or find some interesting topics for your long-term research. CS590 (Peng)

26 Questions to Answer Understand critical demands in 5G
Learn the state-of-the-art technologies Remaining issues and unaddressed areas Overlooked by high-level design Devils are in the details Innovation complements mainstream design Data-driven network intelligence Formal methods: verification and provable redesign Security: vulnerabilities and exploits Carry out original research projects First, we will start with new apps and new demands in a well-connected 5G world. We will examine what challenges and opportunities arise on VR/AR, massive IoT, smart city, autonomous driving, tactile internet, remote healthcare, to name a few. We will cover several critical demands like extremely low latency, reliability, and efficiency/scalability. Second, we then learn the state-of-the-art of the mainstream architecture, protocols and technologies (adopted by the giant players and standardization). We are going to cover advanced topics on NFV, SDN, edge computing, cloudlet, network slicing, RAN innovation and heterogeneous wireless technologies, etc.  Finally, we will explore the topics of our interests and gain experience by carrying out original research projects. These topics will cover, not limited to the formal methods to understand and verify networking system design and practice; the data-driven approach to analyze and diagnose networking system behaviors, provable correct re-design which improves network performance and reliability, and many other innovations toward better application experience in 5G and B5G.  Throughout this course, students will learn key principles in mobile networking research, understand the state-of-art and recent trends, master a suite of research skills (e.g., paper reading, critique, critical thinking, problem solving, report writing, team work, communication, and presentation), and gain experience of carry out original research through course projects. Hopefully, through this course, students will generate publishable results from course projects or find some interesting topics for your long-term research. CS590 (Peng)

27 Reading NGMN 5G White Paper , 2015
(Presentation): The Evolution of Mobile Technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, Qualcomm , 2014 CS590 (Peng)

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