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This means you need to give a detailed account using words.

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1 This means you need to give a detailed account using words.
Answer the question Sally is two years old. Describe gross and fine motor skills in relation to how Sally’s ability to grasp objects should develop. (6 Marks) The verb is ‘DESCRIBE’ This means you need to give a detailed account using words. ‘Gross and fine motor skills’ – What are they? Give a definition to let the examiner know you understand these terms Remember Sally is TWO! Do not waffle! They want to know about the grasps/grips that Sally will use linked to the correct age ©2016 Outstanding Resources

2 Two answers. Look at each answer
Two answers. Look at each answer. How many marks would you give each piece? (6 marks in total) Gross motor skills involve the movement of large muscles such as those in the arms, legs, torso, hands and feet. Sally will begin to use more gross motor skills after 6 months. One of the first milestones developed will be the palm grasp, allowing her to move things from one palm to the other. Fine motor skills are associated with the smaller, more refined movements of things such as the fingers, toes, mouth. At about 9 to 12 months Sally will be able to use a pincer grip which is much more precise. It involves holding something using the thumb and forefinger. Gross motor skills are using large muscles and fine motor skills are using small muscles. Sally will learn how to hold things in her hand using her whole hand. She will also learn to hold things using her thumb and finger as she gets older. She will be able to do things like crawl and walk as she gets older. ©2016 Outstanding Resources

3 Gross motor skills involve the movement of large muscles such as those in the arms, legs, torso, hands and feet. Sally will begin to use more gross motor skills after 6 months. One of the first milestones developed will be the palm grasp, allowing her to move things from one palm to the other. Fine motor skills are associated with the smaller, more refined movements of things such as the fingers, toes, mouth. At about 9 to 12 months Sally will be able to use a pincer grip which is much more precise. It involves holding something using the thumb and forefinger. This candidate has given a detailed definition for both gross and motor skills (1 point for each). They have given a key term for each and explain what that key term means (1 mark for each). They have given the age of the child when these things occur (1 mark for each). This candidate would receive 6 marks for this answer. This is only a sample. Remember you could have chosen different grasps at different ages. Gross motor skills are using large muscles and fine motor skills are using small muscles. Sally will learn how to hold things in her hand using her whole hand. She will also learn to hold things using her thumb and finger as she gets older. She will be able to do things like crawl and walk as she gets older. This candidate gives a very simple definition for both gross and fine motor skills. They don’t name any grasps. They show limited understanding of the question as the blue highlighted area show that they have not stuck to the question and are waffling. This would probably receive 2 marks. ©2016 Outstanding Resources

4 This means you need to give a detailed account using words.
Describe three differences between fine and gross motor skills (6 marks). The verb is ‘DESCRIBE’ This means you need to give a detailed account using words. Three differences between fine and gross motor skills. 2 marks for each difference, 1 mark for accurate statements without differences. Fine motor skills are precise, sophisticated movements(1) whereas gross motor skills are coarse movements, less exact.(1) Fine motor skills are mainly by the finger muscles(1) whereas gross motor skills are from the head and trunk.(1) Fine motor skills are from small muscles (1) whereas gross motor skills are from large muscle groups(1). Fine motor skills develop later than gross motor skills(1) because the nervous system has to develop first (1) Accept two accurate examples, eg drawing and crawling ©2016 Outstanding Resources

5 DEFINE means to explain the meaning of a word
A1 Physical development across the life stages Jan is a single mother with a three-month-old baby. The baby is growing and developing well. She is a carer for her grandfather Bill who is 69 years of age and a widower. Jan lives close to Bill and supports him by cooking, cleaning and shopping. As a result of a stroke two years ago Bill has weakness in his left arm. Recent hospital tests showed that Bill has developed Type 2 Diabetes. Define the term ‘growth’. (2 marks) DEFINE means to explain the meaning of a word Definition of growth, 2 marks for a full definition 1 mark for a partial definition, maximum 2 marks For example: Increase in size (1), in height/mass (1) Increase in size of body cells (1) and the number of cells (1) Accept other appropriate responses. ©2016 Outstanding Resources

6 This means you need to give a detailed account using words.
A1 Physical development across the life stages Describe two ways in which a baby’s physical growth can be monitored during infancy. (4 marks) The verb is ‘DESCRIBE’ This means you need to give a detailed account using words. Description of ways to monitor infant progress (2x2) For example: • Regular weighing (1) to check for increase in mass/size/growth(1) • Checking for milestones (1) such as lifting head, smiling etc (1) • Checking for increase in gross and fine motor skills (1)such as holding a rattle (1) • Monitoring vocalisation (1) such as babbling, first words etc (1) • Monitoring senses (1) such as responding to voices, following objects with eyes etc ©2016 Outstanding Resources

7 Describe three physical symptoms of the perimenopause. (6 marks)
The verb is ‘DESCRIBE’ This means you need to give a detailed account using words. The examiner is looking for 3 physical symptoms. There are 6 marks, so 2 per symptom. One to identify each and then one to explain each. You can have any physical symptom for 1 Mark but you must explain the impact the symptom has. These are just examples irregularity in menstruation/menorrhagia (1) leading to an eventual cessation of periods (1) difficulties with becoming pregnant (1) due to irregular ovulation(1) night sweats/hot flushes due to hormonal fluctuations (1) leading to insomnia/sleeping problems (1) loss of libido/sex drive (1) often due to vaginal dryness/pain during intercourse (1). ©2016 Outstanding Resources

8 So you need to name two physical and 2 emotional
Rose had a problem with her reproductive system and had part of it removed in an operation. This caused an early menopause. Identify two physical and two emotional effects of the menopause. (4 marks) 2 physical and 2 emotional effects of the menopause, 1x4. For example: Physical Menstruation stops or is irregular (1) No more eggs/ova produced (1) Reduction of female hormones (1) Unable to bear children/ fertility decreases (1) Night sweats/hot flushes (1) Vaginal dryness (1) Emotional Irritability (1) Mood swings (1) Sadness –growing older/unable to have children/ empty nest syndrome (1) Depression (1) Anxiety (1) Negative self-concept (1) The verb is ‘Identify’ So you need to name two physical and 2 emotional ©2016 Outstanding Resources

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