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Zeus and Olympia.

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Presentation on theme: "Zeus and Olympia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zeus and Olympia


3 Olympia Site Quiz


5 Types of Buildings Religious Shrines and Structures
Athletic Facilities Commemorative Monuments Administrative Buildings “Tourist Facilities”

6 Religious Shrines and Structures
Altis Temple of Zeus Altar of Zeus Temple of Hera (Heraion) Metroon Pelopeion Phillipeion

7 Altis

8 Altar of Zeus

9 Temple of Zeus


11 Temple of Zeus Artwork Statue of Zeus
East Pediment (Chariot Race of Pelops) West Pediment (Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs) Temple Metopes (Labors of Hercules)

12 Pheidias’ Statue of Zeus
Temple of Zeus, Olympia (Augustus, denarius)

13 The Seven Ancient Wonders
Statue of Zeus at Olympia Hanging Gardens of Babylon Colossus of Rhodes Pharos (Lighthouse) in Alexandria, Egypt Great Pyramid of Giza Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Only ONE of these survives? Which one?

14 East Pediment Chariot Race of Pelops


16 Metopes: Labors of Heracles


18 The Golden Apples

19 Heraion


21 Zanes

22 Athletic Facilities Stadium Hippodrome Gymnasium Palaestra
Swimming Pool



25 Entrance Tunnel

26 Judges’ Stand

27 Seat for Priestess of Demeter

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