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Unannounced Behaviour Inspections

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Presentation on theme: "Unannounced Behaviour Inspections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unannounced Behaviour Inspections

2 We must take account of the following: Movement
Arrival and departure - prompt and calm Movement between lessons Behaviour at break and lunchtimes Staff on duty Interactions Expectations of all staff Expecting punctuality, equipment & uniform

3 We must take account of the following: Lessons
Expectations, routines and consistency across the school Arrival and departure . Prompt and orderly Interactions & response to staff Consistent management of behaviour Equipment, uniform, chatting, ‘messing’, mobile phones Interactions with each other and language Attitude to learning (graffitti) Reward focus

4 Leadership of behaviour for learning
Culture of expectation – everybody’s role Policy and consistent application by all. ‘Modelled’? IEU. Use and impact Alternatives to exclusion Exclusion & attendance/punctuality patterns & actions Consequence & referral records, patterns, actions Staff take responsibility for leadership in and out of lessons

5 Observing Teaching

6 Observing Teaching Moving forward there may well be no ‘grading’ of lesson feedback on an individual basis Judgements are not made on a ‘Snapshot’ from an observation rather a range of information: (Progress, marking, trends - Observations may be used to test Ofsted hypotheses) What appears to be a superb lesson may well not be and vice versa

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