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Stone Church of England Combined School  “Building Stepping Stones to Success” Year 1 2016 - 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Stone Church of England Combined School  “Building Stepping Stones to Success” Year 1 2016 - 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stone Church of England Combined School  “Building Stepping Stones to Success”
Year 1

2 Staff working in Year 1 Miss Williams Teacher
Mrs Stancombe Teaching Assistant Miss Morris Teaching Assistant

3 Please ensure your child has…
A named water bottle with a sports lid (an additional drink to lunch drink) for in the classroom Book bags An apron - this only needs to come in when we are doing cooking activities. Advanced notice will be given. PE Kit (will be sent home every half-term) Red t-shirt, black shorts, plimsolls, trainers and a tracksuit should be provided for colder months. Children must bring their reading folders back everyday.

4 My expectations… Are high. Children are expected to always try their best. Handwriting and presentation are important. We will be developing our handwriting style to joined cursive. We will take pride in our work. Children must be quiet when lining up and moving around the school.

5 Rewards Class points points whole afternoon reward that they vote on. Group points - group with the most points each week gets a treat from the treat box. House Points- collected and counted each week Superstar of the day

6 Sanctions In class - Verbal Warning -Name on sad face
- 1 tick - 5 minutes of playtime - 2 ticks - 10 minutes of playtime - 3 ticks - 15 minutes of playtime If they lose time 3 or more times in a week they will have a time out. Time-outs Children will go to Mrs Stewart on a Thursday to reflect on their behaviour.

7 The Transition Focused hands on learning. Carousel activities.
Afternoon breaks. Children will need to sit at tables to do their work. Children will have to sit quietly on the carpet. Toilets. Children need to go in break and lunch time. If they are desperate an adult will escort them.

8 Personalised Learning
Assessment – daily, half termly and termly –Teaching catered to your child’s individual needs Challenge for all Differentiated tasks and targets based on target sheets. Chilli challenge Personalised marking to extend make sure you elaborate on how this is done at these time frames e.g. daily formative assessment, termly assessment papers, teacher assessment etc.

9 English We will have handwriting everyday. Cursive. Letter-join
High Expectations for spelling. Common exception words. 100 High Frequency There will be a Speaking and listening or Drama element each week.

10 Handwriting This slide shows handwriting from a reception child from a school in London. They are EAL too. So it highlights that if this can be achieved by other schools, then we need to be aiming for this too

11 How can I help my child in English?
Handwriting – cursive Read daily – comprehension Record in reading record and sign Spellings – using the words in sentences; not just learning for the test. Support children in forming simple sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Vocabulary

12 Maths Maths No Problem -Breadth and depth - moving towards mastery
-Investigations, collaboration. -Thinking and communicating mathematically. -Moving from concrete to abstract. Chilli Challenge Mental Maths Everyday Cross Curricular maths

13 How can I help my child in Maths?
Importance of mental maths - number bonds - 2, 5 and 10 times tables Maths outside the classroom Discussion of vocabulary Real life maths

14 Reading Books Read, Write Inc.
Consolidation and comprehension. Will be changed as we progress through phonics in our groups. Library Children are free to choose their library book once a week (Wednesday). Reading Book Children on the reading scheme will continue this with books being changed twice a week on a Monday and Thursday.

15 What to expect… Two parent meetings: one in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring Term. A written report summarising the year in the Summer Term. Homework will be given on a Friday to come back for Wednesday. Learning log homework will be given over school holidays. 99 club on Tuesday PE Tuesday and Friday

16 Because “there is no failure except in no longer trying
Because “there is no failure except in no longer trying.” Chris Bradford Any Questions?

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