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Maternal Child Health Asset Mapping Presentation March 29th, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Maternal Child Health Asset Mapping Presentation March 29th, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maternal Child Health Asset Mapping Presentation March 29th, 2010.

2 What is Asset Mapping? A unique opportunity to look at our community in a positive way An exciting and innovative way to meeting the needs/gaps of a community Minimizes the duplication of services A new idea in how to strategically plan for future initiatives

3 Asset Wheel Economic Assets Professional Assets Physical Assets
Community Assets Individual Assets MCH

4 What do the People of Kanesatake Value?
Lands/Territories Happiness Culture Fun Family Safety Language Balance Community Positivity

5 What the people envision for their future
Balanced Lifestyles Community participation Growth Happy Healthy Children and Families Unity 5

6 “Pictures of our Future”

7 How do we get there? Build on our assets and what is already working
Incorporate language and culture within programs at every opportunity Continue providing fun and healthy outdoor activities for families

8 How do we get there? Establish a consistent collaboration between organizations Implement a community networking team Enhance advertisement of new and existing programs/services

9 “We are Resourceful; sometimes we forget to look within for solutions” “We all have the same positive views and share the same hopes in doing the best to help our community grow”

10 Kanehsatake 10

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