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Joshua Medow MD, MS Christopher Nickele MD,

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua Medow MD, MS Christopher Nickele MD,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua Medow MD, MS Christopher Nickele MD,
Using the electronic medical record to maximize practice efficiency in Organ Donation Joshua Medow MD, MS Christopher Nickele MD, Christy Hunter,RN,CCRN, Patricia Chesmore,RN,CCRN, Tammy Kundinger,RT, William Tanke,PharmD, Gabriel Norgaard,BS, Tony Frey,BS Doug Miller Symposium April 25, 2013

2 Disclosure The authors of this presentation have no financial or ethical conflicts to disclose

3 Outline Efficiency The use of protocols Abilities of the EMR
Order sets to increase efficiency Other avenues to increase efficiency

4 Demands on Time OR ER Outpatient Calls ICU General Care Documentation
Pulling you in different directions Documentation

5 Protocols Nursing care Physician input up front
Triggers for call to physician Requires nursing to implement Computerized protocols versus paper1 1. J Burn Care Res ; 32(2): 246–255. doi: /BCR.0b013e31820aaebf

6 The Team Neurocritical Care Physician Nursing Respiratory Care
Pharmacy Hospital IT

7 Brain dead donor (BDD) Optimizing care Critical care team efficiency
Managing parameters / metric driven

8 Donation After Cardiac death (DCD) donor
Donor comfort Optimizing care Critical care team efficiency Managing parameters/metric driven

9 Protocols – BDD Lung Protective

10 Protocols – DCD Lung Protective

11 Protocols – Vasoactive Algorithm

12 Protocols – Vascular Volume Maintenance
Obtain weight in kg If weight is > 20 kg skip to step 5 If weight is > 10 kg skip to step 7 Multiply weight by 4 and skip to step 10 Subtract 20 from weight Add 60 to result and skip to step 10 Subtract 10 from weight Multiply result by 2 Add 40 This is the rate to maintenance (.9ns+20k.) IVF at

13 Protocols – Vascular Volume management
Obtain CVP every 2 hours If CVP > 6 go to step 8 Multiply (7 – CVP) by 5 Multiply the value in step three by the weight in Kg Round up to nearest 10 ml. Do not exceed 2000 mL Give .9 NS at 1000 mL/hr until calculated volume is reached Go to step 1 If CVP is < 13 go to 1 Give lasix 40 mg every 6 hours prn for CVP > 12

14 Protocols – Free Water Deficit Correction
Obtain serum sodium. If serum sodium < 151 skip to step #9. Divide patient admit weight by 2. (VL = patient weight / 2). Number of L of D5W to replace: LD5 = VL – ((150 * VL)/serum sodium). Number of mL of D5W to replace: MLD5 = LD5 * 1000. Round MLD5 to nearest 10 mL. Administer MLD5 at a rate of 500 mL / hour until infusion completed. Wait 2 hours and return to step #1. Obtain serum sodium every 6 hours. If serum sodium > 150 and U.O. > 250 mL/hr give ddAVP 1 mcg every 3 hours and return to step #3.

15 Protocols – Hematocrit Correction
Obtain hematocrit If hematocrit is > 23 no need to transfuse, go to step 1 Subtract hematocrit from 24 Divide resultant by 3 Divide weight by 70 Multiply steps 4 and 5 Round up to nearest integer If value in step 7 is < 7 transfuse number of units in step 7 and go to step 1 Call MD for transfusion concerns

16 Protocols – Pain and agitation management

17 Protocol – Pain / Agitation Scores for Dosing
Validated Sedation / Agitation Score Table Used for Midazolam Dosing Validated Nonverbal Pain Score Table Used for Morphine Dosing

18 Capabilities Can follow new labs/vitals instantly
Notify nurses instantly Can generate pages to physician automatically When protocol fails When issue needs special attention Meds, transfusions, etc. Orders are through conditional orders, or the order set can actually trigger new orders

19 Purpose Optimize patient care (organs per donor)
Efficiency (collected data) Hours billed Pages generated Physician and nurse satisfaction with process

20 Methods Tracked critical care hours billed Tracked pages generated
Tracked organs procured per donor Developed order sets Brain Dead Donation Donation after Cardiac Death EpicCare (Epic Systems Corporation, Verona, WI)

21 Organs Procured Per Donor

22 Critical Care Charges First Hour
Milwaukee/Chicago 80th percentile 2010 $961 Madison 80th percentile 2010 $747 Subsequent Half Hour Milwaukee/Chicago $471 Madison $373 CMS is billed through OPO for brain dead patients, therefore, reducing the number of charges for these patients saves society money.

23 Order set #1 5.9 to 2.3 and 12 to 10. This orderset was for brain dead organ donors.

24 Learning Curve

25 Order Set #2 10 to 4.25 and 21 to 9. This orderset was for donation after cardiac death.

26 Project scope Single example in the neuro ICU
Not designed to show patient outcomes Donation success rate Anecdotally patients donated more successfully with less crash donations.

27 Conclusions EMR can change your practice
Use order sets to their full potential Applications to sepsis, ARDS, etc. Algorithms must be carefully vetted Time and money. EMR doesn’t sleep, doesn’t need time off.

28 Thank you

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